• 第一阶段(六)





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    5.8 李楠




     1 def update_time_num():
     2     cursor = None
     3     conn = None
     4     conn, cursor = get_conn()
     5     i = 5904;
     6     while i <=5906:
     7         print(i)
     8         i_str = '%s' % i
     9         i = i + 1
    10         # sql = "select meet from paper_data where id=" + i_str
    11         # cursor.execute(sql)
    12         # res = cursor.fetchall()
    13         # if(res!=()):
    14         # title_update=replace(res[0][0])
    15         try:
    16             sql_0="select scorenum from moviebean where id ="+i_str
    17             cursor.execute(sql_0)
    18             res = cursor.fetchall()
    19             print(res)
    20             print(res[0][0][1:len(res[0][0])])
    21             sql = "update  moviebean set scorenum = %s where id=" + i_str
    22             cursor.execute(sql, [res[0][0][1:len(res[0][0])]])
    23         except:
    24             traceback.print_exc()
    25             print("无此id", i)
    26     conn.commit()
    29 def find_class_order(str):
    30     sql="select title,star,director,score,date_time,area,type_movie,scorenum,img from moviebean where 1=1 " 
    31         "and (type_movie like "+"'%"+str[0]+"%'"+") and (date_time like "+"'%"+str[1]+"%'"+") and(area like "+"'%"+str[2]+"%'"+") "
    32     if(str[3]=="star_1"):
    33         sql=sql+" order by score desc "
    34     if(str[3]=="star_0"):
    35         sql=sql+" order by score "
    36     if(str[3]=="hot_1"):
    37         sql=sql+" order by scorenum desc "
    38     if(str[3]=="hot_0"):
    39         sql=sql+" order by scorenum "
    40     if(str[3]=="time_1"):
    41         sql=sql+" order by date_time desc "
    42     if(str[3]=="time_0"):
    43         sql=sql+" order by date_time "
    44     sql=sql+"limit "+str[4]+",20 "
    45     print(sql)
    46     res = query(sql)
    47     print(res)
    48     return res

    5.8 章英杰




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    111 /**/
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    127     margin-top: 45px;
    128 }
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    132     float:left;
    133     width:18%;
    134     height:300px;
    135     margin-left: 0px;
    136     margin-top: 25px;
    137 }
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    140 .instroction {
    141     float:left;
    142     width: 50%;
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    144     font-size: 13px;
    145     margin-left: 18px;
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    148     color: #666666;
    149     line-height: 20px;
    150 }
    152 /*电影评分*/
    153 .score {
    154     float:left;
    155     width:20%;
    156     height:300px;
    157     margin-left: 5px;
    158     margin-top: 25px;
    159 }
    161 /*电影来源*/
    162 .origin {
    163     width: 300px;
    164     height: 200px;
    165     margin-left: 50px;
    166     margin-top: 110px;
    167     background-color: #EEEEE0;
    168 }
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    227 .button:hover { /* 鼠标移入按钮范围时改变颜色 */
    228     background: #ff9900;
    229 }


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     49             <div class="mvname"><h2>肖申克的救赎 The Shawshank Redemption (1994)</h2></div>
     50             <p class="picture"><img src=".\img\3.png" height="200px" width="140px" /></p>
     51                         <p class="instroction">
     52                             导演: 弗兰克•德拉邦特 Frank Darabont  <br>
     53                             编剧: 弗兰克•德拉邦特 / 斯蒂芬•金  <br>
     54                             主演: 蒂姆•罗宾斯 Tim Robbins / 摩根•弗里曼 / 鲍勃•冈顿 / 威廉姆•赛德勒 / 克兰西•布朗<br>
     55                             类型:犯罪 / 剧情<br>
     56                             制片国家/地区: 美国<br>
     57                             语言: 英语<br>
     58                             上映日期: 1994-09-10(多伦多电影节) / 1994-10-14(美国)<br>
     59                             片长: 142分钟<br>
     60                             又名: 月黑高飞(港) / 刺激1995(台) / 地狱诺言 / 铁窗岁月 / 消香克的救赎
     61                         </p>
     62             <p class="score"><img src=".\img\5.png" height="200px" width="160px" /></p>
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     71                 <div class="p1"><br>在哪儿看这部电影  • • • • • •</div>
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     73                     <div class="p4"> <a href="https://movie.douban.com/subject/1292052/" style="text-decoration:none;">腾讯视频(评分9.4)</a></div>
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     75                     <p class="p5">.....................................................................................</p>
     76                     <div class="p4"> <a href="https://movie.douban.com/subject/1292052/" style="text-decoration:none;">爱奇艺视频(评分9.1)</a></div>
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     78                     <p class="p5">.....................................................................................</p>
     79                     <div class="p4"> <a href="https://movie.douban.com/subject/1292052/" style="text-decoration:none;">IMDB(评分8.5)</a></div>
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