• (二)python语法之内置函数


    # 输入  
    name = input("请输入您的姓名:") # 返回字符串
    # 输出
    print("Hello: ", name)          
    # 格式化输出
    print('%2d-%02d' % (1, 1))      # ' 1-01'
    print('A', 1, sep=',', end='!') # A,1!
    # format格式化输出
    print("{0},{1}".format('A','B'))     # A,B
    print("{a},{b}".format(a='A',b='B')) # A,B
    print("{0[0]},{0[1]}".format(['A','B'])) # A,B
    print("{:.2f}".format(3.1415926))    # 3.14
    # 对象的format格式化输出
    class A(object):
        def __init__(self, value):
            self.value = value
    a = A(6)
    print('{0.value}'.format(a)) # 6


    for i in range(5):
        print(i)   # 0 1 2 3 4
    for i in range(1,5):
        print(i)   # 1 2 3 4
    for i in range(1,5,2):
        print(i)   # 1 3
    l = [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2]
    print(max(l))  # 2
    print(min(l))  # -2
    print(len(l))  # 5 
    print(sum(l))  # 0
    print(abs(-1))      # 1
    print(pow(2, 5))    # 32
    print(divmod(5, 2)) # (2, 1) (商,余数)
    print(round(1.25361, 3))  # 1.254
    print(round(1627731, -1)) # 1627730
    # 返回对象的哈希值
    print(hash('B'))  # 8720545829485517778
    a = complex(1, 2)    # 或 a = 1 + 2j
    print(a.real)        # 1.0
    print(a.imag)        # 2.0
    print(a.conjugate()) # (1-2j)


    print(int('123'))     # 123
    print(float('123.4')) # 123.4
    print(str(123))       # '123' 
    print(bin(2))   # 0b10 二进制
    print(oct(8))   # 0o10 八进制
    print(hex(16))  # 0x10 十六进制
    print(bytes(1)) # b'\\x00'
    print(ord('a')) # 97 
    print(chr(97))  # a
    print(list((1,2,3)))  # [1, 2, 3]
    print(set([1,2,3,3])) # {1, 2, 3}
    # frozenset({1, 2, 3})   
    print(dict([('A', 1), ('B', 2)]))
    # {'A': 1, 'B': 2}
    print(dict(zip(['A', 'B'], [1, 2])))
    # {'A': 1, 'B': 2}
    # zip打包
    l1 = ['a','b','c']
    l2 = [1,2,3]
    for i in zip(l1,l2):
        # ('a', 1) ('b', 2) ('c', 3)
    # zip解压
    for i in zip(*zip(l1,l2)):
        # ('a', 'b', 'c') (1, 2, 3)


    print(all([0,1,2])) # 所有元素为真返回True
    print(any([0,1,2])) # 任一元素为真返回True
    print(bool(2))      # True
    print(type(2))      # <class 'int'>
    print(id(2))        # 返回内存地址
    print(callable(2))  # 能否调用
    print(isinstance(2,int))       # True
    print(isinstance(2,(str,int))) # True 
    print(issubclass(str, int))    # False
    print(dir([str]))  # 返回对象的属性方法列表 
    print(help('sys')) # 返回对象的帮助文档
    print(locals())    # 返回当前局部变量的字典
    print(globals())   # 返回当前全局变量的字典
    # 对象的属性相关方法
    class Student(object):
        def __init__(self, name):
            self.name = name
    s = Student('Tom')
    print(getattr(s, 'name'))   # Tom  
    print(hasattr(s, 'age'))    # False          
    print(getattr(s, 'age', 5)) # 属性age不存在,但会返回默认值5
    setattr(s, 'age', 5)       # 设置age属性
    print(hasattr(s, 'age'))   # True
    delattr(s, 'age')          # 删除属性
    print(hasattr(s, 'age'))   # False


    r = compile("print('hello,world')", "<string>", "exec")
    # hello,world
    # 7 
    r = compile("3*4+5",'','eval')
    # 17


    # map映射
    def func(x):
        return x * x  
    for i in map(func, [1, 2, 3]):
        print(i) # 1 4 9
    for i in map(lambda x: x*x, [1, 2, 3]):
        print(i) # 1 4 9
    for i in map(lambda x,y: x+y, [1,3,5], [2,4,6]):
        print(i) # 3 7 11
    # reduce累积
    from functools import reduce
    def add(x, y):
        return x + y
    print(reduce(add, [1, 3, 5])) # 9 
    # filter过滤
    for i in filter(lambda e: e%2, [1, 2, 3]):  
        print(i) # 1 3
    # sorted排序
    print(sorted([1, 5, 2], reverse=True))              
    # [5, 2, 1]
    print(sorted([('b',2), ('a',1)], key=lambda x:x[0]))   
    # [('a', 1), ('b', 2)]
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    The basic principle of test case 修改引擎
    mysql 执行计划走索引
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    14.1.2 Checking InnoDB Availability 检查InnoDB 可用性:
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/qxcheng/p/13535773.html
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