• Oracle中获取连续的序列号范围的SQL








    Oracle 提供了XMLAGG函数可以将序列号按照一定的顺序拼接到一起,返回的类型是CLOB。LISTAGG 函数也提供类似的功能,但最大字符长度是4000。库存表序列号拼接到一起往往超过4000个字符,所以在这里选择的是XMLAGG函数。具体可以参考:https://blog.csdn.net/zqkwcyx/article/details/88663982


    with inventory as(
    select 'FormatA' as numFormat, 0001 as code from dual union
    select 'FormatA' as numFormat, 0002 as code from dual union
    select 'FormatA' as numFormat, 0003 as code from dual union
    select 'FormatA' as numFormat, 0005 as code from dual union
    select 'FormatA' as numFormat, 0006 as code from dual union
    select 'FormatA' as numFormat, 0008 as code from dual union
    select 'FormatB' as numFormat, 0001 as code from dual union
    select 'FormatB' as numFormat, 0002 as code from dual union
    select 'FormatB' as numFormat, 0005 as code from dual union
    select 'FormatB' as numFormat, 0006 as code from dual union
    select 'FormatB' as numFormat, 0008 as code from dual union
    select 'FormatB' as numFormat, 0009 as code from dual
    select numformat,rtrim(xmlagg(XMLELEMENT(e,orig.code,',').EXTRACT('//text()') order by orig.code).GetClobVal(),',') NumberClob from (
    SELECT * FROM inventory
    ) orig
    group by orig.numFormat






    with inventory as(
    select 'FormatA' as numFormat, 0001 as code from dual union
    select 'FormatA' as numFormat, 0002 as code from dual union
    select 'FormatA' as numFormat, 0003 as code from dual union
    select 'FormatA' as numFormat, 0005 as code from dual union
    select 'FormatA' as numFormat, 0006 as code from dual union
    select 'FormatA' as numFormat, 0008 as code from dual union
    select 'FormatB' as numFormat, 0001 as code from dual union
    select 'FormatB' as numFormat, 0002 as code from dual union
    select 'FormatB' as numFormat, 0005 as code from dual union
    select 'FormatB' as numFormat, 0006 as code from dual union
    select 'FormatB' as numFormat, 0008 as code from dual union
    select 'FormatB' as numFormat, 0009 as code from dual
    select numFormat,code startNum, nvl(lead(previousCode) over(partition BY numFormat order by previousCode nulls first ),maxn) endNum from(

    select numFormat,
    lag(code, 1) over(partition by numFormat order by code) previousCode, code,
    max(code) over(partition by numFormat) maxn
    from inventory

    where nvl(code-previousCode-1,1) <> 0

    注意SQL里面使用了 nulls first: 字段包含了null值,如果不使用nulls first 该条记录会放在最后最终导致范围查找出错。

    细节可以参考: https://blog.51cto.com/hbxztc/1891420

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/pmh905001/p/12241898.html
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