• 苹果消息推送机制

    推送目前使用过个推,极光推送,友盟推送等,现在根据这些第三方的推送,总结一下推送的原理。第一阶段: 服务端程序把要发送的消息、目的iPhone的标识打包,发给APNS。 第二阶段:APNS在自身的已注册Push服务的iPhone列表中,查找有相应标识的iPhone,并把消息发到iPhone。第三阶段:iPhone把发来的消息传递给相应的应用程序, 并且按照设定弹出Push通知。



       2、 iOS跟APNS Server要deviceToken。应用程序接受deviceToken。


       4、 服务端程序向APNS服务发送消息。


    正常情况下可以根据device token将消息成功推送到客户端设备中,但是也不排除用户卸载程序的情况,此时推送消息失败,APNs会将这个错误消息通知服务器端以避免资源浪费(服务器端此时可以根据错误删除已经存储的device token,下次不再发送)。

    下面是官网的一些有用的介绍 https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/NetworkingInternet/Conceptual/RemoteNotificationsPG/APNSOverview.html

    If APNs attempts to deliver a notification and the destination device is offline, APNs stores the notification for a limited period of time and delivers it when the device becomes available again. This component stores only the most recent notification per device and per app. If a device is offline, sending a new notification causes the previous notification to be discarded. If a device remains offline for a long time, all stored notifications are discarded.


    To protect user privacy, do not use device tokens to identify user devices. Device tokens change when the user updates the operating system and when a device’s data and settings are erased. As a result, apps should always request the current device token at launch time. For more information, see Device Token Generation and Dispersal.

    Device token可能会改变

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/qiutangfengmian/p/5542183.html
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