OrderItemUtils (分页数据库排序字段,可以不要)
public class OrderItemUtils implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
* 需要进行排序的字段
@ApiModelProperty(value = "需要进行排序的字段")
private String column;
* 是否正序排列,默认 true
@ApiModelProperty(value = "是否正序排列,默认true")
private Boolean asc = true;
RequestPageUtils (分页请求基类)
public class RequestPageUtils implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 8545996863226528798L;
* 每页显示条数,默认 10
@ApiModelProperty(value = "每页显示条数,默认10")
protected Integer size = 10;
* 当前页
@ApiModelProperty(value = "当前页,默认为1")
protected Integer current = 1;
* 排序字段信息
@ApiModelProperty(value = "排序字段信息")
protected OrderItemUtils orders = new OrderItemUtils();
* 设置起始页 1开始
* @param current
public void setCurrent(Integer current) {
this.current = Math.max(current, this.current);
* 设置起始页大小
* @param size
public void setSize(Integer size) {
this.size = Math.max(size, 1);
ResponsePageUtils (分页响应基类)
public class ResponsePageUtils<T> implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 8545996863226528798L;
* 查询数据列表
@ApiModelProperty(value = "查询数据列表")
protected List<T> entities = Collections.emptyList();
* 总数
@ApiModelProperty(value = "总数")
protected Long total = 0L;
* 每页显示条数,默认 10
@ApiModelProperty(value = "每页显示条数,默认10")
protected Integer size = 10;
* 当前页
@ApiModelProperty(value = "当前页,默认为1")
protected Integer current = 1;
* 排序字段信息
@ApiModelProperty(value = "排序字段信息")
protected OrderItemUtils orders = new OrderItemUtils();
UserQueryPageInputDTO (获取前端传来的数据,同时可以在其中进行校验)
@ApiModel(value = "UserQueryPageInputDTO", description = "列表查询参数")
public class UserQueryPageInputDTO extends RequestPageUtils {
@ApiModelProperty(value = "名称", example = "test")
private String mc;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "学号", example = "...")
private String xh;
@ApiModelProperty(value = "年级", example = "2017")
@NotBlank(message = "年级不能为空")
private String nj;
* 把请求dto转换为do,用户操作数据库
* @return
public UserQueryRequestPage convertToUser() {
return new UserQueryPageInputDTO.UserQueryPageInputDTOConvert().convert(this);
private static class UserQueryPageInputDTOConvert implements DTOConvert<UserQueryPageInputDTO, UserQueryRequestPage> {
public UserQueryRequestPage convert(UserQueryPageInputDTO userQueryPageInputDTO) {
UserQueryRequestPage userQueryPage = new UserQueryRequestPage();
BeanUtils.copyProperties(userQueryPageInputDTO, userQueryPage);
return userQueryPage;
* 请求dto与响应dto的都需要有(current,size,orders),可以通过类转换来得到响应dto
public UserQueryPageOutputDTO convert(UserQueryPageInputDTO inputDTO) {
UserQueryPageOutputDTO outputDTO = new UserQueryPageOutputDTO();
BeanUtils.copyProperties(inputDTO, outputDTO);
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(inputDTO.getOrders().getColumn())){
return outputDTO;
UserQueryPageOutputDTO (返回前端数据)
public class UserQueryPageOutputDTO extends ResponsePageUtils<UserGetOutputDTO> {
* 请求dto与响应dto的都需要有(current,size,orders),可以通过类转换来得到响应dto
public UserQueryPageOutputDTO convert(UserQueryPageInputDTO inputDTO){
BeanUtils.copyProperties(inputDTO, this);
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(inputDTO.getOrders().getColumn())){
return this;
public class UserQueryRequestPage extends RequestPageUtils {
* 名称
private String mc;
* 学号
private String xh;
* 年级
private String nj;
* 开始
private Integer start;
* 结束
private Integer end;
* 获取开始位置
* @return
public Integer getStart() {
return (this.current - 1) * this.size;
* 获取结束位置
* @return
public Integer getEnd() {
return this.current * this.size;
public interface UserMapper {
* 根据参数进行分页查询
* @param entity
* @return
public List<User> listByPage(UserQueryRequestPage entity);
* 获取总条数
* @param entity
* @return
public int countByPage(UserQueryRequestPage entity);
<!-- 获取分页查询的总条数 -->
<select id="countByPage" resultType="int" parameterType="com.example.demo.service.params.UserQueryRequestPage">
FROM tb_user
WHERE nj= #{nj}
AND sfsc = 'N'
<if test="mc != null and mc != ''">
AND mc LIKE '%${mc}%'
<if test="xh!= null and xh!= ''">
AND xhLIKE '${xh}%'
<!-- 通过条件查询分页 -->
<select id="listByPage" resultType="com.example.demo.domain.User" parameterType="com.example.demo.service.params.UserQueryRequestPage">
SELECT tmp.*, rownum row_id FROM (
FROM tb_user
AND nj= #{nj}
<if test="mc != null and mc != ''">
AND mc LIKE '%${mc}%'
<if test="xh!= null and xh!= ''">
AND xhLIKE '${xh}%'
) tmp
WHERE #{end} >= rownum)
WHERE row_id > #{start}
<!-- 如果没有排序,可以不写,或者写死 -->
<if test="orders.column != null and orders.column != ''">
<if test="orders.asc == true">
ORDER BY ${orders.column} ASC
<if test="orders.asc == false">
ORDER BY ${orders.column} DESC
public class UserServiceImpl implements UserService {
private UserMapper mapper;
public List<User> listByPage(UserQueryRequestPage param) {
// 返回查询数据
return mapper.listByPage(param);
public int countByPage(UserQueryRequestPage param) {
// 获取单位列表查询的总条数
return mapper.countByPage(param);
@Api(tags = "人员管理")
public class UserController{
private UserService userService;
@ApiOperationSupport(order = 1)
public R<UserQueryPageOutputDTO > query(@RequestBody @Valid UserQueryPageInputDTO requestDTO, BindingResult validateResult){
String msg= null;
if (result.hasErrors()) {
List<ObjectError> objectErrors = result.getAllErrors();
msg= String.valueOf(objectErrors.get(0).getDefaultMessage());
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(msg)) {
return R.failed(msg);
// 定义返回类
UserQueryPageOutputDTO outputDTO = queryPageInputDTO.convert(queryPageInputDTO);
// 获取条数
UserQueryRequestPage user = queryPageInputDTO.convertToUser();
long count = userService.countByPage(user);
if (count == 0) {
return R.ok(outputDTO);
// 获取数据
List<User> queryPage = userService.listByPage(user);
// 数据转换
if (!queryPage.isEmpty()){
List<UserGetOutputDTO> list = new ArrayList<>();
queryPage.forEach(item -> list.add(new UserGetOutputDTO().convert(item)));
// 数据返回
return R.ok(outputDTO);
注: @ApiModelProperty, @Api, @ApiOperation等是属于swagger的注解,如果不要可以去掉; @NotBlank, @Valid是用来校验参数的,要添加validation依赖