• shell-code-1


    # online test tool: http://www.shucunwang.com/RunCode/shell/

    #Attention for variables' names:
    #1. No space between "name" and "="
    #2. First letter must be a-z, A-Z
    #3. No space or 标点符号punctuation in it

    # for file in 'ls /etc'
    # list all files' names in /etc. Also assignment

    #echo $name
    echo ${name}
    # when using a variable, add '$' or '${}'(better)
    # 第二次赋值不需要在变量前加$

    for skill in Ada Coffe Action Java; do
    echo "I am good at ${skill}Script"
    # 加花括号是为了帮助解释器识别变量的边界
    # 如果不加,上例中解释器就会把$skillScript当成一个变量(其值为空)
    # 加的话就可以正确输出了

    readonly name
    # then its value cann't be changed

    unset name
    # delete a variable. cann't delete readonly

    # 字符串:单引号、双引号、无引号都可以
    # 单引号:1) 任何字符都会原样输出;2)其中不能出现单引号(变量、转义符无效)
    # 双引号:可以有变量和转义字符
    name='pxy '
    fullName="you are "$name", right?"
    echo $fullName

    # 拼接字符串:直接写
    name1="I am "${name}
    name2=${name}" is me"

    # 获取字符串长度
    echo ${#name}

    # 截取字符串。${字符串名字:start:size}
    echo ${name:2:3}
    # output 234

    # 查找子串。子串此处为r,输出为1
    string="runoob is a great company"
    echo `expr index "$string" r`

    # 数组:
    # 定义:1) 数组名=(值1 值2 ... 值n)或者用换行的方式
    # 2) 可以单独定义数组的各个分量,可以不使用连续的下标,而且下标的范围没有限制。
    arr=(1 2 3)
    # get an item. '@' means all items.
    echo ${arr[0]}
    echo ${arr[@]}
    # get length of an item or an array
    echo ${#arr[0]}
    # for array
    echo ${#arr[@]}
    echo ${#arr[*]}

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/pxy7896/p/6417372.html
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