JsonNet-PHP 是 Google Jsonnet 对 PHP的支持扩展.
pecl: http://pecl.php.net/package/jsonnet
github: https://github.com/Neeke/Jsonnet-PHP
gitee: https://gitee.com/neeke/Jsonnet-PHP
Change Log:
- Update Lib JsonNet use v0.10.0.
- Support PHP 7.
- Update Lib JsonNet use v0.9.5.
- Add function JsonNet::fmtFile.
- Add function JsonNet::fmtSnippet.
Google Jsonnet Tutorial
Install Jsonnet-PHP扩展
The pecl package is : http://pecl.php.net/package/jsonnet
pecl install jsonnet
Input (Jsonnet)
cocktails: {
// Ingredient quantities are in fluid ounces. "Tom Collins": {
ingredients: [
{ kind: "Farmers Gin", qty: 1.5 },
{ kind: "Lemon", qty: 1 },
{ kind: "Simple Syrup", qty: 0.5 },
{ kind: "Soda", qty: 2 },
{ kind: "Angostura", qty: "dash" },
garnish: "Maraschino Cherry",
served: "Tall",
Manhattan: {
ingredients: [
{ kind: "Rye", qty: 2.5 },
{ kind: "Sweet Red Vermouth", qty: 1 },
{ kind: "Angostura", qty: "dash" },
garnish: "Maraschino Cherry",
served: "Straight Up",
Output (JSON)
"cocktails": {
"Tom Collins": {
"ingredients": [
{ "kind": "Farmers Gin", "qty": 1.5 },
{ "kind": "Lemon", "qty": 1 },
{ "kind": "Simple Syrup", "qty": 0.5 },
{ "kind": "Soda", "qty": 2 },
{ "kind": "Angostura", "qty": "dash" }
"garnish": "Maraschino Cherry",
"served": "Tall" },
"Manhattan": {
"ingredients": [
{ "kind": "Rye", "qty": 2.5 },
{ "kind": "Sweet Red Vermouth", "qty": 1 },
{ "kind": "Angostura", "qty": "dash" }
"garnish": "Maraschino Cherry",
"served": "Straight Up" }
Demo of PHP
$Snippet = '
cocktails: {
// Ingredient quantities are in fluid ounces.
"Tom Collins": {
ingredients: [
{ kind: "Farmers Gin", qty: 1.5 },
{ kind: "Lemon", qty: 1 },
{ kind: "Simple Syrup", qty: 0.5 },
{ kind: "Soda", qty: 2 },
{ kind: "Angostura", qty: "dash" },
garnish: "Maraschino Cherry",
served: "Tall",
Manhattan: {
ingredients: [
{ kind: "Rye", qty: 2.5 },
{ kind: "Sweet Red Vermouth", qty: 1 },
{ kind: "Angostura", qty: "dash" },
garnish: "Maraschino Cherry",
served: "Straight Up",
PHP Re Result
/usr/local/php/php-7.0.6-zts-debug/bin/php --re jsonnet
Extension [ extension #40 JsonNet version v1.3.0 ] {
- Constants [2] {
Constant [ string JSONNET_PHP_VERSION ] { v1.3.0 }
Constant [ string JSONNET_PHP_AUTHOR ] { Chitao.Gao [ neeke@php.net ] }
- Functions {
Function [ function jsonnet_get_version ] {
Function [ function jsonnet_get_author ] {
- Classes [1] {
Class [ class JsonNet ] {
- Constants [0] {
- Static properties [0] {
- Static methods [4] {
Method [ static public method evaluateFile ] {
- Parameters [1] {
Parameter #0 [ $file_path ]
Method [ static public method evaluateSnippet ] {
- Parameters [1] {
Parameter #0 [ $snippet_string ]
Method [ static public method fmtFile ] {
- Parameters [1] {
Parameter #0 [ $file_path ]
Method [ static public method fmtSnippet ] {
- Parameters [1] {
Parameter #0 [ $snippet_string ]
- Properties [0] {
- Methods [2] {
Method [ <internal:jsonnet, ctor="">public method __construct ] {
Method [ <internal:jsonnet, dtor="">public method __destruct ] {
* @author neeke@php.net
* Date: 18/3/29 下午7:51
const JSONNET_PHP_VERSION = 'v1.3.0';
const JSONNET_PHP_AUTHOR = 'neeke@php.net';
const CODE_SUCCESS = 1000;
const CODE_ERROR = 900;
* @return string
function jsonnet_get_version()
function jsonnet_get_author()
class JsonNet
public function __construct()
#JsonNet init
public function __destruct()
#JsonNet destroy
* @param $file_path
* @return array
* @throws Exception
static public function evaluateFile($file_path)
throw new Exception('JsonNet::evaluateFile #error', CODE_ERROR);
return array();
* @param $snippet_string
* @return array
* @throws Exception
static public function evaluateSnippet($snippet_string)
throw new Exception('JsonNet::evaluateSnippet #error', CODE_ERROR);
return array();
* @param $file_path
* @return array
* @throws Exception
static public function fmtFile($file_path)
throw new Exception('JsonNet::fmtFile #error', CODE_ERROR);
return array();
* @param $snippet_string
* @return array
* @throws Exception
static public function fmtSnippet($snippet_string)
throw new Exception('JsonNet::fmtSnippet #error', CODE_ERROR);
return array();
(编辑:雷林鹏 来源:网络)