• Verilog笔记.6.FIFO

    FIFO,First In First Out ,是一种先进先出的数据缓存器。

    没有外部读写地址线,只能顺序写入数据,顺序的读出数据, 其数据地址由内部读写指针自动加1完成。






     1 `timescale 1ns / 1ps
     2 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     3 // Company: 
     4 // Engineer: 
     5 // 
     6 // Create Date: 2018/05/02 21:34:02
     7 // Design Name: 
     8 // Module Name: FIFO_16bits_16
     9 // Project Name: 
    10 // Target Devices: 
    11 // Tool Versions: 
    12 // Description: synchronous fifo 16bits * 16
    13 // 
    14 // Dependencies: 
    15 // 
    16 // Revision:
    17 // Revision 0.01 - File Created
    18 // Additional Comments:
    19 // 
    20 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    21 `define ADDR_WIDTH   4       //ADDR WIDTH = 4,  
    22 `define FIFO_DEPTH   16      //FIFO DEPTH
    23 `define FIFO_WIDTH   16      //FIFO WIDTH 16 BITS
    25 module myFIFO(
    26             input  wire clk,
    27             input  wire rst_n,
    28             input  wire wr_en,
    29             input  wire rd_en,                      //wire write/read enable
    30             input  wire [`FIFO_WIDTH:0] buf_in,     // data input to be pushed to buffer 
    31             output reg  [`FIFO_WIDTH:0] buf_out,    // port to output the data using pop.
    32             output wire buf_empty,
    33             output wire buf_full,                   // fifo buffer empty/full indication 
    34             output reg  [`ADDR_WIDTH:0] fifo_cnt    // number of data pushed in to buffer,16-> FULL;0-> EMPTY
    35             );
    37     reg [`ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] rd_ptr,wr_ptr;      //ADDR PTR .INDEX ,CYCLE 0->15->0->15  
    38     reg [`FIFO_WIDTH:0] buf_mem[0:`FIFO_DEPTH-1];  
    39     reg rst_nr; 
    40     //juge full/empty
    41     assign buf_empty = (fifo_cnt == 0)?1:0;   
    42     assign buf_full  = (fifo_cnt == `FIFO_DEPTH)?1:0;  
    43     //Asynchronous reset,synch release
    44 //    always @(posedge clk)begin
    45 //        rst_nr <= rst_n;
    46 //    end
    47     //FIFO_CNT  
    48     always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin  
    49        if(!rst_n)  
    50            fifo_cnt <= 0;  
    51        else if((!buf_full&&wr_en)&&(!buf_empty&&rd_en)) //WRTITE & READ ,HOLD  
    52            fifo_cnt <= fifo_cnt;  
    53        else if(!buf_full && wr_en)          //WRITE-> +1
    54            fifo_cnt <= fifo_cnt + 1;  
    55        else if(!buf_empty && rd_en)         //READ -> -1
    56            fifo_cnt <= fifo_cnt-1;  
    57        else   
    58            fifo_cnt <= fifo_cnt;  
    59     end  
    60     //READ
    61     always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin   
    62        if(!rst_n)  
    63            buf_out <= 0;  
    64        if(rd_en && !buf_empty)  
    65            buf_out <= buf_mem[rd_ptr];  
    66     end  
    67     //WRITE 
    68     always @(posedge clk) begin  
    69        if(wr_en && !buf_full)  
    70            buf_mem[wr_ptr] <= buf_in;  
    71     end  
    72    //wr_ptr & rd_ptr  ,ADDR PTR
    73     always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin  
    74        if(!rst_n) begin  
    75            wr_ptr <= 0;  
    76            rd_ptr <= 0;  
    77        end  
    78        else begin  
    79            if(!buf_full && wr_en)  
    80                wr_ptr <= wr_ptr + 1;  
    81            if(!buf_empty && rd_en)  
    82                rd_ptr <= rd_ptr + 1;  
    83        end  
    84     end  
    86 endmodule


      1 `timescale 1ns / 1ps
      2 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
      3 // Company: 
      4 // Engineer: 
      5 // 
      6 // Create Date: 2018/05/02 21:42:06
      7 // Design Name: 
      8 // Module Name: tb
      9 // Project Name: 
     10 // Target Devices: 
     11 // Tool Versions: 
     12 // Description: 
     13 // 
     14 // Dependencies: 
     15 // 
     16 // Revision:
     17 // Revision 0.01 - File Created
     18 // Additional Comments:
     19 // 
     20 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     21 `define ADDR_WIDTH   4      //ADDR WIDTH = 4,  
     22 `define BUF_DEPTH    16     //FIFO DEPTH
     23 `define FIFO_WIDTH   16     //FIFO WIDTH 16 BITS
     25 module tb;
     26     reg clk,rst_n;  
     27     reg wr_en,rd_en;  
     28     reg [15:0] buf_in;             // data input to be pushed to buffer  
     29     wire [15:0] buf_out;       // port to output the data using pop.  
     30     wire buf_empty,buf_full;  // buffer empty and full indication   
     31     wire [`ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] fifo_cnt;  // number of data pushed in to buffer   
     33     myFIFO dut(
     34         .clk(clk),
     35         .rst_n(rst_n),
     36         .buf_in(buf_in),
     37         .buf_out(buf_out),
     38         .wr_en(wr_en),
     39         .rd_en(rd_en),
     40         .buf_empty(buf_empty),
     41         .buf_full(buf_full),
     42         .fifo_cnt(fifo_cnt)
     43         );  
     45     always #10 clk = ~clk;  
     47     reg [15:0] tempdata = 0;  
     48     initial begin  
     49         clk = 0;  
     50         rst_n = 0;  
     51         wr_en = 0;  
     52         rd_en = 0;  
     53         buf_in = 0;  
     54         #15;  
     55         rst_n = 1;  
     57         push(1);  
     58         fork  
     59            push(2);  
     60            pop(tempdata);  
     61         join              //push and pop together     
     62         push(10);  
     63         push(20);  
     64         push(30);  
     65         push(40);  
     66         push(50);  
     67         push(60);  
     68         push(70);  
     69         push(80);  
     70         push(90);  
     71         push(100);  
     72         push(110);  
     73         push(120);  
     74         push(130);  
     75         push(140);  
     76         push(150);  
     77         push(160);  
     78         push(170);  
     79         push(180);  
     80         push(190);  
     82         pop(tempdata);  
     83         push(tempdata);  
     85         pop(tempdata);  
     86         pop(tempdata);  
     87         pop(tempdata);  
     88         pop(tempdata);  
     89         push(200);  
     90         pop(tempdata);  
     91         push(tempdata); 
     92         pop(tempdata);  
     93         pop(tempdata);  
     94         pop(tempdata);  
     95         pop(tempdata);  
     96         pop(tempdata);  
     97         pop(tempdata);  
     98         pop(tempdata);  
     99         pop(tempdata);  
    100         pop(tempdata);  
    101         pop(tempdata);  
    102         pop(tempdata);  
    103         push(5);  
    104         pop(tempdata);  
    105         pop(tempdata);  
    106         pop(tempdata);  
    107         pop(tempdata);  
    108         pop(tempdata);  
    109         pop(tempdata);  
    110         pop(tempdata);  
    111         pop(tempdata);  
    112         pop(tempdata);  
    113         pop(tempdata);  
    114         pop(tempdata);  
    115         pop(tempdata);  
    116         pop(tempdata);  
    117         pop(tempdata);  
    118         pop(tempdata);  
    120         #3;
    121         rst_n = 0;  
    122         #3;  
    123         rst_n = 1;  
    124         push(1);  
    125         fork  
    126            push(2);  
    127            pop(tempdata);  
    128         join              //push and pop together     
    129         push(10);  
    130         push(20);  
    131         push(30); 
    132         pop(tempdata);  
    133         pop(tempdata);  
    134         pop(tempdata); 
    135     end  
    137     task push (input [7:0] data);  
    138         if(buf_full)  
    139             $display("---Cannot push %d: Buffer Full---",data);  
    140         else begin  
    141             $display("Push:%d",data);  
    142             buf_in = data;  
    143             wr_en = 1;  
    144             @(posedge clk);  
    145             #5 wr_en = 0;  
    146         end  
    147     endtask  
    149     task pop(output[7:0] data);  
    150         if(buf_empty)  
    151             $display("---Cannot Pop: Buffer Empty---");  
    152         else begin  
    153             rd_en = 1;  
    154             @(posedge clk);  
    155             #3 rd_en = 0;  
    156             data = buf_out;  
    157             $display("------Poped:%d",data);  
    158         end       
    159     endtask  
    161 endmodule
    View Code


     [Synth 8-91] ambiguous clock in event control [:61]


    1 //READ
    2     always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin   
    3         if(!rst_n)  
    4             buf_out <= 0;
    5         else begin  
    6         if(rd_en && !buf_empty)  
    7             buf_out <= buf_mem[rd_ptr];
    8         end  
    9     end  






      1 `timescale 1ns / 1ps
      2 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
      3 // Company: 
      4 // Engineer: 
      5 // 
      6 // Create Date: 2018/05/03 13:56:26
      7 // Design Name: 
      8 // Module Name: AsyncFIFO
      9 // Project Name: 
     10 // Target Devices: 
     11 // Tool Versions: 
     12 // Description: asynchronous fifo
     13 // 
     14 // Dependencies: 
     15 // 
     16 // Revision:
     17 // Revision 0.01 - File Created
     18 // Additional Comments:
     19 // 
     20 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     23 module AsyncFIFO
     24     #(
     25     parameter fifo_width = 16,
     26     parameter fifo_depth = 16,  // = ((1<<addr_width) -1)
     27     parameter addr_width = 4    
     28     )
     29     (
     30     input  wire wclk,
     31     input  wire rclk,
     32     input  wire wrst_n,
     33     input  wire rrst_n,
     34     input  wire winc,
     35     input  wire rinc,
     36     input  wire [fifo_width-1:0] wdata,
     37     output wire [fifo_width-1:0] rdata,
     38     output reg  wfull,
     39     output reg  rempty
     40     //output reg  [addr_0] fifo_cnt 
     41     );
     43     reg  [addr_0] wptr,rptr;
     44     reg  [addr_0] rbin,wbin;
     45     reg  [addr_0] wq1_rptr,rq1_wptr,wq2_rptr,rq2_wptr; 
     46     reg  [fifo_width-1:0] fifo_mem [0:fifo_depth-1];
     47     wire [addr_width-1:0] waddr,raddr;
     48     wire [addr_0]  rgraynext,rbinnext,wgraynext,wbinnext;
     49     wire rempty_val,wfull_val;
     50 //snyc wptr
     51     always @(posedge wclk or negedge wrst_n)  
     52     if(!wrst_n) begin  
     53       {wq2_rptr,wq1_rptr} <= 0;  
     54     end  
     55     else begin  
     56       {wq2_rptr,wq1_rptr} <= {wq1_rptr,rptr};  
     57     end 
     58 //snyc rptr
     59     always @(posedge wclk or negedge wrst_n)
     60         if (!wrst_n) begin
     61             {rq2_wptr,rq1_wptr} <= 0;
     62         end
     63         else begin
     64             {rq2_wptr,rq1_wptr} <= {rq1_wptr,wptr};
     65         end
     66 //dualRAM
     67     assign rdata = fifo_mem[raddr];
     68     always@(posedge wclk)
     69         if (winc && !wfull) fifo_mem[waddr] <= wdata;
     70 //------------------------rempty & raddr----------------------------
     71     always @(posedge rclk or negedge rrst_n) // GRAYSTYLE-2 pointer
     72         if (!rrst_n) {rbin, rptr} <= 0;
     73         else {rbin, rptr} <= {rbinnext, rgraynext};
     74 // Memory read-address pointer (okay to use binary to address memory)
     75     assign raddr = rbin[addr_width-1:0];
     76     assign rbinnext = rbin + (rinc & ~rempty);
     77     assign rgraynext = (rbinnext>>1) ^ rbinnext;//binary to gray
     78 // FIFO empty when the next rptr == synchronized wptr or on reset
     79     assign rempty_val = (rgraynext == rq2_wptr)?1:0;
     80     always @(posedge rclk or negedge rrst_n)
     81         if (!rrst_n) rempty <= 1'b1;
     82         else rempty <= rempty_val;
     83 //-----------------------wfull & waddr------------------------------
     84     always @(posedge wclk or negedge wrst_n) // GRAYSTYLE2 pointer
     85         if (!wrst_n) {wbin, wptr} <= 0;
     86         else {wbin, wptr} <= {wbinnext, wgraynext};
     87 // Memory write-address pointer (okay to use binary to address memory)
     88     assign waddr = wbin[addr_width-1:0];
     89     assign wbinnext = wbin + (winc & ~wfull);
     90     assign wgraynext = (wbinnext>>1) ^ wbinnext;
     91 //------------------------------------------------------------------  
     92 // Simplified version of the three necessary full-tests:  
     93 // assign wfull_val=((wgnext[ADDRSIZE] !=wq2_rptr[ADDRSIZE] ) &&  
     94 // (wgnext[ADDRSIZE-1] !=wq2_rptr[ADDRSIZE-1]) &&  
     95 // (wgnext[ADDRSIZE-2:0]==wq2_rptr[ADDRSIZE-2:0]));  
     96 //------------------------------------------------------------------  
     97     assign wfull_val = (wgraynext=={~wq2_rptr[addr_addr_width-1], wq2_rptr[addr_width-2:0]}); 
     98     always @(posedge wclk or negedge wrst_n)
     99         if (!wrst_n) wfull <= 1'b0;
    100         else wfull <= wfull_val;
    102 endmodule


      1 `timescale 1ns / 1ps
      2 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
      3 // Company: 
      4 // Engineer: 
      5 // 
      6 // Create Date: 2018/05/03 16:53:39
      7 // Design Name: 
      8 // Module Name: tb
      9 // Project Name: 
     10 // Target Devices: 
     11 // Tool Versions: 
     12 // Description: 
     13 // 
     14 // Dependencies: 
     15 // 
     16 // Revision:
     17 // Revision 0.01 - File Created
     18 // Additional Comments:
     19 // 
     20 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     23 module tb;
     24 //    parameter fifo_width = 16;
     25 //    parameter fifo_depth = 16;  
     26 //    parameter addr_width = 4;
     28     reg wclk,rclk,wrst_n,rrst_n;  
     29     reg winc,rinc;  
     30     reg [15:0] wdata;               
     31     wire [15:0] rdata;        
     32     wire rempty,wfull; 
     36     AsyncFIFO i1(
     37         .wclk(wclk),
     38         .rclk(rclk),
     39         .wrst_n(wrst_n),
     40         .rrst_n(rrst_n),
     41         .winc(winc),
     42         .rinc(rinc),
     43         .wdata(wdata),
     44         .rdata(rdata),
     45         .wfull(wfull),
     46         .rempty(rempty)
     47         );
     48     always #20 wclk = ~wclk;
     49     always #10 rclk = ~rclk;
     51     reg [15:0] tempdata;
     52     reg [15:0] data1;
     53     reg [15:0] data2;
     54     initial begin
     55         wclk   = 0;
     56         rclk   = 0;
     57         wrst_n = 0;
     58         rrst_n = 0;
     59         winc   = 0;
     60         rinc   = 0;
     61         wdata  = 0;
     62         data1 = 0;
     64         #15
     65         fork
     66             wrst_n = 1;
     67             rrst_n = 1;
     68         join
     69         #5
     70                 push(3);
     71                 push(2);
     72                         push(1);  
     73         push(0);  
     74         #20
     75         //pop(tempdata);  
     76                   //push and pop together     
     77         while(1)begin
     78             fork
     79                 wr;
     80                 rd;
     81             join
     82         end
     83         push(10);  
     84         push(20);  
     85         push(30);  
     86         push(40);  
     87         push(50); 
     89     end 
     91         task wr;begin
     92             while(!wfull)begin
     93                push(data1);
     94                 data1 =data1+3;
     95             end
     96         end
     97         endtask
     99       task rd;begin
    100         while(!rempty)
    101         #15 pop(tempdata);
    103         end
    104       endtask
    106       task push (input [15:0] data);  
    107           if(wfull)  
    108               $display("---Cannot push %d: Buffer Full---",data);  
    109           else begin  
    110               $display("Push:%d",data);  
    111               wdata = data;  
    112               winc = 1;  
    113               @(posedge wclk);  
    114               #5 winc = 0;  
    115           end  
    116       endtask  
    118       task pop(output[15:0] data);  
    119           if(rempty)  
    120               $display("---Cannot Pop: Buffer Empty---");  
    121           else begin  
    122               rinc = 1;  
    123               @(posedge rclk);  
    124               #3 rinc = 0;  
    125               data = rdata;  
    126               $display("------Poped:%d",data);  
    127           end       
    128       endtask  
    131 endmodule
    View Code


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/protogenoi/p/8981495.html
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