SQL(Structure Query Language): connect the client and the sql server.

    How to login the server?

      input the command in cmd:

        mysql -u root -p


    The DDL(Data Defination Language): to describe the data which exsits in the real world and save the data. E.i. craete the database and table's structure.



      1. Create a database:

        CREATE DATABASE mydb1;( use the server default charset )

      2. Show the details of mydb1 database:

        SHOW CREATE DATABASE mydb1; 

      3. Create a database whose charset is GBK:


      4. Create a database whose charset is GBK and has the collation:

        CREATE DATABASE mydb3 CHARACTER SET gbk COLLATE gbk_chinese_ci;

      5. Show all the databases:


      6. Delete the database:

        DROP DATABASE mydb3;

      7. Change the database's charset:



      1. To use a table, we should choose a database first:

        USE database_name;

      2. Create a table, and we can set the character and the collation of this table:

        CREATE TABLE table_name(

          field1 datatype,

          field2 datatype,    

          field3 datatype

        )character set xxx collate xxx

        for exmaple:

        CREATE TABLE employee (

          id INT,

          name VARCHAR(100),

          gender VARCHAR(10),

          birthday DTAE,

          entry_date DATE,

          job VARCHAR(100),

          salary FLOAT(8,2),

          resume TEXT


      3. Check the structure of the table:

        DESC employee;

      4. Add a column in employee table:

        ALTER TABLE employee ADD image BLOB;

      5. Modify the job column's varchar length:

        ALTER TABLE employee MODIFY job VARCHAR(60);

      6. Delete specific column:

        ALTER TABLE employee DROP image;

      7. Check all the tables in the database:

        SHOW TABLES;

      8. Rename the table's name:

        RENAME TABLE employee TO worker;

      9. Check the details of the table:

        SHOW CREATE TABLE worker;

      10. Change the table's charset;

        ALTER TABLE worker CHARACTER SET gbk;

      11. Change the column's name:

        ALTER TABLE worker CHANGE name username VARCHAR(10);

    The DML(Data Manipulation Language): to insert, delete and modify data in table.


      1. Check all the information in the table:

        SELECT * FROM worker;

      2. Insert information of worker into the worker table:

        INSERT INTO worker (id,username,gender,birthday,entry_date,job,salary,resume) VALUES (1,'pp','male','2000-01-01','2008-08-08','coder',100,'common');

        INSERT INTO worker VALUES (2,'cc','female','2001-01-01','2009-08-08','UI',200,'excellent');

        INSERT INTO worker VALUES(3,'架构师','male','2002-01-01','2010-08-08','cto',300,'fabulous');    ----->  this may lead to the character problem. The following has the solution:

      3. Check the character set:

        SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character%';


        (*)client: the client's charset.

        (*)connection: the database connection's charset.

        database: one of the database in the server's cahrset.

        (*)results: the result set which was returned to sql client's charset.

        server: when we install the server's charset.

        system: the database system's charset.

        To solve the Chinese encoding problem, we can change the client's charset:

          SET character_set_client=gbk;    -----> this is a temporary method to change the charset: change the client's charset

          INSERT INTO worker VALUES(3,'架构师','male','2002-01-01','2010-08-08','cto',300,'fabulous');    


          SET character_set_results=gbk;   -----> change the results' charset


      4.  Change all the works' salary as 50:

        UPDATE worker SET salary=50;

      5. Change pp's salary as 30:

        UPDATE worker SET salary=30 WHERE username='pp';

      6. Change 架构师's salary as 20 and job as 'web front end':

        UPDATE worker SET salary=20,job='web front end' WHERE username='架构师';

      7. Add 10 salary of cc:

        UPDATE worker SET salary=salary+10 WHERE username='cc';

      8. Delete the data whose username is pp:

        DELETE FROM worker WHERE username='pp';

      9. Delete all the data in the table:

        DELETE FROM worker;   -----> delete the data one by one, when the data's amount is large, it will cost a lot of time

      10. Delete the table:

        TRUNCATE TABLE worker;  -----> delete the table's structure and rebuild the table structure, when the data's amount is large, its efficiency is very high 

    DQL(Data Query Language): query the data in table.

    Query data in single table:


      1. Query the student's name and the English grade:

        SELECT name,english FROM student;

      2. Filter the repeated english grade:

        SELECT DISTINCT english FROM student;

      3. Add 10 for all the student:

        SELECT name,math+10 FROM student;

      4. Count the total grade of student:

        SELECT name,chinese+english+math FROM student;

      5. Use alias to represents the total grade:

        SELECT name,chinese+english+math AS total FROM student;

      6. Query the total grade whose name is 晨晨

        SELECT name,math+english+chinese AS total FROM student WHERE name='晨晨';

      7. Order the data of the table:

        SELECT name,math+english+chinese AS total FROM student ORDER BY total DESC;

    Data integrity: Ensure the data insert into the database is correct and avoid the mistake, when user inserts the data.

      Entity integrity: could identify a data uniquely

        CREATE TABLE t2(

          id INT PRIMARY KEY,   -----> The primary key is unique and should not be null.

          name VARCHAR(100),

          idcard VARCHAR(100)


        another way:

        CREATE TABLE t3(

          id INT,

          name VARCHAR(100),

          idcard VARCHAR(100),

          PRIMARY KEY(id)


        the second method could declare composite keys:

        CREATE TABLE t4(

          id1 INT,

          id2 INT,

          PRIMARY KEY(id1,id2)


      Domain integrity: the field in database must follow specific regulation or data type.


          type: id INT

          length: id INT(3)

          not null: username VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL

          unique: username VARCHAR(10) UNIQUE      -----> could bu null, if exists must be unique


          username VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL UNIQUE


          CREATE TABLE user(

            id INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT,    ----->  the id could increase automatically 

            username VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL UNIQUE,

            idcardnum VARCHAR(18) UNIQUE,

            gender VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL


        When we want to insert data into the table, we can use the following command:

          INSERT INTO user(id,username,idcardnum,gender) VALUES(1,'A','001','male');

          INSERT INTO user(username,idcardnum,gender) VALUES('B','002','female');    ------> we can ignore the id, it will increace automatically  (recommended)

          INSERT INTO user VALUES(NULL,'B','002','female');    ------> if the id is null, it will also fill the id value automatically


          we don't recemmend you to mantain the database by itself, some database such as Oracle doesn't have these function.

      Referential integrity:


          1. one-to-many relationship: 

            CREATE TABLE department(

              id INT PRIMARY KEY,

              name VARCHAR(100),

              addr VARCHAR(100)


            CREATE TABLE employee(

              id INT PRIMARY KEY,

              name VARCHAR(100),

              gender VARCHAR(100),

              salary FLOAT(8,2),

              department_id INT,

              CONSTRAINT department_id_fk FOREIGN KEY(department_id) REFERENCES department(id)


            How to define the foreign key?

            CONSTRAINT foreign_key_name FOREIGN KEY (foreign_key) REFERENCES main_table (primary_key)

            foreign_key_name: defined by yourself, must be unique in current database

            foreign_key: the key which should be constrained in current table

          2. many-to-many relationship:

            CREATE TABLE teacher(

              id INT PRIMARY KEY,

              name VARCHAR(100),

              salary FLOAT(8,2)


            CREATE TABLE student(

              id INT PRIMARY KEY,

              name VARCHAR(100),

              grade VARCHAR(10)


            CREATE TABLE teacher_student(

              t_id INT,

              s_id INT,

              PRIMARY KEY(t_id,s_id),

              CONSTRAINT t_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (t_id) REFERENCES teacher(id),

              CONSTRAINT s_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (s_id) REFERENCES student(id)



            INSERT INTO teacher VALUES(1,'PP',100);
            INSERT INTO teacher VALUES(2,'CC',200);
            INSERT INTO student VALUES(1,'LBJ','A');
            INSERT INTO student VALUES(2,'KL','A');

            INSERT INTO teacher_student VALUES(1,1);
            INSERT INTO teacher_student VALUES(1,2);
            INSERT INTO teacher_student VALUES(2,1);
            INSERT INTO teacher_student VALUES(2,2);

          3. one-to-one relationship:

            CREATE TABLE person(

              id INT PRIMARY KEY,

              name VARCHAR(100)


            CREATE TABLE id_card(

              id INT PRIMARY KEY,

              num VARCHAR(18),

              CONSTRAINT id_fk FOREIGN KEY (id) REFERENCE person(id)



     Multi-Table Query:

      1. Join Query:

        Basic grammer: SELECT content FROM table1_name JOIN_TYPE table2_name [ON JOIN_CONDITION] [WHERE FILTER_CONDITION]

        table1: on the left of JOIN_TYPE called left table, table2 is the right table.

        1.1 Cross Join:

          SELECT * FROM customer CROSS JOIN orders;

        1.2 Inner Join:

          1.2.1 Implicit Inner Join: not use ON key word (i.e. not use the JOIN_CONDITION), use the WHERE key word.

            Requirment: query all the customers who have orders and the orders' information:

            SELECT * FROM customer AS c, orders AS o WHERE c.id=o.customer_id;

          1.2.2 Explicit Inner Join: use the WHERE key word. 

            Requirment: query all the customers who have orders and the orders' information:

            SELECT * FROM customer AS c, INNER JOIN orders AS o ON c.id=o.customer_id; 

            Requirment: query the customer whose order price is larger than 200, and the order's information:

            SELECT * FROM customer AS c INNER JOIN orders AS o ON c.id=o.customer_id WHERE o.price>=200;

        1.3 Outer Join: return the result which meet the join requirment and return the rest information in the left table.

          1.3.1 Left Outer Join: 

            Requirment: query the customers' information and display the order information:

            SELECT * FROM customer AS c LEFT OUTER JOIN orders AS o ON c.id=o.customer_id;

          1.3.2 Right Outer Join:

            Requirment: query the customers' information and display the order information:

            SELECT * FROM orders AS o RIGHT OUTER JOIN customer AS c ON c.id=o.customer_id;

            Requirment: query all the orders and display the customers' information:

            SELECT * FROM customer AS c RIGHT OUTER JOIN orders AS o ON c.id=customer_id;

       2. Subquery: one query command serve as another query command's condition.

          SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE id=(SELECT id FROM table2);




        2.1 Subquery returns a scalar:

          SELECT s.* FROM teacher_student AS ts, student AS s WHERE ts.s_id=s.id AND ts.t_id=2;

        2.2 Subquery returns a single row

          SELECT * FROM student WHERE id IN (SELECT s_id FROM teacher_student WHERE t_id=2);

       3. Union Query:  merge two query results, and deprive the repeated data line. And return the unrepeated result.

          SELECT * FROM orders WHERE price>= 200 UNION SELECT * FROM orders WHERE customer_ id =1;

       4. Report Query: the report query is used to group the data and count the data.

          [SELECT ...] FROM ... [WHERE ...] [GROUP BY ... [HAVING...] ] [ORDER BY...]

          GROUP BY: group the data

          HAVING: filter the data after group the data

          Count the total data in the table:

          SELECT COUNT(*) FROM student;

          .......        SUM()  .....

          .......   AVG()  .....

          .......        MAX()  .....

          .......        MIN()  ..... 


          Group the data by product and diplays the product's price:

          SELECT product,SUM(price) FROM orders GROUP BY product;          

          Filter the condition via HAVING command: the HAVING command could only be used in GROUP BY

          SELECT product,SUM(price) FROM orders GROUP BY product HAVING SUM(price) > 100;

    Databse's Backup and Recovery:

       1. Backup database(table structure and data)

           c:/>mysqldump -h localhost -u root -p mydb1>d:/mydb1.sql

       2. Recovery database: the database's name must be created by you and choos the database

          mysql> create database mydb1;

          mysql> use mydb1;

          mysql> source d:/mydb1.sql;

  • 相关阅读:
    bayaim_hadoop 开篇 0.0
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ppcoder/p/7397765.html
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