// object_static_002.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> using namespace std; class C1 { public: C1() { cout << "c1构造" << endl; } C1( char* name ) { cout << name << "构造" << endl;} ~C1() { cout << "C1析构" << endl;} void fuck() { cout << "Test" << endl; } }; class C2 { C1 member; static C1 static_member; public: C2() { cout << "C2构造" ; member.fuck(); } ~C2() { cout << "C2析构" << endl;} }; //C1 C2::static_member = C1( "static_member" ); C1 C2::static_member( "static_member" ); void test() { C2 c; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { test(); return 0; }
/********************************* static_member构造 c1构造 C2构造Test
C2析构 C1析构 *********************************/