• order by 对null的处理

    【Oracle 结论】 
    order by colum asc 时,null默认被放在最后
    order by colum desc 时,null默认被放在最前
    nulls first 时,强制null放在最前,不为null的按声明顺序[asc|desc]进行排序
    nulls last 时,强制null放在最后,不为null的按声明顺序[asc|desc]进行排序 
    【MySql 结论】
    order by colum asc 时,null默认被放在最前
    order by colum desc 时,null默认被放在最后
    ORDER BY IF(ISNULL(update_date),0,1) null被强制放在最前,不为null的按声明顺序[asc|desc]进行排序
    ORDER BY IF(ISNULL(update_date),1,0) null被强制放在最后,不为null的按声明顺序[asc|desc]进行排序

    <select id="getPchsOrderReport" parameterClass="java.util.Map" resultClass="com.project.pojo.purchase.SupPurReport">
    		SELECT s.unit_uid as supplierId,s.UNIT_NAME as supplierName,IFNULL(m.orderNum, 0) as orderNum,IFNULL(m.orderPrice, 0) as orderPrice,
    		IFNULL(m.receiveNum, 0) as receiveNum ,IFNULL(m.receivePrice, 0) as receivePrice
    		FROM bas_supplier s LEFT JOIN (
    			b.supplier_uid AS supplierId,
    			SUM(IFNULL(d.size, 0)) AS orderNum,
    			SUM(IFNULL(d.sum, 0)) AS orderPrice,
    			SUM(IFNULL(d.receive, 0)) AS receiveNum,
    				IFNULL(d.receive, 0) * IFNULL(d.price, 0)
    			) AS receivePrice
    		pchs_bill b 
    		LEFT JOIN pchs_detail d ON b.bill_uid = d.bill_uid
    		WHERE b.com_uid = #comUid#
    		<isNotEmpty property="status">
    			and b.status  in <iterate property="status" conjunction="," close=")" open="(">#status[]:Integer#</iterate>
    		<isNotEmpty prepend="AND" property="startDate">
    			<![CDATA[b.bill_date >= #startDate#]]>
    		<isNotEmpty prepend="AND"  property="endDate">
    			<![CDATA[b.bill_date <= #endDate#]]>
    		<isNotEmpty prepend="and" property="storageId"> b.storage_uid = #storageId#  </isNotEmpty>
    		<isNotEmpty prepend=" and b.storage_uid in " property="multi_storage_uid">
    			<iterate property="multi_storage_uid" conjunction="," close=")" open="("> #multi_storage_uid[]# </iterate>
    		GROUP BY
    		) m ON m.supplierId=s.unit_uid
    		<isNotEmpty property="supplierId">
    		WHERE s.unit_uid =#supplierId#
    		order by IF(ISNULL(orderNum),1,0),orderNum DESC,IF(ISNULL(orderPrice),1,0),orderPrice DESC
    		<isNotEmpty property="offset"> 
    			LIMIT #offset#,#limit#


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/qiqiweige/p/4933180.html
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