• Castle ActiveRecord (Active Record Pattern Built on NHibernate) Rapid Application Development.

    Castle Project's ActiveRecord

    Castle Project's ActiveRecord is a unique rapid application development Active Record implementation built on top of NHibernate. From the Castle Project:

    “ActiveRecord is an implementation of the ActiveRecord pattern for .Net built on top of NHibernate, without all the XML mapping of using Nhibernate directly. An ActiveRecord instance represents a row in the database, and the static methods act on all rows.”

    ActiveRecord removes much of the burden of NHibernate for applications that need a simple implementation of NHibernate for their applications.

    ActiveRecord and Blogging Engine

    If we go back to my example of using Castle Project's ActiveRecord for use in making a blogging engine for a website, we only need to do a few things to get up and running quickly:

    1. Download the latest version of Castle Project's ActiveRecord
    2. Create a new website in Visual Studio
    3. Reference Castle.ActiveRecord.dll
    4. Add Web.Config Information
    5. Add Global.asax Information
    6. Create a Business Object
    7. Begin Using Your Business Object

    Download Castle Project ActiveRecord

    You can download the latest version of ActiveRecord here and create a new website in Visual Studio and reference the assembly Castle.ActiveRecord.dll from your download files.

    ActiveRecord Web.Config Information

    You will need to add some information to your Web.Config for ActiveRecord.

        <section name="activeRecord" type="Castle.ActiveRecord.
    </configSections> <activeRecord isWeb="true"> <config> <add key="hibernate.connection.driver class"
    <add key="hibernate.dialect"
    <add key="hibernate.connection.provider"
    <add key="hibernate.connection.connection_string"
    Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=Blog;Integrated
    </config> </activeRecord>

    In this case I am using ActiveRecord with a SQL Server 2000 Server and a database, called “Blog“, that contains the tables.

    ActiveRecord Global.asax Settings

    Add a couple of lines to your Global.asax file that specifies your ActiveRecord configuration information is in web.config and where the business objects are located that map to the database tables:

    void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) 
        Castle.ActiveRecord.Framework.IConfigurationSource source
    "activeRecord") as
    Framework.IConfigurationSource; Castle.ActiveRecord.ActiveRecordStarter.Initialize(
    (Post).Assembly, source); }

    Above I am specifying that CastleRecord should look into the same assembly as the Post Class for all ActiveRecord Business Objects. In my case for the demo, Post is sitting in the AppCode Folder.

    Create an ActiveRecord Business Object

    We need to decorate the ActiveRecord Business Object with attributes that map to a database table and columns. Here is a partial description of the Post Class that maps to a Posts Table in the database.

    /// Summary description for Post
    public class Article : ActiveRecordBase<Post>
        private int _id;
        [PrimaryKey(PrimaryKeyType.Native, "PostId")]
        public int Id
                return _id;
                _id = value;
        private int _blogId;
        public int BlogId
                return _blogId;
                _blogId = value;
        private int _categoryId;
        public int CategoryId
                return _categoryId;
                _categoryId = value;
        private string _title = string.Empty;
        public string Title
                return _title;
                _title = value;
        private string _description = string.Empty;
        public string Description
                return _description;
                _description = value;

    Persist and Load ActiveRecord Objects

    I won't go into every conceivable method on the ActiveRecordBase Class, but suffice to say that using Post is a no-brainer when it comes to using CRUD methods on the business objects. We can create a save a blog post as simple as:

    Post post = new Post();
    post.BlogId = 1;
    post.CategoryId = 2;
    post.Title = "Test";
    post.Description = "This is a test.";
    // Didn't need to write this.
    // Provided by ActiveRecordBase

    We can load a post by PostId (primary key) like this:

    // Finds PostId = 2
    Post post = Post.Find(2);

    Get top 25 posts for BlogId = 1 sorted by PublishedDate:

    Article[] articles = Article.FindAll(new ICriterion[]
    { Expression.Eq(
    "BlogId", 0) }, new
    { Order.Desc(
    "PublishedDate") }, 0, 25);


    Not only is the Active Record Design Pattern extremely useful and intuitive for applications that are mainly forms-over-data applications, but Castle Project's ActiveRecord implementation packages all the benefits of Nhibernate in a nice Rapid Application Development Package that makes Active Record easy to implement.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/payne/p/755774.html
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