• Solution -「洛谷 P4194」矩阵



      给定一个 (n imes m) 的矩阵 (A),构造一个 (n imes m) 的矩阵 (B),s.t. ((forall iin[1,n],jin[1,m])(b_{ij}in[L,R])),且最小化:

    [maxleft{max_{i=1}^n{left|sum_{j=1}^m a_{ij}-b_{ij} ight|,max_{j=1}^mleft| sum_{i=1}^n a_{ij}-b_{ij} ight| ight} ]


      (n,mle200)(0le L,R,a_{ij}le10^3)


      不难想到二分答案。记 (r_i=sum_{j=1}^m a_{ij})(c_i=sum_{j=1}^n a_{ji}),设当前答案为 (x),则第 (i) 行的取值区间为 ([max{0,r_i-x},r_i+x]),第 (i) 列的取值区间为 ([max{0,c_i-x},c_i+x]),然后 (B) 的每个元素又有限制 ([L,R]),所以猜测可以通过求上下界可行流来构造 (B)

    • (S) 连向 (n) 个行虚点 (r_1,r_2,cdots,r_n),流量区间如上;
    • 行虚点 (r_i) 连向第 (i) 行元素入点 (bi_{ij}),流量无限制;
    • 元素入点 (bi_{ij}) 连向元素出点 (bo_{ij}),流量区间 ([L,R])
    • 元素出点 (bo_{ij}) 连向列虚点 (c_j),流量无限制;
    • (m) 个列虚点 (c_1,c_2,cdots,c_m) 连向 (T),流量区间如上。

      求这个有源汇流网络是否存在可行流即可判断 (x) 是否合法。

      复杂度 (mathcal O(log(nR)D)),其中 (D) 为这种分层图下 Dinic 算法的复杂度。


    /* Clearink */
    #include <queue>
    #include <cstdio>
    const int MAXN = 300, MAXV = 1e3, MAXND = MAXN * ( MAXN + 1 ) * 2 + 2, INF = 0x3f3f3f3f;
    int n, m, L, R, rsum[MAXN + 5], csum[MAXN + 5], deg[MAXND + 5];
    inline int imin ( const int a, const int b ) { return a < b ? a : b; }
    inline int imax ( const int a, const int b ) { return a < b ? b : a; }
    struct MaxFlowGraph {
    	static const int MAXND = ::MAXND + 2, MAXEG = MAXN * MAXN * 3 + MAXN * 2;
    	int ecnt, head[MAXND + 5], S, T, bound, curh[MAXND + 5], d[MAXND + 5];
    	struct Edge { int to, flow, nxt; } graph[MAXEG * 2 + 5];
    	inline void clear () {
    		ecnt = 1;
    		for ( int i = 0; i <= bound; ++i ) head[i] = 0;
    	inline void link ( const int s, const int t, const int f ) {
    		graph[++ecnt] = { t, f, head[s] };
    		head[s] = ecnt;
    	inline Edge& operator [] ( const int k ) { return graph[k]; }
    	inline void operator () ( const int s, const int t, const int f ) {
    		#ifdef RYBY
    			printf ( "%d %d ", s, t );
    			if ( f == INF ) puts ( "INF" );
    			else printf ( "%d
    ", f );
    		link ( s, t, f ), link ( t, s, 0 );
    	inline bool bfs () {
    		static std::queue<int> que;
    		for ( int i = 0; i <= bound; ++i ) d[i] = -1;
    		d[S] = 0, que.push ( S );
    		while ( !que.empty () ) {
    			int u = que.front (); que.pop ();
    			for ( int i = head[u], v; i; i = graph[i].nxt ) {
    				if ( graph[i].flow && !~d[v = graph[i].to] ) {
    					d[v] = d[u] + 1;
    					que.push ( v );
    		return ~d[T];
    	inline int dfs ( const int u, const int iflow ) {
    		if ( u == T ) return iflow;
    		int ret = 0;
    		for ( int& i = curh[u], v; i; i = graph[i].nxt ) {
    			if ( graph[i].flow && d[v = graph[i].to] == d[u] + 1 ) {
    				int oflow = dfs ( v, imin ( iflow - ret, graph[i].flow ) );
    				ret += oflow, graph[i].flow -= oflow, graph[i ^ 1].flow += oflow;
    				if ( ret == iflow ) break;
    		if ( !ret ) d[u] = -1;
    		return ret;
    	inline int calc ( const int s, const int t ) {
    		S = s, T = t;
    		int ret = 0;
    		for ( ; bfs (); ret += dfs ( S, INF ) ) {
    			for ( int i = 0; i <= bound; ++i ) curh[i] = head[i];
    		return ret;
    } graph;
    inline bool check ( const int lim ) {
    	int cnt = n * m * 2;
    	graph.bound = cnt + n + m + 3;
    	graph.clear (), graph.S = cnt + n + m + 2, graph.T = graph.S + 1;
    	int rS = 0, rT = cnt + n + m + 1;
    	for ( int i = 0; i <= graph.bound; ++i ) deg[i] = 0;
    	for ( int i = 1; i <= n; ++i ) { // row.
    		int lw = imax ( 0, rsum[i] - lim ), up = rsum[i] + lim;
    		deg[rS] -= lw, deg[cnt + i] += lw;
    		graph ( rS, cnt + i, up - lw );
    	for ( int i = 1; i <= m; ++i ) { // col.
    		int lw = imax ( 0, csum[i] - lim ), up = csum[i] + lim;
    		deg[cnt + n + i] -= lw, deg[rT] += lw;
    		graph ( cnt + n + i, rT, up - lw );
    	for ( int i = 1; i <= n; ++i ) {
    		for ( int j = 1; j <= m; ++j ) {
    			int id = ( i - 1 ) * m + j, rid = id + n * m;
    			deg[id] -= L, deg[rid] += L;
    			graph ( id, rid, R - L );
    			graph ( cnt + i, id, INF ), graph ( rid, cnt + n + j, INF );
    	int req = 0;
    	for ( int i = rS; i <= rT; ++i ) {
    		if ( deg[i] > 0 ) graph ( graph.S, i, deg[i] );
    		else if ( deg[i] ) req -= deg[i], graph ( i, graph.T, -deg[i] );
    	graph ( rT, rS, INF );
    	return graph.calc ( graph.S, graph.T ) == req;
    int main () {
    	scanf ( "%d %d", &n, &m );
    	for ( int i = 1; i <= n; ++i ) {
    		for ( int j = 1, a; j <= m; ++j ) {
    			scanf ( "%d", &a );
    			rsum[i] += a, csum[j] += a;
    	scanf ( "%d %d", &L, &R );
    	int l = 0, r = imax ( n, m ) * R;
    	while ( l < r ) {
    		int mid = l + r >> 1;
    		if ( check ( mid ) ) r = mid;
    		else l = mid + 1;
    	printf ( "%d
    ", l );
    	return 0;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/rainybunny/p/14169773.html
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