1 __author__ = 'wrq' 2 #coding = utf-8 3 4 import time 5 print("Hello!") 6 7 '定义函数' 8 def test(): 9 nowTime = time.time() 10 a = 10 11 a += 1 12 b = "test string" 13 print(b) 14 15 '分支' 16 love = False 17 if love== True: 18 test() 19 else: 20 print("didn't invoke function test!") 21 22 '循环' 23 for i in range(4): 24 print(i) 25 26 print("next loop") 27 28 '起始,终止,步长' 29 for j in range(1,10,2): 30 print(j) 31 32 """ 33 a = input("请输入: ") 34 print("您的输入是:") 35 print(int(a)) 36 """ 37 38 length = len("I begin to learn python,interesting.") 39 print(length) 40 41 '将对象转换成string' 42 str(1000) 43 print(str) 44 45 '列表' 46 a = [1,2,4,8] 47 for v in a : 48 print(v) 49 a.append(16) 50 for v in a: 51 print(v) 52 a.insert(1,-1) 53 for v in a: 54 print(v) 55 a.remove(4) 56 for v in a : 57 print(v) 58 print(a.index(2,1,4)) 59 print(a[2]) 60 61 '元组' 62 yuanZu = (1,2) 63 print(yuanZu[0]) 64 65 '字典' 66 addressBook = { 67 'Li':'li from china.', 68 'larry':'larry is not here', 69 'Sam':'uncle Sam' 70 } 71 print('something about larry %s' %addressBook['larry']) 72 'add' 73 addressBook['Li'] = 'Guidi is female' 74 'delete' 75 del addressBook['Sam'] 76 print(" there are %d contacts in the address book "%len(addressBook)) 77 for name,address in addressBook.items(): 78 print("contact %s at %s"%(name,address)) 79 if "Li" in addressBook: 80 print(" its information is %s"%addressBook["Li"]) 81 82 "序列" 83 a = "I love python." 84 print(a[0]) 85 print(a[0:1]) 86 print(a[5:]) 87 print(a[:-1]) 88 89 "模块" 90 # !/usr/bin/python 91 import sys 92 print("The command line arguments are:") 93 for i in sys.argv: 94 print(i) 95 print("/n/n the PYTHONPATH is",sys.path,"/n") 96 97 import _md5 98 "m = _md5(""iloveyou)" 99 "print(m.digest())" 100 "print(m.hexdigest())" 101 102 "文件" 103 file = open("D:\firstPython\file.txt") 104 for line in file.readlines(): 105 print(line) 106 107 "数据库编程"