• js动态给table添加行(tr)

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            <table width="613" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" id="SignFrame">
                  <tr id="trHeader">
                    <td width="27" bgcolor="#96E0E2">序号</td>
                    <td width="64" bgcolor="#96E0E2">用户姓名</td>
                    <td width="98" bgcolor="#96E0E2">电子邮箱</td>
                    <td width="92" bgcolor="#96E0E2">固定电话</td>
                    <td width="86" bgcolor="#96E0E2">移动手机</td>
                    <td width="153" bgcolor="#96E0E2">公司名称</td>
                    <td width="57" align="center" bgcolor="#96E0E2">&nbsp;</td>
            <input type="button" name="Submit" value="添加参与人" onclick="AddSignRow()" /> 
            <input type="button" name="Submit2" value="清空" onclick="ClearAllSign()" />
            <input name='txtTRLastIndex' type='hidden' id='txtTRLastIndex' value="1" />
    <script language="javascript">// Example: obj = findObj("image1");
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        function AddSignRow(){ 
            var txtTRLastIndex = findObj("txtTRLastIndex",document);
            var rowID = parseInt(txtTRLastIndex.value);
            var signFrame = findObj("SignFrame",document);
            var newTR = signFrame.insertRow(signFrame.rows.length);
            newTR.id = "SignItem" + rowID;
            var newNameTD = newTR.insertCell(0);
            newNameTD.innerHTML = newTR.rowIndex.toString();
            var newNameTD = newTR.insertCell(1);
            newNameTD.innerHTML = "<input name='txtName" + rowID + "' id='txtName" + rowID + "' type='text' size='12' />";
            var newEmailTD = newTR.insertCell(2);
            newEmailTD.innerHTML = "<input name='txtEMail" + rowID + "' id='txtEmail" + rowID + "' type='text' size='20' />";
            var newTelTD = newTR.insertCell(3);
            newTelTD.innerHTML = "<input name='txtTel" + rowID + "' id='txtTel" + rowID + "' type='text' size='10' />";
            var newMobileTD = newTR.insertCell(4);
            newMobileTD.innerHTML = "<input name='txtMobile" + rowID + "' id='txtMobile" + rowID + "' type='text' size='12' />";
            var newCompanyTD = newTR.insertCell(5);
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            var newDeleteTD = newTR.insertCell(6);
            newDeleteTD.innerHTML = "<div align='center' style='40px'><a href='javascript:;' onclick="DeleteSignRow('SignItem" + rowID + "')">删除</a></div>";
            txtTRLastIndex.value = (rowID + 1).toString() ;
        function DeleteSignRow(rowid){
            var signFrame = findObj("SignFrame",document);
            var signItem = findObj(rowid,document);
            var rowIndex = signItem.rowIndex;
                signFrame.rows[i].cells[0].innerHTML = i.toString();
        function ClearAllSign(){
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                var rowscount = signFrame.rows.length;
                for(i=rowscount - 1;i > 0; i--){
                var txtTRLastIndex = findObj("txtTRLastIndex",document);
                txtTRLastIndex.value = "1";
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/phpfensi/p/3949519.html
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