// Copyright © Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// This code released under the terms of the
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/// </summary> /// <param name="translation_control">需动画的组件</param> /// <param name="mode">模式:0-弹性,2-惯性</param> /// <param name="orientation">方向:0-正向,1-反向</param> /// <param name="axis">轴:0-左右,1-上下</param> /// <param name="delay">延时</param> /// <param name="_begin">开始动画位置</param> /// <param name="_end">结束动画位置</param> /// <param name="amplitude">振幅</param> /// <param name="suppression">硬度</param> public void Translation(FrameworkElement translation_control, int mode, int orientation, int axis, double delay, double _begin, double _end, double amplitude = 8, double suppression = 3) /// </summary> /// <param name="main">在哪个Grid内</param> /// <param name="width">组件宽度</param> /// <param name="height">组件高度</param> /// <param name="direction">方向:0-横向,1-纵向</param> /// <param name="rotate_control">组件</param> /// <param name="begin_angel">起始角度</param> /// <param name="timeDelay">延时</param> public CushionRotate(Grid main, double width, double height, int direction, UserControl rotate_control, double begin_angel, double timeDelay) /// </summary> /// <param name="mode">模式:0-弹性,1-惯性</param> /// <param name="amplitude">振幅</param> /// <param name="suppression">硬度</param> public void Rotate(int mode, double amplitude = 8, double suppression = 3)
using System; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Media.Animation; public class BounceDoubleAnimation : DoubleAnimationBase { public enum EdgeBehaviorEnum { EaseIn, EaseOut, EaseInOut } public static readonly DependencyProperty EdgeBehaviorProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("EdgeBehavior", typeof(EdgeBehaviorEnum), typeof(BounceDoubleAnimation), new PropertyMetadata(EdgeBehaviorEnum.EaseInOut)); public static readonly DependencyProperty BouncesProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Bounces", typeof(int), typeof(BounceDoubleAnimation), new PropertyMetadata(5)); public static readonly DependencyProperty BouncinessProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Bounciness", typeof(double), typeof(BounceDoubleAnimation), new PropertyMetadata(3.0)); public static readonly DependencyProperty FromProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("From", typeof(double?), typeof(BounceDoubleAnimation), new PropertyMetadata(null)); public static readonly DependencyProperty ToProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("To", typeof(double?), typeof(BounceDoubleAnimation), new PropertyMetadata(null)); public EdgeBehaviorEnum EdgeBehavior { get { return (EdgeBehaviorEnum)GetValue(EdgeBehaviorProperty); } set { SetValue(EdgeBehaviorProperty, value); } } public int Bounces { get { return (int)GetValue(BouncesProperty); } set { if (value > 0) { SetValue(BouncesProperty, value); } else { throw new ArgumentException("can't set the bounces to " + value); } } } public double Bounciness { get { return (double)GetValue(BouncinessProperty); } set { if (value > 0) { SetValue(BouncinessProperty, value); } else { throw new ArgumentException("can't set the bounciness to " + value); } } } public double? From { get { return (double?)GetValue(FromProperty); } set { SetValue(FromProperty, value); } } public double? To { get { return (double?)GetValue(ToProperty); } set { SetValue(ToProperty, value); } } protected override double GetCurrentValueCore( double defaultOriginValue, double defaultDestinationValue, AnimationClock clock) { double returnValue; double start = From != null ? (double)From : defaultOriginValue; double delta = To != null ? (double)To - start : defaultOriginValue - start; switch (this.EdgeBehavior) { case EdgeBehaviorEnum.EaseIn: returnValue = easeIn(clock.CurrentProgress.Value, start, delta, Bounciness, Bounces); break; case EdgeBehaviorEnum.EaseOut: returnValue = easeOut(clock.CurrentProgress.Value, start, delta, Bounciness, Bounces); break; case EdgeBehaviorEnum.EaseInOut: default: returnValue = easeInOut(clock.CurrentProgress.Value, start, delta, Bounciness, Bounces); break; } return returnValue; } protected override Freezable CreateInstanceCore() { return new BounceDoubleAnimation(); } private static double easeOut(double timeFraction, double start, double delta, double bounciness, int bounces) { double returnValue = 0.0; returnValue = Math.Abs(Math.Pow((1 - timeFraction), bounciness) * Math.Cos(2 * Math.PI * timeFraction * bounces)); returnValue = delta - (returnValue * delta); returnValue += start; return returnValue; } private static double easeIn(double timeFraction, double start, double delta, double bounciness, int bounces) { double returnValue = 0.0; returnValue = Math.Abs(Math.Pow((timeFraction), bounciness) * Math.Cos(2 * Math.PI * timeFraction * bounces)); returnValue = returnValue * delta; returnValue += start; return returnValue; } private static double easeInOut(double timeFraction, double start, double delta, double bounciness, int bounces) { double returnValue = 0.0; if (timeFraction <= 0.5) { returnValue = easeIn(timeFraction * 2, start, delta / 2, bounciness, bounces); } else { returnValue = easeOut((timeFraction - 0.5) * 2, start, delta / 2, bounciness, bounces); returnValue += delta / 2; } return returnValue; } } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> public class BackDoubleAnimation : DoubleAnimationBase { public enum EdgeBehaviorEnum { EaseIn, EaseOut, EaseInOut } public static readonly DependencyProperty EdgeBehaviorProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("EdgeBehavior", typeof(EdgeBehaviorEnum), typeof(BackDoubleAnimation), new PropertyMetadata(EdgeBehaviorEnum.EaseIn)); public static readonly DependencyProperty AmplitudeProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Amplitude", typeof(double), typeof(BackDoubleAnimation), new PropertyMetadata(4.0)); public static readonly DependencyProperty SuppressionProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Suppression", typeof(double), typeof(BackDoubleAnimation), new PropertyMetadata(2.0)); public static readonly DependencyProperty FromProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("From", typeof(double?), typeof(BackDoubleAnimation), new PropertyMetadata(null)); public static readonly DependencyProperty ToProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("To", typeof(double?), typeof(BackDoubleAnimation), new PropertyMetadata(null)); public EdgeBehaviorEnum EdgeBehavior { get { return (EdgeBehaviorEnum)GetValue(EdgeBehaviorProperty); } set { SetValue(EdgeBehaviorProperty, value); } } public double Amplitude { get { return (double)GetValue(AmplitudeProperty); } set { SetValue(AmplitudeProperty, value); } } public double Suppression { get { return (double)GetValue(SuppressionProperty); } set { SetValue(SuppressionProperty, value); } } public double? From { get { return (double?)GetValue(FromProperty); } set { SetValue(FromProperty, value); } } public double? To { get { return (double?)GetValue(ToProperty); } set { SetValue(ToProperty, value); } } protected override double GetCurrentValueCore(double defaultOriginValue, double defaultDestinationValue, AnimationClock clock) { double returnValue; double start = From != null ? (double)From : defaultOriginValue; double delta = To != null ? (double)To - start : defaultOriginValue - start; switch (this.EdgeBehavior) { case EdgeBehaviorEnum.EaseIn: returnValue = easeIn(clock.CurrentProgress.Value, start, delta, Amplitude, Suppression); break; case EdgeBehaviorEnum.EaseOut: returnValue = easeOut(clock.CurrentProgress.Value, start, delta, Amplitude, Suppression); break; case EdgeBehaviorEnum.EaseInOut: default: returnValue = easeInOut(clock.CurrentProgress.Value, start, delta, Amplitude, Suppression); break; } return returnValue; } protected override Freezable CreateInstanceCore() { return new BackDoubleAnimation(); } private static double easeOut(double timeFraction, double start, double delta, double amplitude, double suppression) { double returnValue = 0.0; double frequency = 0.5; returnValue = Math.Pow((timeFraction), suppression) * amplitude * Math.Sin(2 * Math.PI * timeFraction * frequency) + timeFraction; returnValue = (returnValue * delta); returnValue += start; return returnValue; } private static double easeIn(double timeFraction, double start, double delta, double amplitude, double suppression) { double returnValue = 0.0; double frequency = 0.5; returnValue = Math.Pow((1 - timeFraction), suppression) * amplitude * Math.Sin(2 * Math.PI * timeFraction * frequency) * -1 + timeFraction; returnValue = (returnValue * delta); returnValue += start; return returnValue; } private static double easeInOut(double timeFraction, double start, double delta, double amplitude, double suppression) { double returnValue = 0.0; if (timeFraction <= 0.5) { return easeIn(timeFraction * 2, start, delta / 2, amplitude, suppression); } else { returnValue = easeOut((timeFraction - 0.5) * 2, start, delta / 2, amplitude, suppression); returnValue += (delta / 2); } return returnValue; } }
using System; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Controls; using System.Windows.Media; using System.Windows.Media.Media3D; public class CushionRotate { private AxisAngleRotation3D axisAngleRotation; private double b_angel, delay; public CushionRotate(Grid main, double width, double height, int direction, UserControl rotate_control, double begin_angel, double timeDelay) { delay = timeDelay; b_angel = begin_angel; double Mesh_Width = width / 2; double Mesh_Height = height / 2; Viewport3D viewport3D = new Viewport3D(); PerspectiveCamera perspectiveCamera = new PerspectiveCamera() { Position = new Point3D(0, 0, width * 2), LookDirection = new Vector3D(0, 0, -1), NearPlaneDistance = 100 }; viewport3D.Camera = perspectiveCamera; ContainerUIElement3D containerUIElement3D = new ContainerUIElement3D(); DiffuseMaterial diffuseMaterial = new DiffuseMaterial(); Viewport2DVisual3D.SetIsVisualHostMaterial(diffuseMaterial, true); MeshGeometry3D meshGeometry3D = new MeshGeometry3D() { TriangleIndices = new Int32Collection(new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3 }), TextureCoordinates = new PointCollection(new Point[] { new Point(0, 0), new Point(0, 1), new Point(1, 1), new Point(1, 0) }), Positions = new Point3DCollection(new Point3D[] { new Point3D(-Mesh_Width, Mesh_Height, 0), new Point3D(-Mesh_Width, -Mesh_Height, 0), new Point3D(Mesh_Width, -Mesh_Height, 0), new Point3D(Mesh_Width, Mesh_Height, 0) }) }; Viewport2DVisual3D viewport2DVisual3D = new Viewport2DVisual3D() { Geometry = meshGeometry3D, Visual = rotate_control, Material = diffuseMaterial }; PointCollection Direction; Vector3D vector3D; if (direction == 0) { Direction = new PointCollection(new Point[] { new Point(0, 0), new Point(0, 1), new Point(1, 1), new Point(1, 0) }); vector3D = new Vector3D(0, 1, 0); } else { Direction = new PointCollection(new Point[] { new Point(1, 1), new Point(1, 0), new Point(0, 0), new Point(0, 1) }); vector3D = new Vector3D(1, 0, 0); } containerUIElement3D.Children.Add(viewport2DVisual3D); axisAngleRotation = new AxisAngleRotation3D() { Angle = begin_angel, Axis = vector3D }; RotateTransform3D rotateTransform3D = new RotateTransform3D() { Rotation = axisAngleRotation }; containerUIElement3D.Transform = rotateTransform3D; ModelVisual3D modelVisual3D = new ModelVisual3D() { Content = new DirectionalLight(Colors.Transparent, new Vector3D(0, 0, -1)) }; viewport3D.Children.Add(containerUIElement3D); viewport3D.Children.Add(modelVisual3D); main.Children.Add(viewport3D); } public void Rotate(int mode, double amplitude = 8, double suppression = 3) { if (mode == 0) { BounceDoubleAnimation bounceDoubleAnimation = new BounceDoubleAnimation() { From = b_angel, To = 0, Duration = new Duration(TimeSpan.Parse("0:0:" + delay.ToString())), EdgeBehavior = BounceDoubleAnimation.EdgeBehaviorEnum.EaseOut, }; axisAngleRotation.BeginAnimation(AxisAngleRotation3D.AngleProperty, bounceDoubleAnimation); } if (mode == 1) { BackDoubleAnimation backDoubleAnimation = new BackDoubleAnimation() { From = b_angel, To = 0, Duration = new Duration(TimeSpan.Parse("0:0:" + delay.ToString())), EdgeBehavior = BackDoubleAnimation.EdgeBehaviorEnum.EaseOut, Amplitude = amplitude, Suppression = suppression, }; axisAngleRotation.BeginAnimation(AxisAngleRotation3D.AngleProperty, backDoubleAnimation); } } }