• XML Publisher Template Type

    XML Publisher Template Type - Microsoft Excel Patch

    Oracle XML Publisher > Templates > Create Template

    General > Type Can’t find “Microsoft Excel”





    [root@ebs12vis ~]# mkdir /home/patch

    [root@ebs12vis ~]# chown -R applmgr:dba /home/patch

    [root@ebs12vis ~]# chmod -R 777 /home/patch

    Uploading patch files to service path: /home/patch

    [root@ebs12vis ~]# cd /home/patch

    [root@ebs12vis patch]# ls -l

    total 32

    -rw-r--r-- 1 applmgr dba 10408 Nov 3 08:28 p12415414_R12.XDO.B_R12_GENERIC.zip

    -rw-r--r-- 1 applmgr dba 8283 Nov 3 09:11 p12415414_R12.XDO.B_R12_zhs.zip

    [root@ebs12vis patch]# unzip p12415414_R12.XDO.B_R12_GENERIC.zip

    Archive: p12415414_R12.XDO.B_R12_GENERIC.zip

    inflating: 12415414/README.html

    inflating: 12415414/u12415414.drv

    inflating: 12415414/f12415414.ldt

    inflating: 12415414/xdo/patch/115/import/US/xdolkups.ldt

    inflating: 12415414/marker1.txt

    inflating: 12415414/b12415414.ldt

    inflating: 12415414/README.txt

    inflating: 12415414/patch_metadata.xml

    inflating: 12415414/ad/patch/115/manualsteps/ad_apply_patch.xml

    [root@ebs12vis patch]# unzip p12415414_R12.XDO.B_R12_zhs.zip

    Archive: p12415414_R12.XDO.B_R12_zhs.zip

    inflating: 12415414_ZHS/u12415414.drv

    inflating: 12415414_ZHS/README.html

    inflating: 12415414_ZHS/xdo/patch/115/import/ZHS/xdolkups.ldt

    inflating: 12415414_ZHS/marker1.txt

    inflating: 12415414_ZHS/README.txt

    [root@ebs12vis patch]# su - applmgr

    [applmgr@ebs12vis ~]$ cd $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME

    [applmgr@ebs12vis scripts]$ ls -l

    total 252

    -rwx------ 1 applmgr dba 7360 May 24 14:27 adalnctl.sh

    -rwx------ 1 applmgr dba 8378 May 24 14:28 adapcctl.sh

    -rwx------ 1 applmgr dba 1556 May 24 14:27 adautocfg.sh

    -rwx------ 1 applmgr dba 16543 May 24 14:27 adcmctl.sh

    -rwx------ 1 applmgr dba 7278 May 24 14:27 adexecsql.pl

    -rwx------ 1 applmgr dba 8874 May 24 14:28 adformsctl.sh

    -rwx------ 1 applmgr dba 10308 May 24 14:28 adformsrvctl.sh

    -rwx------ 1 applmgr dba 8134 May 24 14:28 adoacorectl.sh

    -rwx------ 1 applmgr dba 8142 May 24 14:28 adoafmctl.sh

    -rwx------ 1 applmgr dba 7404 May 24 14:28 adopmnctl.sh

    -rwx------ 1 applmgr dba 15395 May 24 14:27 adpreclone.pl

    -rwx------ 1 applmgr dba 5925 May 24 14:27 adstpall.sh

    -rwx------ 1 applmgr dba 6069 May 24 14:27 adstrtal.sh

    -rwx------ 1 applmgr dba 2246 May 24 14:27 gsmstart.sh

    drwxr-xr-x 2 applmgr dba 4096 Dec 1 2012 ieo

    -rwx------ 1 applmgr dba 2372 May 24 14:27 java.sh

    -rwx------ 1 applmgr dba 6570 May 24 14:29 jtffmctl.sh

    drwxr-xr-x 2 applmgr dba 4096 Dec 1 2012 msc

    -rwxrwxr-- 1 applmgr dba 6640 May 24 14:29 mwactl.sh

    -rwxrwxr-- 1 applmgr dba 6645 May 24 14:29 mwactlwrpr.sh

    [applmgr@ebs12vis scripts]$ sh adstpall.sh

    You are running adstpall.sh version 120.10

    Enter the APPS username: apps

    Enter the APPS password:

    The logfile for this session is located at /d01/applmgr/VIS/inst/apps/VIS_ebs12vis/logs/appl/admin/log/adstpall.log

    Executing service control script:

    /d01/applmgr/VIS/inst/apps/VIS_ebs12vis/admin/scripts/jtffmctl.sh stop

    script returned:


    You are running jtffmctl.sh version 120.3

    Shutting down Fulfillment Server for VIS on port 9300 ...

    jtffmctl.sh: exiting with status 0

    .end std out.

    .end err out.


    Executing service control script:

    /d01/applmgr/VIS/inst/apps/VIS_ebs12vis/admin/scripts/adcmctl.sh stop

    script returned:


    You are running adcmctl.sh version 120.17.12010000.3

    Shutting down concurrent managers for VIS ...

    ORACLE Password:

    Submitted request 5817272 for CONCURRENT FND SHUTDOWN

    adcmctl.sh: exiting with status 0

    adcmctl.sh: check the logfile /d01/applmgr/VIS/inst/apps/VIS_ebs12vis/logs/appl/admin/log/adcmctl.txt for more information ...

    .end std out.

    .end err out.


    Executing service control script:

    /d01/applmgr/VIS/inst/apps/VIS_ebs12vis/admin/scripts/adoafmctl.sh stop

    script returned:


    You are running adoafmctl.sh version 120.8

    Stopping OPMN managed OAFM OC4J instance ...

    adoafmctl.sh: exiting with status 0

    adoafmctl.sh: check the logfile /d01/applmgr/VIS/inst/apps/VIS_ebs12vis/logs/appl/admin/log/adoafmctl.txt for more information ...

    .end std out.

    .end err out.


    Executing service control script:

    /d01/applmgr/VIS/inst/apps/VIS_ebs12vis/admin/scripts/adformsctl.sh stop

    script returned:


    You are running adformsctl.sh version 120.16

    Stopping OPMN managed FORMS OC4J instance ...

    adformsctl.sh: exiting with status 0

    adformsctl.sh: check the logfile /d01/applmgr/VIS/inst/apps/VIS_ebs12vis/logs/appl/admin/log/adformsctl.txt for more information ...

    .end std out.

    .end err out.


    Executing service control script:

    /d01/applmgr/VIS/inst/apps/VIS_ebs12vis/admin/scripts/adoacorectl.sh stop

    script returned:


    You are running adoacorectl.sh version 120.13

    Stopping OPMN managed OACORE OC4J instance ...

    adoacorectl.sh: exiting with status 0

    adoacorectl.sh: check the logfile /d01/applmgr/VIS/inst/apps/VIS_ebs12vis/logs/appl/admin/log/adoacorectl.txt for more information ...

    .end std out.

    .end err out.


    Executing service control script:

    /d01/applmgr/VIS/inst/apps/VIS_ebs12vis/admin/scripts/adapcctl.sh stop

    script returned:


    You are running adapcctl.sh version 120.7.12010000.2

    Stopping OPMN managed Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) instance ...

    opmnctl: stopping opmn managed processes...

    adapcctl.sh: exiting with status 0

    adapcctl.sh: check the logfile /d01/applmgr/VIS/inst/apps/VIS_ebs12vis/logs/appl/admin/log/adapcctl.txt for more information ...

    .end std out.

    .end err out.


    Executing service control script:

    /d01/applmgr/VIS/inst/apps/VIS_ebs12vis/admin/scripts/adalnctl.sh stop

    script returned:


    adalnctl.sh version 120.3

    Shutting down listener process APPS_VIS.

    adalnctl.sh: exiting with status 0

    adalnctl.sh: check the logfile /d01/applmgr/VIS/inst/apps/VIS_ebs12vis/logs/appl/admin/log/adalnctl.txt for more information ...

    .end std out.

    .end err out.


    Executing service control script:

    /d01/applmgr/VIS/inst/apps/VIS_ebs12vis/admin/scripts/adopmnctl.sh stop

    script returned:


    You are running adopmnctl.sh version 120.6

    Stopping Oracle Process Manager (OPMN) and the managed processes ...

    opmnctl: stopping opmn and all managed processes...

    adopmnctl.sh: exiting with status 0

    adopmnctl.sh: check the logfile /d01/applmgr/VIS/inst/apps/VIS_ebs12vis/logs/appl/admin/log/adopmnctl.txt for more information ...

    .end std out.

    .end err out.


    All enabled services on this node are stopped.

    adstpall.sh:Exiting with status 0

    adstpall.sh: check the logfile /d01/applmgr/VIS/inst/apps/VIS_ebs12vis/logs/appl/admin/log/adstpall.log for more information ...

    [applmgr@ebs12vis scripts]$ ps -ef|grep appl

    oracle 13218 1 0 02:55 ? 00:01:48 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/rhn-applet-gui --sm-client-id default4

    oracle 13233 1 0 02:55 ? 00:00:00 /usr/libexec/wnck-applet --oaf-activate-iid=OAFIID:GNOME_Wncklet_Factory --oaf-ior-fd=31

    oracle 13235 1 0 02:55 ? 00:00:00 /usr/libexec/mixer_applet2 --oaf-activate-iid=OAFIID:GNOME_MixerApplet_Factory --oaf-ior-fd=33

    oracle 13237 1 0 02:55 ? 00:00:00 /usr/libexec/clock-applet --oaf-activate-iid=OAFIID:GNOME_ClockApplet_Factory --oaf-ior-fd=35

    oracle 13239 1 0 02:55 ? 00:00:00 /usr/libexec/notification-area-applet --oaf-activate-iid=OAFIID:GNOME_NotificationAreaApplet_Factory --oaf-ior-fd=37

    root 14756 28891 0 08:43 ? 00:00:00 sshd: applmgr [priv]

    applmgr 14758 14756 0 08:43 ? 00:00:00 sshd: applmgr@notty

    applmgr 14759 14758 0 08:43 ? 00:00:00 /usr/libexec/openssh/sftp-server

    root 15210 14887 0 09:31 pts/0 00:00:00 su - applmgr

    applmgr 15211 15210 0 09:31 pts/0 00:00:00 -bash

    applmgr 15811 15211 0 09:35 pts/0 00:00:00 ps -ef

    applmgr 15812 15211 0 09:35 pts/0 00:00:00 grep appl

    root 30161 29896 0 Oct31 tty1 00:00:00 su - applmgr

    applmgr 30162 30161 0 Oct31 tty1 00:00:00 –bash

    [applmgr@ebs12vis scripts]$ adadmin

    Copyright (c) 2002 Oracle Corporation

    Redwood Shores, California, USA

    Oracle Applications AD Administration

    Version 12.0.0

    NOTE: You may not use this utility for custom development

    unless you have written permission from Oracle Corporation.

    Your default directory is '/d01/applmgr/VIS/apps/apps_st/appl'.

    Is this the correct APPL_TOP [Yes] ?

    AD Administration records your AD Administration session in a text file

    you specify. Enter your AD Administration log file name or press [Return]

    to accept the default file name shown in brackets.

    Filename [adadmin.log] :

    ************* Start of AD Administration session *************

    AD Administration version: 12.0.0

    AD Administration started at: Tue Nov 03 2015 09:39:17

    APPL_TOP is set to /d01/applmgr/VIS/apps/apps_st/appl

    You can be notified by email if a failure occurs.

    Do you wish to activate this feature [No] ?

    Please enter the batchsize [1000] :

    Please enter the name of the Oracle Applications System that this

    APPL_TOP belongs to.

    The Applications System name must be unique across all Oracle

    Applications Systems at your site, must be from 1 to 30 characters

    long, may only contain alphanumeric and underscore characters,

    and must start with a letter.

    Sample Applications System names are: "prod", "test", "demo" and


    Applications System Name [VIS] : VIS *

    NOTE: If you do not currently have certain types of files installed

    in this APPL_TOP, you may not be able to perform certain tasks.

    Example 1: If you don't have files used for installing or upgrading

    the database installed in this area, you cannot install or upgrade

    the database from this APPL_TOP.

    Example 2: If you don't have forms files installed in this area, you cannot

    generate them or run them from this APPL_TOP.

    Example 3: If you don't have concurrent program files installed in this area,

    you cannot relink concurrent programs or generate reports from this APPL_TOP.

    Do you currently have files used for installing or upgrading the database

    installed in this APPL_TOP [YES] ? YES *

    Do you currently have Java and HTML files for HTML-based functionality

    installed in this APPL_TOP [YES] ? YES *

    Do you currently have Oracle Applications forms files installed

    in this APPL_TOP [YES] ? YES *

    Do you currently have concurrent program files installed

    in this APPL_TOP [YES] ? YES *

    Please enter the name Oracle Applications will use to identify this APPL_TOP.

    The APPL_TOP name you select must be unique within an Oracle Applications

    System, must be from 1 to 30 characters long, may only contain

    alphanumeric and underscore characters, and must start with a letter.

    Sample APPL_TOP Names are: "prod_all", "demo3_forms2", and "forms1".

    APPL_TOP Name [ebs12vis] : ebs12vis *

    You are about to use or modify Oracle Applications product tables

    in your ORACLE database 'VIS'

    using ORACLE executables in '/d01/applmgr/VIS/apps/tech_st/10.1.2'.

    Is this the correct database [Yes] ?

    AD Administration needs the password for your 'SYSTEM' ORACLE schema

    in order to determine your installation configuration.

    Enter the password for your 'SYSTEM' ORACLE schema: manager

    The ORACLE username specified below for Application Object Library

    uniquely identifies your existing product group: APPLSYS

    Enter the ORACLE password of Application Object Library [APPS] :

    AD Administration is verifying your username/password.

    The status of various features in this run of AD Administration is:

    <-Feature version in->

    Feature Active? APPLTOP Data model Flags

    ------------------------------ ------- -------- ----------- -----------

    CHECKFILE Yes 1 1 Y N N Y N Y

    PREREQ Yes 6 6 Y N N Y N Y


    PATCH_TIMING Yes 2 2 Y N N Y N Y

    PATCH_HIST_IN_DB Yes 6 6 Y N N Y N Y

    SCHEMA_SWAP Yes 1 1 Y N N Y Y Y

    JAVA_WORKER Yes 1 1 Y N N Y N Y

    CODELEVEL Yes 1 1 Y N N Y N Y

    Identifier for the current session is 542206

    Reading product information from file...

    Reading language and territory information from file...

    Reading language information from applUS.txt ...

    AD Administration warning:

    Product Data File


    does not exist for product "zfa".

    This product is registered in the database but the

    above file does not exist in APPL_TOP. The product

    will be ignored without error.

    AD Administration warning:

    Product Data File


    does not exist for product "zsa".

    This product is registered in the database but the

    above file does not exist in APPL_TOP. The product

    will be ignored without error.

    AD Administration warning:

    Product Data File


    does not exist for product "jts".

    This product is registered in the database but the

    above file does not exist in APPL_TOP. The product

    will be ignored without error.

    Reading database to see what industry is currently installed.

    Reading FND_LANGUAGES to see what is currently installed.

    Currently, the following languages are installed:

    Code Language Status

    ---- --------------------------------------- ---------

    US American English Base

    ZHS Simplified Chinese Install

    Reading language information from applZHS.txt ...

    Your base language will be AMERICAN.

    Your other languages to install are: SIMPLIFIED CHINESE

    Setting up module information.

    Reading database for information about the modules.

    Saving module information.

    Reading database for information about the products.

    Reading database for information about how products depend on each other.

    Reading topfile.txt ...

    Saving product information.

    AD code level : [B.1]

    AD Administration Main Menu


    1. Generate Applications Files menu

    2. Maintain Applications Files menu

    3. Compile/Reload Applications Database Entities menu

    4. Maintain Applications Database Entities menu

    5. Change Maintenance Mode

    6. Exit AD Administration

    Enter your choice [6] : 5

    Change Maintenance Mode


    Maintenance Mode is currently: [Disabled].

    Maintenance mode should normally be enabled when patching

    Oracle Applications and disabled when users are logged on

    to the system. See the Oracle Applications Maintenance

    Utilities manual for more information about maintenance mode.

    Please select an option:

    1. Enable Maintenance Mode

    2. Disable Maintenance Mode

    3. Return to Main Menu

    Enter your choice [3] : 1

    sqlplus -s &un_apps/***** @/d01/applmgr/VIS/apps/apps_st/appl/ad/12.0.0/patch/115/sql/adsetmmd.sql ENABLE

    Successfully enabled Maintenance Mode.

    Review the messages above, then press [Return] to continue.

    Backing up restart files, if any......Done.

    Change Maintenance Mode


    Maintenance Mode is currently: [Enabled].

    Maintenance mode should normally be enabled when patching

    Oracle Applications and disabled when users are logged on

    to the system. See the Oracle Applications Maintenance

    Utilities manual for more information about maintenance mode.

    Please select an option:

    1. Enable Maintenance Mode

    2. Disable Maintenance Mode

    3. Return to Main Menu

    Enter your choice [3] :

    AD Administration Main Menu


    1. Generate Applications Files menu

    2. Maintain Applications Files menu

    3. Compile/Reload Applications Database Entities menu

    4. Maintain Applications Database Entities menu

    5. Change Maintenance Mode

    6. Exit AD Administration

    Enter your choice [6] :

    Backing up restart files, if any......Done.

    There is no timing information available for the current session.

    AD Administration is complete.

    Errors and warnings are listed in the log file


    and in other log files in the same directory.

    [applmgr@ebs12vis scripts]$ cd /home/patch/12415414_ZHS

    [applmgr@ebs12vis 12415414_ZHS]$ adpatch

    Copyright (c) 2002 Oracle Corporation

    Redwood Shores, California, USA

    Oracle Applications AutoPatch

    Version 12.0.0

    NOTE: You may not use this utility for custom development

    unless you have written permission from Oracle Corporation.

    Attention: AutoPatch no longer checks for unapplied pre-requisite patches.

    You must use OAM Patch Wizard for this feature. Alternatively, you can

    review the README for pre-requisite information.

    Your default directory is '/d01/applmgr/VIS/apps/apps_st/appl'.

    Is this the correct APPL_TOP [Yes] ?

    AutoPatch records your AutoPatch session in a text file

    you specify. Enter your AutoPatch log file name or press [Return]

    to accept the default file name shown in brackets.

    Filename [adpatch.log] : u12415414_zhs.log

    You can be notified by email if a failure occurs.

    Do you wish to activate this feature [No] ?

    Please enter the batchsize [1000] :

    Please enter the name of the Oracle Applications System that this

    APPL_TOP belongs to.

    The Applications System name must be unique across all Oracle

    Applications Systems at your site, must be from 1 to 30 characters

    long, may only contain alphanumeric and underscore characters,

    and must start with a letter.

    Sample Applications System names are: "prod", "test", "demo" and


    Applications System Name [VIS] : VIS *

    NOTE: If you do not currently have certain types of files installed

    in this APPL_TOP, you may not be able to perform certain tasks.

    Example 1: If you don't have files used for installing or upgrading

    the database installed in this area, you cannot install or upgrade

    the database from this APPL_TOP.

    Example 2: If you don't have forms files installed in this area, you cannot

    generate them or run them from this APPL_TOP.

    Example 3: If you don't have concurrent program files installed in this area,

    you cannot relink concurrent programs or generate reports from this APPL_TOP.

    Do you currently have files used for installing or upgrading the database

    installed in this APPL_TOP [YES] ? YES *

    Do you currently have Java and HTML files for HTML-based functionality

    installed in this APPL_TOP [YES] ? YES *

    Do you currently have Oracle Applications forms files installed

    in this APPL_TOP [YES] ? YES *

    Do you currently have concurrent program files installed

    in this APPL_TOP [YES] ? YES *

    Please enter the name Oracle Applications will use to identify this APPL_TOP.

    The APPL_TOP name you select must be unique within an Oracle Applications

    System, must be from 1 to 30 characters long, may only contain

    alphanumeric and underscore characters, and must start with a letter.

    Sample APPL_TOP Names are: "prod_all", "demo3_forms2", and "forms1".

    APPL_TOP Name [ebs12vis] : ebs12vis *

    You are about to apply a patch to the installation of Oracle Applications

    in your ORACLE database 'VIS'

    using ORACLE executables in '/d01/applmgr/VIS/apps/tech_st/10.1.2'.

    Is this the correct database [Yes] ?

    AutoPatch needs the password for your 'SYSTEM' ORACLE schema

    in order to determine your installation configuration.

    Enter the password for your 'SYSTEM' ORACLE schema:

    The ORACLE username specified below for Application Object Library

    uniquely identifies your existing product group: APPLSYS

    Enter the ORACLE password of Application Object Library [APPS] :

    AutoPatch is verifying your username/password.

    The status of various features in this run of AutoPatch is:

    <-Feature version in->

    Feature Active? APPLTOP Data model Flags

    ------------------------------ ------- -------- ----------- -----------

    CHECKFILE Yes 1 1 Y N N Y N Y

    PREREQ Yes 6 6 Y N N Y N Y


    PATCH_TIMING Yes 2 2 Y N N Y N Y

    PATCH_HIST_IN_DB Yes 6 6 Y N N Y N Y

    SCHEMA_SWAP Yes 1 1 Y N N Y Y Y

    JAVA_WORKER Yes 1 1 Y N N Y N Y

    CODELEVEL Yes 1 1 Y N N Y N Y

    Identifier for the current session is 542209

    Reading product information from file...

    Reading language and territory information from file...

    Reading language information from applUS.txt ...

    AutoPatch warning:

    Product Data File


    does not exist for product "zfa".

    This product is registered in the database but the

    above file does not exist in APPL_TOP. The product

    will be ignored without error.

    AutoPatch warning:

    Product Data File


    does not exist for product "zsa".

    This product is registered in the database but the

    above file does not exist in APPL_TOP. The product

    will be ignored without error.

    AutoPatch warning:

    Product Data File


    does not exist for product "jts".

    This product is registered in the database but the

    above file does not exist in APPL_TOP. The product

    will be ignored without error.

    Reading database to see what industry is currently installed.

    Reading FND_LANGUAGES to see what is currently installed.

    Currently, the following languages are installed:

    Code Language Status

    ---- --------------------------------------- ---------

    US American English Base

    ZHS Simplified Chinese Install

    Reading language information from applZHS.txt ...

    Your base language will be AMERICAN.

    Your other languages to install are: SIMPLIFIED CHINESE

    Setting up module information.

    Reading database for information about the modules.

    Saving module information.

    Reading database for information about the products.

    Reading database for information about how products depend on each other.

    Reading topfile.txt ...

    Saving product information.

    AD code level : [B.1]

    Trying to obtain a lock...

    Attempting to instantiate the current-view snapshot...

    Was already instantiated. So no instantiation done this time.

    **************** S T A R T O F U P L O A D ****************

    Start date: Tue Nov 03 2015 10:27:09

    0 "left over" javaupdates.txt files uploaded to DB: Tue Nov 03 2015 10:27:09

    0 patches uploaded from the ADPSV format patch history files: Tue Nov 03 2015 10:27:09

    Uploading information about files copied during the previous runs ...

    0 "left over" filescopied_<session_id>.txt files uploaded to DB: Tue Nov 03 2015 10:27:09

    ****************** E N D O F U P L O A D ******************

    End date: Tue Nov 03 2015 10:27:09

    Enter the directory where your Oracle Applications patch has been unloaded

    The default directory is [/home/patch/12415414_ZHS] :

    Please enter the name of your AutoPatch driver file : u12415414.drv

    Getting Oracle Applications Release...

    Current installed release is 12.1.1

    Reading patch driver file...

    Parsing and loading patch driver file...

    49 lines processed.

    Not checking patch integrity as integrity checking flag is turned off.

    Successfully read patch driver file.

    Determining target release...

    Current target release is 12.1.1


    The description for the entity 'xdo' in the patch driver

    does not match with the current description.

    The current description is :'XML Publisher'

    The description in the patch is :'BI Publisher (formerly XML Publisher)'

    The current description will not be changed.

    Determining which bug fixes to apply...

    Done determining which bug fixes to apply.

    Log and Info File sync point:

    Tue Nov 03 2015 10:49:14

    Turning off actions that reference unrecognized products.

    Log and Info File sync point:

    Tue Nov 03 2015 10:49:14

    End of unrecognized products checking.

    AD utilities can support a maximum of 999 workers. Your

    current database configuration supports a maximum of 83 workers.

    Oracle recommends that you use between 8 and 16 workers.

    Enter the number of parallel workers [8] :

    AutoPatch will run in parallel mode.

    Did not need to apply new applterr.txt.

    Applying new applprod.txt (if any)...

    Did not need to apply new applprod.txt.

    Performing version checking for driver files...

    Copying driver files into installation area...

    No driver files were selected for copying.


    ForceCopy driver files into installation area for Specified driver

    since no such action is present for this driver file

    Screening out files not valid for this installation...

    Determining valid on-site files...


    Extract object modules from libraries for Specified driver

    since no such action is present for this driver file

    Performing version checking...


    Determine directories to create for Specified driver

    since no such action is present for this driver file


    Determine executables to link for Specified driver

    since no such action is present for this driver file


    Determine forms to generate for Specified driver

    since no such action is present for this driver file


    Determine Oracle Reports libraries to generate for Specified driver

    since no such action is present for this driver file


    Determine reports to generate for Specified driver

    since no such action is present for this driver file


    Determine if need to generate message files for Specified driver

    since no such action is present for this driver file

    Looking for active bug fixes with no active actions...

    Reading customized files list (if any)...

    Did not find customized files registration file


    The file may have been uploaded to the database.

    This patch replaces the following customized files:

    No customized files are replaced by this patch.

    Copying files into installation area...


    You are running admvcode

    Header information is:

    $Header: aiopatch.lc 120.7 2007/12/03 08:27:09 nissubra ship $

    Start of admvcode session

    Date/Time is Tue Nov 03 2015 11:43:16

    Filelist file is: /d01/applmgr/VIS/apps/apps_st/appl/admin/VIS/out/copymast.txt

    Patch Character Set is: zhs16cgb231280

    On-site Character Set is: AL32UTF8

    Log and Info File sync point:

    Tue Nov 03 2015 11:43:16

    Information about files copied to the APPL_TOP would be written to the

    informational message file.

    Converting from character set 'ZHS16CGB231280' to character set 'AL32UTF8'.

    Copying files to APPL_TOP...

    0 directories created.

    0 files copied without character set conversion.

    1 files copied with successful character set conversion.

    1 files copied successfully.

    0 files had fatal errors.

    admvcode is exiting with status 0

    End of admvcode session

    Date/time is Tue Nov 03 2015 11:43:16


    Done copying files into installation area.


    ForceCopy files into installation area for Specified driver

    since no such action is present for this driver file


    Archive object modules into product libraries for Specified driver

    since no such action is present for this driver file


    Create Directories for Specified driver

    since no such action is present for this driver file


    Relink for Specified driver

    since no such action is present for this driver file

    Performing second half of mirrored copies...

    No mirrored copies were executed in this patch.

    Updating Oracle Applications Java files if necessary...

    No Oracle Applications Java files required updates.

    Checking to see if any files possibly included in the product JAR files

    were copied by this patch...

    No files possibly included in the product JAR files

    were copied by this patch.


    ** Would have run AutoConfig to instantiate special

    templates affecting the generation of JAR files but

    the feature is disabled.


    No product JAR files need to be re-generated.

    Checking to see if adjborg.txt or any files included in

    adjborg.txt were copied by this patch...

    Neither adjborg.txt nor any file included in

    adjborg.txt was copied by this patch.

    Checking to see if adjborg2.txt or any files included in

    adjborg2.txt were copied by this patch...

    Neither adjborg2.txt nor any file included in

    adjborg2.txt was copied by this patch.

    Compiling JSP files...

    Not compiling JSPs: feature disabled.

    No JSP files were compiled.

    Number of invalid objects: 8

    Getting list of invalid objects in APPS schema.

    Invalid object reports are recorded in


    Running SQL scripts and EXEC commands...

    Determining which SQL and EXEC commands to run...

    Done determining which SQL and EXEC commands to run.

    Running SQL and EXEC commands in parallel...

    Creating the AD_UTIL_PARAMS table...

    Table AD_UTIL_PARAMS already exists, so dropping the table and recreating it.

    Creating FND_INSTALL_PROCESSES table...

    Writing dependencies of jobs to run to appldep.txt file...

    There are now 1 jobs remaining (current phase=A0):

    0 running, 1 ready to run and 0 waiting.

    Reading completed jobs from restart file (if any).

    There are now 1 jobs remaining (current phase=A0):

    0 running, 1 ready to run and 0 waiting.

    Determining which java executables are supported by adJavaWorker...

    Starting worker processes.

    Worker process 1 started.

    Worker process 2 started.

    Worker process 3 started.

    ************* Start of AD Worker session *************

    AD Worker version: 12.0.0

    AD Worker started at: Tue Nov 03 2015 11:43:18

    APPL_TOP is set to /d01/applmgr/VIS/apps/apps_st/appl

    Worker process 4 started.

    ************* Start of AD Worker session *************

    AD Worker version: 12.0.0

    AD Worker started at: Tue Nov 03 2015 11:43:18

    APPL_TOP is set to /d01/applmgr/VIS/apps/apps_st/appl

    Worker process 5 started.

    ************* Start of AD Worker session *************

    AD Worker version: 12.0.0

    AD Worker started at: Tue Nov 03 2015 11:43:18

    Worker process 6 started.

    APPL_TOP is set to /d01/applmgr/VIS/apps/apps_st/appl

    Worker process 7 started.

    ************* Start of AD Worker session *************

    AD Worker version: 12.0.0

    AD Worker started at: Tue Nov 03 2015 11:43:18

    APPL_TOP is set to /d01/applmgr/VIS/apps/apps_st/appl

    Worker process 8 started.

    Checking if all jobs have their actual and symbolic arguments in sync....


    Writing jobs to run to restart file.

    Reading jobs from FND_INSTALL_PROCESSES table ...

    Done reading jobs from FND_INSTALL_PROCESSES table ...

    Telling workers to read 'todo' restart file.

    ************* Start of AD Worker session *************

    AD Worker version: 12.0.0

    AD Worker started at: Tue Nov 03 2015 11:43:18

    APPL_TOP is set to /d01/applmgr/VIS/apps/apps_st/appl


    ************* Start of AD Worker session *************

    AD Worker version: 12.0.0

    AD Worker started at: Tue Nov 03 2015 11:43:18

    APPL_TOP is set to /d01/applmgr/VIS/apps/apps_st/appl

    ************* Start of AD Worker session *************

    AD Worker version: 12.0.0

    AD Worker started at: Tue Nov 03 2015 11:43:18

    APPL_TOP is set to /d01/applmgr/VIS/apps/apps_st/appl

    ************* Start of AD Worker session *************

    AD Worker version: 12.0.0

    AD Worker started at: Tue Nov 03 2015 11:43:18

    APPL_TOP is set to /d01/applmgr/VIS/apps/apps_st/appl

    Starting phase 0 (A0): last+1

    There are now 1 jobs remaining (current phase=A0):

    0 running, 1 ready to run and 0 waiting.

    Assigned: file xdolkups.ldt on worker 1 for product xdo username APPS.

    Program completed successfully

    Completed: file xdolkups.ldt on worker 1 for product xdo username APPS.

    Telling workers to quit...

    All workers have quit.

    Dropping FND_INSTALL_PROCESSES table...

    FND_INSTALL_PROCESSES table dropped.

    Dropping AD_DEFERRED_JOBS table...

    AD_DEFERRED_JOBS table dropped.

    Done running SQL and EXEC commands in parallel.

    Updating the checkfile repository if necessary...

    Processing the last batch...

    Done updating the checkfile repository...

    Done running SQL scripts and EXEC commands.

    Compiling invalid objects...

    Not compiling invalid objects: feature disabled (or serial mode)

    Number of invalid objects: 8

    Getting list of invalid objects in APPS schema.

    Invalid object reports are recorded in



    Generate forms library files for Specified driver

    since no such action is present for this driver file


    Generate forms menu files for Specified driver

    since no such action is present for this driver file


    Generate forms for Specified driver

    since no such action is present for this driver file


    Generate reports libraries for Specified driver

    since no such action is present for this driver file


    Generate reports for Specified driver

    since no such action is present for this driver file


    Generate Messages for Specified driver

    since no such action is present for this driver file


    Generate Workflow resource files for Specified driver

    since no such action is present for this driver file


    ** Would have run AutoConfig to instantiate templates modified

    by this patch but the feature is disabled.


    Saving Patch History information to Database...

    Trying to obtain a lock...

    AutoPatch warning:

    AutoPatch will not upload the patch abstract information.

    > Inserted 1 patch history records (total).

    Gathering Statistics for AD_PATCH_HIST_TEMP

    Done Gathering Statistics for AD_PATCH_HIST_TEMP

    >>> Inserted 1 bug history records for this patch (total).

    >>>>> Inserted 1 action history records for this bug (total).

    Gathering Statistics for AD_PATCH_HIST_TEMP

    Done Gathering Statistics for AD_PATCH_HIST_TEMP

    >>> Inserted 1 bug history records for this patch (total).

    >>>>> Inserted 1 action history records for this bug (total).

    Updating the current-view snapshot...

    Done saving Patch History information.

    About to do IREP processing...

    Attempting to process IREP files ...

    Successfully processed IREP files.

    Done IREP processing.

    Copying applprod.tmp to applprod.txt (if needed)...

    Did not need to copy applprod.tmp to applprod.txt.

    Copying admin/<sid>/applterr.txt to admin/applterr.txt (if needed)...

    Did not need to copy admin/VIS/applterr.txt to admin/applterr.txt.

    sqlplus -s APPS/***** @/d01/applmgr/VIS/apps/apps_st/appl/ad/12.0.0/sql/adtimrpt.sql 542209 adt542209

    A job timing report has been generated for the current session.

    You should check the file


    for details.

    Purging timing information for prior sessions.

    sqlplus -s APPS/***** @/d01/applmgr/VIS/apps/apps_st/appl/ad/12.0.0/sql/adtpurge.sql 10 1000

    Done purging timing information for prior sessions.

    AutoPatch is complete.

    AutoPatch may have written informational messages to the file


    Errors and warnings are listed in the log file


    and in other log files in the same directory.

    -- Disable Maintenance Mode



    For 12.1.3

    Please apply Patch:12415414 - 1OFF:11873050:12.1.3:12.1.3:FRM-41830, FRM-40212 Submitting Program - Publisher FSG.

    This patch updates the looktype ("XDO_XLS_TEMPL_OUTPUTS") and lookup code (Excel) to support the Excel templates for BI Publisher R12.1 release.

    This patch will add the "Excel" Template type to the LOV.

    After patch 12415414 is aplied do the following to enable EXCEL output option for BI publisher templates:
    1. Enable option 'XLS' in XDO_TEMPLATE_TYPE lookup code :
    (Responsibility) Application Developer > Application > Lookups > Application Object Library > Query out Type 'XDO_TEMPLATE_TYPE'
    Check 'Enable' checkbox of record 'XLS', and enter 'XDO_XLS_TEMPL_OUTPUTS' in 'Tag' field of this record, Save.
    2. Enable option 'EXCEL' in XDO_XLS_TEMPL_OUTPUTS lookup code :
    (Responsibility) Application Developer > Application > Lookups > Application Object Library > Query out Type 'XDO_XLS_TEMPL_OUTPUTS'
    Make sure option 'EXCEL' is enabled.
    3. Go to responsibility 'XML Pulisher Administrator' > Templates > Create Template, make sure there is an option 'Microsoft Excel' in 'Type' list of value.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/quanweiru/p/5229801.html
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