The Computational Geometry Algorithms Library offers data structures and algorithms like triangulations,
Voronoi diagrams, Boolean operations on polygons and on polyhedra, arrangements of curves, mesh gener-
ation, geometry processing, convex hull algorithms, to name just a few.
vertex, edge, facet, cell,逐个层次上升,点,线,面,体。(cell 只的是有4个顶点的四面体)
solid modeling的两个主要方法是constructive solid geometry (CSG)和boundary representations (B-rep)
traits:特点,经常在CGAL的类里面用,不同的图元的trait不同,ex polyhedron 的trait是点,线,面。
half-plane (half-space):, 满足某一条件的半平面。
Nef polygons and Nef polyhedra are the sets of polygons (resp. polyhedra) which can be obtained from a finite set of halfplanes(halfspaces) by Boolean operations of set intersection and set complement.
在CGAL的定义是Nef polyhedron是指通过半平面的多面体有限集进行交集或者补集而得来的点集)