• zk-web


    zk-web是一个用clojure with noir and boostrap写的Zookeeper WEB UI管理工具。



    git clone git://github.com/qiuxiafei/zk-web.git
    cd zk-web
    lein deps # run this if you're using lein 1.x
    lein run


    配置费方式简单, 文件:

    $HOME/.zk-web-conf.clj or conf/zk-web-conf.clj


     :server-port 8989  ;; optional, 8080 by default
     :users {
             "admin" "hello"
             ;; map of user -> password
             ;; you can add more
     :default-node "localhost:2181/my-start-node" ;; optional


    • Jump to ancesters of a node in navigation bar.直接跳到任意祖先导航
    • List children of a node with link to them.显示当前节点的所有儿子
    • Show stat and data of a node.显示数据的存储信息
    • Remember last 3 zookeepers you visit in cookie.记住最近访问的3个zk地址。
    • Create/edit/delete/rmr a node.操作:创建,编辑,删除,RMR
    • Simple authority management. 简单的权限管理。
    • Default node for first-arrival guest.



    Leiningen installs itself on the first run of the lein shell script; there is no separate install script. Follow these instructions to install Leiningen manually:

    1. Make sure you have a Java JDK version 6 or later.确保有JAVA环境
    2. Download the lein script from the stable branch of this project.从https://raw.githubusercontent.com/technomancy/leiningen/stable/bin/lein下载脚本,存为/usr/bin/lein。
    3. Place it on your $PATH. (~/bin is a good choice if it is on your path.) 即/usr/bin/lein
    4. Set it to be executable. (chmod +x ~/bin/lein) 改为可执行文件。
    5. Run it.跑起来


    $ lein new [TEMPLATE] NAME # generate a new project skeleton
    $ lein test [TESTS] # run the tests in the TESTS namespaces, or all tests
    $ lein repl # launch an interactive REPL session
    $ lein run -m my.namespace # run the -main function of a namespace
    $ lein uberjar # package the project and dependencies as standalone jar
    $ lein deploy clojars # publish the project to Clojars as a library
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/pengzhen/p/6905225.html
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