create table jc_content_ext_bak as select * from jc_content_ext;
alter table jc_content_ext_bak add primary key (content_id);
alter table jc_content_ext_bak add index idx_jc_content_ext_01 (title);
alter table jc_content_ext_bak add UNIQUE idx_jc_content_ext_02 (content_id,title);
delete from jc_content_ext where content_id in(
select content_id from jc_content_ext_bak
where content_id not in
(select max(content_id) content_id from jc_content_ext_bak
group by title HAVING count(content_id)>1)
and title in
(select title from jc_content_ext_bak group by title HAVING count(content_id)>1));
create table t_id as
select content_id from jc_content_ext_bak
where content_id not in
(select max(content_id) content_id from jc_content_ext_bak
group by title HAVING count(content_id)>1)
and title in
(select title from jc_content_ext_bak group by title HAVING count(content_id)>1);
delete from jc_content_ext where content_id in(select * from t_id );
select title from jc_content_ext group by title HAVING count(content_id)>1);
drop table jc_content_ext_bak ;
drop table t_id;