• JS通过ActiveX读写ini配置文件

     1   String.prototype.trim = function(){
     2     return this.replace(/(^s+)|(s+$)/g, '');
     3   };
     5   IniConfig = function(iniFileName)  {
     6     this.iniFileName = iniFileName;
     7     this._iniSecDictionary = new Array();
     8     this.fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
     9   }
    11   IniConfig.prototype._checkFile = function(){
    12     if (!this.fso.FileExists(this.iniFileName)){
    13       this.fso.CreateTextFile(this.iniFileName, true, true);
    14     }
    15   }
    17   IniConfig.prototype.load = function(){
    18     this._checkFile();
    19     var currSecName = null;
    20     var fs = this.fso.OpenTextFile(this.iniFileName, 1, false, -1);
    22     while (!fs.AtEndOfStream) {
    23       var strLine = fs.ReadLine().trim();
    24       if (strLine.length > 0){
    25         var firchCh = strLine.substr(0, 1);
    26         if (firchCh != ';'){
    27           if (firchCh == '['){
    28             var secName = strLine.substr(1, strLine.length - 2);
    29             currSecName = secName;
    30             this._iniSecDictionary[secName] = new Array();
    31           } else {
    32             var idx = strLine.indexOf('=');
    33             var strKey = strLine.substring(0, idx);
    34             var strVal = strLine.substr(idx + 1);
    35             if (currSecName == null){
    36               throw ("Ini文件格式不正确!");
    37             }
    38             this._iniSecDictionary[currSecName][strKey] = strVal;
    39           }
    40         }
    41       }
    42     }
    43     fs.Close();
    44     fs = null;
    45   }
    47   IniConfig.prototype.save = function(){
    48     this._checkFile();
    49     var dic = this._iniSecDictionary;
    50     var currSecName = null;
    51     var fs = this.fso.OpenTextFile(this.iniFileName, 2, true, -1);
    52     for (var sec in dic){
    53       fs.WriteLine('[' + sec + ']');
    54       for (var key in dic[sec]){
    55         fs.WriteLine(key + '=' + dic[sec][key]);
    56       }
    57     }
    58     fs.Close();
    59     fs = null;
    60   }
    62   IniConfig.prototype.get = function(secName, keyName) {
    63     var dic = this._iniSecDictionary;
    64     try{
    65       return dic[secName][keyName];
    66     } catch (e) {
    67       return '';
    68     }
    69   }
    71   IniConfig.prototype.set = function(secName, keyName, val) {
    72     var dic = this._iniSecDictionary;
    73     try {
    74       if (dic[secName] == null) {
    75         dic[secName] = new Array();
    76       }
    77       dic[secName][keyName] = val;
    78     } catch (e) {
    79       alert(e.message);
    80     }
    81   }
    83   try {
    84    var iniFile = new IniConfig("E:\a.ini");
    85    iniFile.load();
    86    alert(iniFile.get("Shutdown","0CmdLine"));
    87    iniFile.set("Shutdown","0CmdLine","aaa");
    88    iniFile.set("Shutdown","0CmdLine","abc");
    89    iniFile.set("Shutdown", "1CmdLine", "bbb")
    90    iniFile.save();
    91   } catch(e) {
    92    alert(e.message);
    93   }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/qingbin-bai/p/6364312.html
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