• C# 属性控件2

    PropertyGrid,.net框架下的一个控件,这是一个软件升级的项目,原来的软件用的是C++,控件用的还是第三方,这次升级到visual studio .net4.0版本,原以为.net的东西用起来不会费劲的,没想到想要实现项目需要的效果还真没那么简单。




    public class XProp { private string theId = ""; //属性Id,我的项目中需要,大家可以忽略

    private string theCategory = ""; //属性所属类别

    private string theName = ""; //属性名称

    private bool theReadOnly = false; //属性的只读性,true为只读

    private string theDescription = ""; //属性的描述内容

    private object theValue = null; //值

    private System.Type theType = null; //类型

    private bool theBrowsable = true; //显示或隐藏,true为显示

    TypeConverter theConverter = null; //类型转换

    public string Id { get { return theId; }

    set { theId = value; } }

    public string Category { get { return theCategory; }

    set { theCategory = value; } } public bool ReadOnly { get { return theReadOnly; }

    set { theReadOnly = value; } } public string Name { get { return this.theName; }

    set { this.theName = value; } } public object Value { get { return this.theValue; }

    set { this.theValue = value; } } public string Description { get { return theDescription; }

    set { theDescription = value; } }

    public System.Type ProType { get { return theType; }

    set { theType = value; } }

    public bool Browsable { get { return theBrowsable; } set { theBrowsable = value; } }

    public virtual TypeConverter Converter { get { return theConverter; } set { theConverter = value; } } }

    我举一个例子: private string strdemo;

    [DescriptionAttribute("用于举例说明"), CategoryAttribute("公有属性"), DefaultValueAttribute(“测试属性”), ReadOnlyAttribute(false), BrowsableAttribute(true), TypeConverter(typeof(MyComboTypeConvert)) ] public string strDemo { get { return strdemo; } set { strdemo = value; } }

    这是个写死的属性,那在我的项目中,根据对象的不同,会需要生产不同的属性页,所以需要一个可以动态生成的属性页,将上述这个一般属性定义,利用XProp类,写成: Private XProp newXpro = new XProp(); newXpro.Category = ”公有属性”; newXpro.Name = ” strDemo”; newXpro.Id = "A"; newXpro.Description = “用于举例说明”; newXpro.ReadOnly =false; newXpro.Value = “测试属性”; newXpro.ProType = typeof(string); newXpro.Browsable = true; newXpro.Converter = null;







    public class XProps : List<XProp>, ICustomTypeDescriptor


    #region ICustomTypeDescriptor 成员


    public AttributeCollection GetAttributes()


    return TypeDescriptor.GetAttributes(this, true);



    public string GetClassName()


    return TypeDescriptor.GetClassName(this, true);



    public string GetComponentName()


    return TypeDescriptor.GetComponentName(this, true);



    public TypeConverter GetConverter()


    return TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(this, true);



    public EventDescriptor GetDefaultEvent()


    return TypeDescriptor.GetDefaultEvent(this, true);



    public PropertyDescriptor GetDefaultProperty()


    return TypeDescriptor.GetDefaultProperty(this, true);



    public object GetEditor(System.Type editorBaseType)


    return TypeDescriptor.GetEditor(this, editorBaseType, true);



    public EventDescriptorCollection GetEvents(System.Attribute[] attributes)


    return TypeDescriptor.GetEvents(this, attributes, true);



    public EventDescriptorCollection GetEvents()


    return TypeDescriptor.GetEvents(this, true);



    public PropertyDescriptorCollection GetProperties(System.Attribute[] attributes)


    ArrayList props = new ArrayList();

    for (int i = 0; i < this.Count; i++)

    { //判断属性是否显示

    if (this[i].Browsable == true)


    XPropDescriptor psd = new XPropDescriptor(this[i], attributes);




    PropertyDescriptor[] propArray = (PropertyDescriptor[])props.ToArray(typeof(PropertyDescriptor));

    return new PropertyDescriptorCollection(propArray);



    public PropertyDescriptorCollection GetProperties()


    return TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(this, true);



    public object GetPropertyOwner(PropertyDescriptor pd)


    return this;





    public override string ToString()


    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

    for (int i = 0; i < this.Count; i++)


    sb.Append("[" + i + "] " + this[i].ToString() + System.Environment.NewLine);


    return sb.ToString();




    private class XPropDescriptor : PropertyDescriptor


    XProp theProp;

    public XPropDescriptor(XProp prop, Attribute[] attrs): base(prop.Name, attrs)


    theProp = prop;



    public override bool CanResetValue(object component)


    return false;


    public override string Category


    get { return theProp.Category; }



    public override string Description


    get { return theProp.Description; }



    public override TypeConverter Converter


    get { return theProp.Converter; }



    public override System.Type ComponentType


    get { return this.GetType(); }



    public override object GetValue(object component)


    return theProp.Value;



    public override bool IsReadOnly


    get { return theProp.ReadOnly; }



    public override System.Type PropertyType


    get { return theProp.ProType; }



    public override void ResetValue(object component)




    public override void SetValue(object component, object value)


    theProp.Value = value;



    public override bool ShouldSerializeValue(object component)


    return false;




    然后我们新声明一个属性列表: Private XProps xprops = new XProps(); 再将刚刚那个动态生成的属性添加进去,将属性页的selectobject赋值为这个类: xprops.add(newXpro); PropertyGridDemo.SelectedObject = xprops; 现在我们来看看效果:





    下面来介绍如何在属性页中动态生成下拉菜单框,关于下拉菜单真的是很复杂,在.net的PropertyGrid控件中,想要具有下拉菜单的属性,简单的可以通过枚举类型来实现,还是以刚刚的那个例子来说明: 首先定义个枚举类型:



    然后代码中将属性值与属性类型修改为: newXpro.Value = CustomClass.enumType.BOOLVAL; //这里的属性值当然必须为枚举中的某一项 newXpro.ProType = typeof(enumType); 然后我们来看看实现的效果:


    这就是最简单的下拉菜单的实现方式了。 但是这里的枚举类型仍然是需要代码中写死的,而我在网上也所搜了很久,枚举类型似乎没办法动态生成,如果要实现动态生成恐怕要另寻他途。 所幸的是,我曾经见过重写combobox来生成属性页的下来菜单的,我们需要定义:


    //重写下拉菜单中的项,使之与属性页的项关联 public abstract class ComboBoxItemTypeConvert : TypeConverter { public Hashtable myhash = null; public ComboBoxItemTypeConvert() { myhash = new Hashtable(); GetConvertHash(); } public abstract void GetConvertHash(); //是否支持选择列表的编辑 public override bool GetStandardValuesSupported(ITypeDescriptorContext context) { return true; } //重写combobox的选择列表 public override StandardValuesCollection GetStandardValues(ITypeDescriptorContext context) { int[] ids = new int[myhash.Values.Count]; int i = 0; foreach (DictionaryEntry myDE in myhash) { ids[i++] = (int)(myDE.Key); } return new StandardValuesCollection(ids); } //判断转换器是否可以工作 public override bool CanConvertFrom(ITypeDescriptorContext context, Type sourceType) { if (sourceType == typeof(string)) { return true; } return base.CanConvertFrom(context, sourceType);

    } //重写转换器,将选项列表(即下拉菜单)中的值转换到该类型的值 public override object ConvertFrom(ITypeDescriptorContext context, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture, object obj) { if (obj is string) { foreach (DictionaryEntry myDE in myhash) { if (myDE.Value.Equals((obj.ToString()))) return myDE.Key; } } return base.ConvertFrom(context, culture, obj); }

    public override bool CanConvertTo(ITypeDescriptorContext context, Type destinationType) { if (destinationType == typeof(string)) { return true; } return base.CanConvertTo(context, destinationType);


    //重写转换器将该类型的值转换到选择列表中 public override object ConvertTo(ITypeDescriptorContext context, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture, object obj, Type destinationType) {

    if (destinationType == typeof(string)) { foreach (DictionaryEntry myDE in myhash) { if (myDE.Key.Equals(obj)) return myDE.Value.ToString(); } return ""; } return base.ConvertTo(context, culture, obj, destinationType); } public override bool GetStandardValuesExclusive(ITypeDescriptorContext context) { return false; } } //重写下拉菜单,在这里实现定义下拉菜单内的项 public class MyComboItemConvert : ComboBoxItemTypeConvert { private Hashtable hash; public override void GetConvertHash() { try { myhash = hash; } catch { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } public MyComboItemConvert(string str) { hash = new Hashtable(); string[] stest = str.Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < stest.Length; i++) { hash.Add(i, stest[i]); } GetConvertHash(); value = 0; }

    public int value { get; set; }

    public MyComboItemConvert(string str,int s) { hash = new Hashtable(); string[] stest = str.Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < stest.Length; i++) { hash.Add(i, stest[i]); } GetConvertHash(); value = s; } }

    在这里你可以看到,MyComboItemConvert有两个重载,分别有不同的参数,其中string类型的那个参数就是用于获取下拉菜单的项的。当然你也可以根据需要定义为其他类型的,例如List或是HashTable。只要在函数中将下拉菜单的每一项放入哈希表中就可以了。 而在生成的代码中,我们就需要用到刚刚没有使用的Converter属性了: 举个例子:


    XProps xps = new XProps(); XProp xprop = new XProp(); xprop.Name = "姓名"; xprop.Value = "某人; xprop.Category = "人类"; xprop.Description = "姓甚名谁"; xprop.ProType = typeof(String); xprop.ReadOnly = true; xps.Add(xprop);

    xprop = new XProp(); xprop.Category = "人类"; xprop.Name = "年龄"; xprop.ProType = typeof(int); xprop.Value = "2"; xprop.Description = "多大年纪"; xprop.ReadOnly = false; xps.Add(xprop);

    xprop = new XProp(); xprop.Category = "人类"; xprop.Name = "性别"; xprop.Value = 1; xprop.ReadOnly = false; xprop.ProType = typeof(CustomClass.MyComboItemConvert); xprop.Converter = new CustomClass.MyComboItemConvert("M,F"); xprop.Description = "性别是男是女"; xps.Add(xprop);

    xprop = new XProp(); xprop.Category = "人类"; xprop.ReadOnly = false; xprop.Name = "国籍"; xprop.Value = 1; xprop.ProType = typeof(CustomClass.MyComboItemConvert); xprop.Converter = new CustomClass.MyComboItemConvert("中,英,美,法"); xprop.Description = "国籍"; xps.Add(xprop);

    PropertyGrideTest.SelectedObject = xps;






    http://blog.csdn.net/luyifeiniu/article/details/5426960#创建 PropertyGrid 控件






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