• kudu导入文件(基于impala)





    app@hadoop01:/software/develop/pujh>cat genBiData.sh 
    echo ''>data.txt
    chmod 777 data.txt
     echo "$i|aa$i|aa$i$i|aa$i$i$i" >>data.txt;
    app@hadoop01:/software/develop/pujh> sed 's/|/,/g' data.txt > temp.csv
    app@hadoop01:/software/develop/pujh>chmod 777 tmp.csv


    su - root
    su - hdfs
    hadoop dfs -mkdir /input/data/pujh
    hadoop dfs -chmod -R 777 /input/data/pujh
    hadoop dfs -put /software/develop/pujh /input/data/pujh 
    hadoop dfs -ls /input/data/pujh
    hdfs@hadoop01:>./hadoop dfs -ls /input/data/pujh          
    DEPRECATED: Use of this script to execute hdfs command is deprecated.
    Instead use the hdfs command for it.
    Found 5 items
    -rwxrwxrwx   3 hdfs supergroup          4 2019-04-24 10:14 /input/data/pujh/aa.txt
    -rwxrwxrwx   3 hdfs supergroup 1813554712 2019-04-24 10:14 /input/data/pujh/data.txt
    -rwxrwxrwx   3 hdfs supergroup 1281378694 2019-04-24 10:14 /input/data/pujh/data2kw.csv
    -rwxrwxrwx   3 hdfs supergroup 1281378694 2019-04-24 10:14 /input/data/pujh/data_2kw.txt
    -rwxrwxrwx   3 hdfs supergroup        146 2019-04-24 10:14 /input/data/pujh/genBiData.sh



    create table employee_temp ( eid int, name String,salary String, destination String) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',';hdfs@hadoop02>./impala-shell 
    Starting Impala Shell without Kerberos authentication
    Connected to hadoop02:21000
    Server version: impala version 2.8.0-cdh5.11.2 RELEASE (build f89269c4b96da14a841e94bdf6d4d48821b0d658)
    Welcome to the Impala shell.
    (Impala Shell v2.8.0-cdh5.11.2 (f89269c) built on Fri Aug 18 14:04:44 PDT 2017)
    The HISTORY command lists all shell commands in chronological order.
    [hadoop02:21000] > show databases;
    Query: show databases
    | name             | comment                                      |
    | _impala_builtins | System database for Impala builtin functions |
    | default          | Default Hive database                        |
    | td_test          |                                              |
    Fetched 3 row(s) in 0.01s
    [hadoop02:21000] > show tables;
    Query: show tables
    | name           |
    | employee       |
    | my_first_table |
    Fetched 2 row(s) in 0.00s
    [hadoop02:21000] > create table employee_temp ( eid int, name String,salary String, destination String) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',';
    Query: create table employee_temp ( eid int, name String,salary String, destination String) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ','
    Fetched 0 row(s) in 0.32s
    [hadoop02:21000] > show tables;
    Query: show tables
    | name           |
    | employee       |
    | employee_temp  |
    | my_first_table |
    Fetched 3 row(s) in 0.01s


    load data inpath '/input/data/pujh/temp.csv' into table employee_temp;
    [hadoop02:21000] > load data inpath '/input/data/pujh/temp.csv' into table employee_temp;
    Query: load data inpath '/input/data/pujh/temp.csv' into table employee_temp
    ERROR: AnalysisException: Unable to LOAD DATA from hdfs://hadoop01:8020/input/data/pujh/temp.csv because Impala does not have WRITE permissions on its parent directory hdfs://hadoop01:8020/input/data/pujh
    [hadoop02:21000] > load data inpath '/input/data/pujh/temp.csv' into table employee_temp;
    Query: load data inpath '/input/data/pujh/temp.csv' into table employee_temp
    | summary                                                  |
    | Loaded 1 file(s). Total files in destination location: 1 |
    Fetched 1 row(s) in 0.44s
    [hadoop02:21000] > select * from employee_temp limit 2;
    Query: select * from employee_temp limit 2
    Query submitted at: 2019-04-24 10:30:10 (Coordinator: http://hadoop02:25000)
    Query progress can be monitored at: http://hadoop02:25000/query_plan?query_id=4246eaa38a3d8bbb:953ce4d300000000
    | eid  | name | salary | destination |
    | NULL | NULL |        |             |
    | 1    | aa1  | aa11   | aa111       |
    Fetched 2 row(s) in 0.19s
    [hadoop02:21000] > select * from employee_temp limit 10;
    Query: select * from employee_temp limit 10
    Query submitted at: 2019-04-24 10:30:16 (Coordinator: http://hadoop02:25000)
    Query progress can be monitored at: http://hadoop02:25000/query_plan?query_id=cb4c3cf5d647c97a:75d2985f00000000
    | eid  | name | salary | destination |
    | NULL | NULL |        |             |
    | 1    | aa1  | aa11   | aa111       |
    | 2    | aa2  | aa22   | aa222       |
    | 3    | aa3  | aa33   | aa333       |
    | 4    | aa4  | aa44   | aa444       |
    | 5    | aa5  | aa55   | aa555       |
    | 6    | aa6  | aa66   | aa666       |
    | 7    | aa7  | aa77   | aa777       |
    | 8    | aa8  | aa88   | aa888       |
    | 9    | aa9  | aa99   | aa999       |
    Fetched 10 row(s) in 0.02s
    [hadoop02:21000] > select count(*) from employee_temp; 
    Query: select count(*) from employee_temp
    Query submitted at: 2019-04-24 10:30:34 (Coordinator: http://hadoop02:25000)
    Query progress can be monitored at: http://hadoop02:25000/query_plan?query_id=5a4c1107de118395:bfe96a1600000000
    | count(*) |
    | 20593280 |
    Fetched 1 row(s) in 0.65s

    3.从impala临时表employee_temp 导入kudu表employee_kudu


    create table employee_kudu ( eid int, name String,salary String, destination String,PRIMARY KEY(eid)) PARTITION BY HASH PARTITIONS 16 STORED AS KUDU;

    [hadoop02:21000] > create table employee_kudu ( eid int, name String,salary String, destination String,PRIMARY KEY(eid)) PARTITION BY HASH PARTITIONS 16 STORED AS KUDU;
    Query: create table employee_kudu ( eid int, name String,salary String, destination String,PRIMARY KEY(eid)) PARTITION BY HASH PARTITIONS 16 STORED AS KUDU
    Fetched 0 row(s) in 0.94s
    [hadoop02:21000] > show tables;
    Query: show tables
    | name           |
    | employee       |
    | employee_kudu  |
    | employee_temp  |
    | my_first_table |


    从impala临时表employee_temp 导入kudu表employee_kudu

    [hadoop02:21000] > insert into employee_kudu select * from employee_temp;
    Query: insert into employee_kudu select * from employee_temp
    Query submitted at: 2019-04-24 10:31:37 (Coordinator: http://hadoop02:25000)
    Query progress can be monitored at: http://hadoop02:25000/query_plan?query_id=2e47536cc5c82392:ef4d552600000000
    WARNINGS: Row with null value violates nullability constraint on table 'impala::default.employee_kudu'.
    Modified 20593279 row(s), 1 row error(s) in 78.75s
    [hadoop02:21000] > select count(*) from employee_kudu;
    Query: select count(*) from employee_kudu
    Query submitted at: 2019-04-24 10:33:30 (Coordinator: http://hadoop02:25000)
    Query progress can be monitored at: http://hadoop02:25000/query_plan?query_id=6d4bad44a980f229:fd7878d00000000
    | count(*) |
    | 20593279 |
    Fetched 1 row(s) in 0.18s
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/pu20065226/p/10761136.html
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