• javascript 文档加载后根据标题动态生成目录

      1 <!DOCTYPE html>
      2 <html>
      3 <head>
      5     <script>
      8     /**
      9     * toc.js : 根据文档内容生成table
     10     *
     11     *    本模块注册一个当文档加载完成后会自动运行的匿名函数。
     12     *    改函数运行时首先查看文档中id为TOC的元素,如果没有找到
     13     *    则在文档开头创建它
     14     *
     15     *    接下来,函数寻找文档中所有的<h1>到<h6>标签,并将其当做章节标题,
     16     *    然后以此为内容在TOC元素中创建一个table。该函数为每一个章节标题编号
     17     *    并且为每一个h标签添加命名的描点,这样就可以通过点击TOC中table连接到对应章节。
     18     *    生成的锚点一TOC作为前缀,所以你应该在自己的HTML代码中避免使用这个前缀
     19     *
     20     *    生成的目录入口可以用css进行格式。所有的入口具有类标识"TOCEntry",入口同时根据<h>
     21     *    的级别拥有对应的类标志,如<h1>对应类标识为"TOCLevel1",<h2>对应类标志为"TOCLevel2"。
     22     *    插入到头部的章节编号具有类标志"TOCSectNum"
     23     *
     24     *    你可以在本模块中使用如下样式表
     25     *    #TOC { border: solid black 1px; margin: 10px; padding: 10px; }
     26     *    .TOCEntry { font-family: sans-serif; }
     27     *    .TOCEntry a { text-decoration: none; }
     28     *    .TOCLevel1 { font-size: 16pt; font-weight: bold; }
     29     *    .TOCLevel2 { font-size: 12pt; margin-left: .5in; }
     30     *    .TOCSecNum:after { content: ": "; }
     31     *    
     32     */
     34     function toc()
     35     {
     36          // Find the TOC container element.
     37         // If there isn't one, create one at the start of the document.
     38         var toc = document.getElementById("TOC");
     39         if (!toc) {
     40             toc = document.createElement("div");
     41             toc.id = "TOC";
     42             document.body.insertBefore(toc, document.body.firstChild);
     43         }
     44         // Find all section heading elements
     45         var headings;
     46         if (document.querySelectorAll) // Can we do it the easy way?
     47             headings = document.querySelectorAll("h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6");
     48         else   // Otherwise, find the headings the hard way
     49             headings = findHeadings(document.body, []);
     50         // Recursively traverse the document body looking for headings
     51         function findHeadings(root, sects) {
     52             for(var c = root.firstChild; c != null; c = c.nextSibling) {
     53                 if (c.nodeType !== 1) continue;
     54                 if (c.tagName.length == 2 && c.tagName.charAt(0) == "H")
     55                     sects.push(c);
     56                 else 
     57                     findHeadings(c, sects);
     58             }
     59             return sects;
     60         }
     61         // Initialize an array that keeps track of section numbers.
     62         var sectionNumbers = [0,0,0,0,0,0];
     63         // Now loop through the section header elements we found.
     64       for(var h = 0; h < headings.length; h++) {
     65             var heading = headings[h];
     66             // Skip the section heading if it is inside the TOC container.
     67             if (heading.parentNode == toc) continue;
     68             // Figure out what level heading it is.
     69             var level = parseInt(heading.tagName.charAt(1));
     70             if (isNaN(level) || level < 1 || level > 6) continue;
     71             // Increment the section number for this heading level
     72             // and reset all lower heading level numbers to zero.
     73             sectionNumbers[level-1]++;
     74             for(var i = level; i < 6; i++) sectionNumbers[i] = 0;
     75             // Now combine section numbers for all heading levels
     76             // to produce a section number like 2.3.1.
     77             var sectionNumber = sectionNumbers.slice(0,level).join(".")
     78             // Add the section number to the section header title.
     79             // We place the number in a <span> to make it styleable.
     80             var span = document.createElement("span");
     81             span.className = "TOCSectNum";            
     82             span.innerHTML = sectionNumber;                
     83             heading.insertBefore(span, heading.firstChild);
     84             // Wrap the heading in a named anchor so we can link to it.
     85             var anchor = document.createElement("a");
     86             anchor.name = "TOC"+sectionNumber; 
     87             heading.parentNode.insertBefore(anchor, heading);
     88             anchor.appendChild(heading);
     89             // Now create a link to this section.
     90             var link = document.createElement("a");
     91             link.href = "#TOC" + sectionNumber; // Link destination
     92             link.innerHTML = heading.innerHTML; // Link text is same as heading
     93             // Place the link in a div that is styleable based on the level.
     94             var entry = document.createElement("div");
     95             entry.className = "TOCEntry TOCLevel" + level; 
     96             entry.appendChild(link);
     97             // And add the div to the TOC container.
     98             toc.appendChild(entry);
     99         }
    100     }
    102         window.onload = toc;
    103     </script>
    105     <style>
    107        #TOC { border: solid black 1px; margin: 10px; padding: 10px; }
    108    .TOCEntry { font-family: sans-serif; }
    109   .TOCEntry a { text-decoration: none; }
    110  .TOCLevel1 { font-size: 16pt; font-weight: bold; }
    111   .TOCLevel2 { font-size: 12pt; margin-left: .5in; }
    112  .TOCSectNum:after { content: ": "; }
    115     </style>
    117 </head>
    119 <body>
    121 <h1>h1</h1>
    122 <h2>h2</h2>
    123 <h1>h1</h1>
    124 <h2>h2</h2><h2>h2</h2><h1>h1</h1>
    125 <h1>h1</h1><h2>h2</h2><h2>h2</h2>
    126 <h1>h1</h1><h2>h2</h2>
    127 </body>
    129 </html>
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/qiudeqing/p/3229583.html
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