之前分享过三种常用MD5、SHA2和AES加密算法(点这里)实现源码,前三者分别属于哈希加密和对称加密,而另一种很常用的非对称加密RSA算法实现这次分享出来。RSA算法的原理和用途大家可以网上自行搜索。虽然其算法原理很简单,但是由于其密钥长度很长(一般至少1024位),所以实际在其相互运算以及大质数查找会牵扯很多算法理论,因此我这里代码实现中数学运算是直接基于GMP(The GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library),我将其linux64位下编译好的动静态库都已上传,如果环境相同可以不用安装直接使用。另外针对RSA算法内的大质数p和q以及公钥e和私钥d等也是有要求的(参考这里),这块我是参考JDK内RSA算法的实现。
BigInteger.java内762-769行,其中SMALL_PRIME_THRESHOLD为常量95 ,DEFAULT_PRIME_CERTAINTY为常量100,rnd入参是一个随机数,所以是按95位为分界对应两个不同方法,我这里只考虑长密钥所以直接看大的
public static BigInteger probablePrime(int bitLength, Random rnd) { if (bitLength < 2) throw new ArithmeticException("bitLength < 2"); return (bitLength < SMALL_PRIME_THRESHOLD ? smallPrime(bitLength, DEFAULT_PRIME_CERTAINTY, rnd) : largePrime(bitLength, DEFAULT_PRIME_CERTAINTY, rnd)); }
private static BigInteger largePrime(int bitLength, int certainty, Random rnd) { BigInteger p; p = new BigInteger(bitLength, rnd).setBit(bitLength-1); p.mag[p.mag.length-1] &= 0xfffffffe; // Use a sieve length likely to contain the next prime number int searchLen = getPrimeSearchLen(bitLength); BitSieve searchSieve = new BitSieve(p, searchLen); BigInteger candidate = searchSieve.retrieve(p, certainty, rnd); while ((candidate == null) || (candidate.bitLength() != bitLength)) { p = p.add(BigInteger.valueOf(2*searchLen)); if (p.bitLength() != bitLength) p = new BigInteger(bitLength, rnd).setBit(bitLength-1); p.mag[p.mag.length-1] &= 0xfffffffe; searchSieve = new BitSieve(p, searchLen); candidate = searchSieve.retrieve(p, certainty, rnd); } return candidate; }
boolean primeToCertainty(int certainty, Random random) { int rounds = 0; int n = (Math.min(certainty, Integer.MAX_VALUE-1)+1)/2; // The relationship between the certainty and the number of rounds // we perform is given in the draft standard ANSI X9.80, "PRIME // NUMBER GENERATION, PRIMALITY TESTING, AND PRIMALITY CERTIFICATES". int sizeInBits = this.bitLength(); if (sizeInBits < 100) { rounds = 50; rounds = n < rounds ? n : rounds; return passesMillerRabin(rounds, random); } if (sizeInBits < 256) { rounds = 27; } else if (sizeInBits < 512) { rounds = 15; } else if (sizeInBits < 768) { rounds = 8; } else if (sizeInBits < 1024) { rounds = 4; } else { rounds = 2; } rounds = n < rounds ? n : rounds; return passesMillerRabin(rounds, random) && passesLucasLehmer(); }
通过查询GMP库中对应函数,其文档有两个相关函数int mpz_probab_prime_p (const mpz t n, int reps)和void mpz_nextprime (mpz t rop, const mpz t op)前者是概率判断n(入参)是否为质数,其概率值为4的reps(入参)次方,后者是直接给出一个大于op(入参)的概率质数rop(出参)。所以前者就是对应JDK中的primeToCertainty方法,后者对应probablePrime方法,为了简单我这里使用mpz_nextprime 函数直接获取,这个函数没有给出是质数的概率,文档也没有说明只是说结果是合数的概率很小(原文:“This function uses a probabilistic algorithm to identify primes. For practical purposes it’s adequate, the chance of a composite passing will be extremely small.”)。我查了下源码,这个概率可能是4的-25次方(最后调用了25轮MillerRabin算法)