• pytest 14 使用自定义标记mark


    标记失败有两种方法,一种是方法内部,一种是方法外部。内部用pytest.xfail(""),外部用装饰@pytest.mark.xfail(condition=None, *, reason=None, raises=None, run=True, strict=False)


    # -*-coding:utf-8-*-
    import pytest
    parameter = [{"user":"admin","password":"123456"}]
    @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="no run")
    def test_mark():
    def login(request):
        user = request.param["user"]
        password = request.param["password"]
        print("正在操作登录,账号:%s, 密码:%s" % (user, password))
        if password:
            return True
            return False
    class Test_xfail():
        def test_01(self,login):
            result = login
            print("用例1:%s" % result)
            assert result == True
        def test_02(self, login):
            result = login
            print("用例2,登录结果:%s" % result)
            if not result:
                pytest.xfail("登录不成功, 标记为xfail")
            assert 1 == 1
        def test_03(self, login):
            result = login
            print("用例3,登录结果:%s" % result)
            if not result:
                pytest.xfail("登录不成功, 标记为xfail")
            assert 1 == 1


    ============================= test session starts ==============================
    platform darwin -- Python 3.7.0, pytest-3.9.1, py-1.7.0, pluggy-0.8.0
    rootdir: /Users/newcomer/gitByMyself, inifile:
    plugins: datadir-1.2.1, allure-adaptor-1.7.10collected 4 items
    python_work_apple/pytest_package/mark/test_xfail.py X正在操作登录,账号:admin, 密码:123456
    ===================== 3 passed, 1 xpassed in 0.03 seconds ======================


    # -*-coding:utf-8-*-
    import pytest
    parameter = [{"user":"admin","password":""}]
    @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="no run")
    def test_mark():
    def login(request):
        user = request.param["user"]
        password = request.param["password"]
        print("正在操作登录,账号:%s, 密码:%s" % (user, password))
        if password:
            return True
            return False
    class Test_xfail():
        def test_01(self,login):
            result = login
            print("用例1:%s" % result)
            assert result == True
        def test_02(self, login):
            result = login
            print("用例2,登录结果:%s" % result)
            if not result:
                pytest.xfail("登录不成功, 标记为xfail")
            assert 1 == 1
        def test_03(self, login):
            result = login
            print("用例3,登录结果:%s" % result)
            if not result:
                pytest.xfail("登录不成功, 标记为xfail")
            assert 1 == 1


    ============================= test session starts ==============================
    platform darwin -- Python 3.7.0, pytest-3.9.1, py-1.7.0, pluggy-0.8.0
    rootdir: /Users/newcomer/gitByMyself, inifile:
    plugins: datadir-1.2.1, allure-adaptor-1.7.10collected 4 items
    python_work_apple/pytest_package/mark/test_xfail.py X正在操作登录,账号:admin, 密码:
    python_work_apple/pytest_package/mark/test_xfail.py:24 (Test_xfail.test_01[login0])
    True != False
    Expected :False
    Actual   :True
     <Click to see difference>
    self = <test_xfail.Test_xfail object at 0x10b5f9e80>, login = False
        def test_01(self,login):
            result = login
            print("用例1:%s" % result)
    >       assert result == True
    E       assert False == True
    python_work_apple/pytest_package/mark/test_xfail.py:29: AssertionError
    self = <test_xfail.Test_xfail object at 0x10be03dd8>, login = False
        def test_02(self, login):
            result = login
            print("用例2,登录结果:%s" % result)
            if not result:
    >           pytest.xfail("登录不成功, 标记为xfail")
    E           _pytest.outcomes.XFailed: 登录不成功, 标记为xfail
    python_work_apple/pytest_package/mark/test_xfail.py:35: XFailed
    self = <test_xfail.Test_xfail object at 0x10bdfbbe0>, login = False
        def test_03(self, login):
            result = login
            print("用例3,登录结果:%s" % result)
            if not result:
    >           pytest.xfail("登录不成功, 标记为xfail")
    E           _pytest.outcomes.XFailed: 登录不成功, 标记为xfail
    python_work_apple/pytest_package/mark/test_xfail.py:43: XFailed
    =================================== FAILURES ===================================
    __________________________ Test_xfail.test_01[login0] __________________________
    self = <test_xfail.Test_xfail object at 0x10b5f9e80>, login = False
        def test_01(self,login):
            result = login
            print("用例1:%s" % result)
    >       assert result == True
    E       assert False == True
    python_work_apple/pytest_package/mark/test_xfail.py:29: AssertionError
    ---------------------------- Captured stdout setup -----------------------------
    正在操作登录,账号:admin, 密码:
    ----------------------------- Captured stdout call -----------------------------
    ================ 1 failed, 2 xfailed, 1 xpassed in 0.11 seconds ================
    Process finished with exit code 0
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/peiminer/p/9946199.html
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