今天上网下点歌曲,结果发现是乱码!! 这可怎么办呢?
来晒晒代码:https://files.cnblogs.com/pcy0/chgEncode.zip (话说园子居然不让上传.tgz的文件,害得我又重新学了下zip的命令)
// Convert @s from encoding @A to @B public static string ConvertEncoding (String s, Encoding A, Encoding B) { try { var bytes = A.GetBytes (s); return B.GetString (bytes); } catch(Exception ex) { debug (ex.ToString()); return ">>>FAILED:" + ex.Message + "<<<"; } }
1. 查看当前可选的N种编码类型(命令行 -l / --list-all-encoding参数)
2. 尝试N -> N的编码转换,并打印出转换后的文件名(命令行-t / --try-all-encoding参数)
-- 最终发现一般中文编码是GBK/GB2312/GB18030等GB开头的,而linux下目录的编码都是ISO-8859-X,不过N*N个编码转换也很容易通过CTRL+F来找到合适的编码类型
3. 确认编码类型后,转换并重命名文件(交互式的哦~)
// Complie: mono-csc chgEncode.cs // Example: chgEncode.exe ~/Music iso-8859-9 GB18030 public static int Main (String[]args) { if (args.Count () < 1) { } else if (args.Length == 1 && (args [0] == "--list-all-encoding" || args [0] == "-l")) { var encodings = Encoding.GetEncodings (); debug ("Found " + encodings.Count () + " encoding(s)"); println ("name\tcode-page\tdisplay-name"); foreach (var e in encodings) { println (e.Name + "\t" + e.CodePage + "\t" + e.DisplayName); } return 0; } else if (args.Length == 2 && (args [0] == "--try-all-encoding" || args [0] == "-t")) { var dir = args [1]; debug ("Input dir is " + dir); var files = Directory.EnumerateFiles (dir); debug ("Found " + files.Count () + " file(s)"); var filename = files.First(); var encodings = Encoding.GetEncodings (); debug ("Found " + encodings.Length + " encoding(s)"); foreach (var e in encodings) { foreach (var f in encodings) { try{ // I don't know the cause but it always failed hear! So I add the try... catch. println ("file " + filename + " " + e.Name + " -> " + f.Name + " : " + ConvertEncoding (filename, e.GetEncoding (), f.GetEncoding ())); } catch{} } } } else if (args.Length == 3) { var dir = args [0]; debug ("Input dir is " + dir); var files = Directory.EnumerateFiles (dir); debug ("Found " + files.Count () + " file(s)"); var encodings = Encoding.GetEncodings (); debug ("Found " + encodings.Count () + " encoding(s)"); var A = encodings.FirstOrDefault (e => e.Name == args[1]); var B = encodings.FirstOrDefault (e => e.Name == args[2]); if (null == A || null == B) { println ("Error: failed to find the encodings!"); return 1; } foreach (var file in files) { var newFile = ConvertEncoding (file, A.GetEncoding (), B.GetEncoding ()); Console.Write(file + " -> \"" + newFile + "\" [Y/N]?"); Console.Out.Flush(); try { if ("y" == Console.ReadLine().ToLower()) { File.Move(file, newFile); } } catch(Exception ex) { debug (ex.ToString()); println("Failed: "+ex.Message); } } } else { println ("Usage1: chgEncode <dir> <encode-A> <encode-B>"); println (" change the encoding of files in @dir"); println ("Usage2: chgEncode --list-all-encoding"); println (" chgEncode -l"); println (" list all encodings"); println ("Usage3: chgEncode --try-all-encoding <dir>"); println (" chgEncode -t <dir>"); println (" try all encoding to convert the first file of @dir"); } return 0; }
# 将~/tmp目录下的文件从iso-8859-1编码转换为gb2312编码
peter@peter-K43SJ:~/Code/chgEncode$ ./chgEncode.exe ~/tmp iso-8859-1 gb2312 Input dir is /home/peter/tmp Found 2 file(s) Found 95 encoding(s) /home/peter/tmp/Å£×кÜæ.mp3 -> "/home/peter/tmp/牛仔很忙.mp3" [Y/N]?y /home/peter/tmp/ÌýÂèÂèµÄ»°.mp3 -> "/home/peter/tmp/听妈妈的话.mp3" [Y/N]?y
# 显示帮助 peter@peter-K43SJ:~/Code/chgEncode$ ./chgEncode.exe --help Usage1: chgEncode <dir> <encode-A> <encode-B> change the encoding of files in @dir Usage2: chgEncode --list-all-encoding chgEncode -l list all encodings Usage3: chgEncode --try-all-encoding <dir> chgEncode -t <dir> try all encoding to convert the first file of @dir