• xorm+postgreSQL实现事物与in查询


    package model
    import (
    const ClassTableName = "class"
    // 新建一个班级表,用于连表查询的测试
    type Class struct {
        CId  string `json:"cid" xorm:"varchar(255) pk 'cid' comment('班级cid')"`
        Name string `json:"name" xorm:"varchar(25) notnull 'name' comment('班级名称')"`
    func (c *Class) TableName() string {
        return ClassTableName
    // 直接使用引擎 insert
    func (c *Class) InsertClass() (int64, error) {
        count, err := utils.DBEngine.Table(ClassTableName).InsertOne(c)
        return count, err
    // 使用session insert
    func (c *Class) InsertClassInSession(session *xorm.Session) (int64, error) {
        count, err := session.Table(ClassTableName).InsertOne(c)
        return count, err
    // 使用session get
    func GetClassByCIdInSession(session *xorm.Session, cid string) (*Class, bool, error) {
        c := new(Class)
        has, err := session.Where("cid = ?", cid).Get(c)
        return c, has, err
    // 使用session update
    func (c *Class) UpdateClassByCIdInSession(session *xorm.Session) (int64, error) {
        count, err := session.Table(ClassTableName).AllCols().Where("cid = ?", c.CId).Update(c)
        return count, err
    package model
    import (
    const StudentTableName = "student"
    type Student struct {
        // 主键 字段名设置为 sid
        SId     string  `json:"sid" xorm:"varchar(255) pk 'sid' comment('学生ID')"`
        Name    string  `json:"name" xorm:"varchar(25) notnull 'name' comment('学生姓名')"`
        Age     int     `json:"age" xorm:"notnull 'age' comment('学生年龄')"`
        Score   float64 `json:"score" xorm:"notnull 'score' comment('学生成绩')"`
        ClassId string  `json:"class_id" xorm:"notnull 'class_id' comment('学生所在班级')"`
        // 创建时间与修改时间
        Created time.Time `json:"created" xorm:"created notnull"`
        Updated time.Time `json:"updated" xorm:"updated notnull"`
    func (s *Student) TableName() string {
        return StudentTableName
    // 插入遇到主键冲突时不做任何操作
    func InsertStudentOnConflictDoNothing(sid, name string, age int, score float64, classID string) error {
        currentTime := utils.GetCurrentTime()
        insertSQL := fmt.Sprintf(`insert into %s (sid,name,age,score,class_id,created,updated) 
            values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?) on conflict(sid) do nothing`, StudentTableName)
        _, err := utils.DBEngine.SQL(insertSQL, sid, name, age, score, classID, currentTime, currentTime).Execute()
        if err != nil {
            return err
        return nil
    // 插入遇到主键冲突时修改指定的字段: age、score、classID、updated
    func InsertStudentOnConflictDoUpdate(sid, name string, age int, score float64, classID string) error {
        currentTime := utils.GetCurrentTime()
        insertSQL := fmt.Sprintf(`insert into %s (sid,name,age,score,class_id,created,updated)
            values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?) on conflict(sid) do update set age=excluded.age,score=excluded.score,
            class_id=excluded.class_id,updated=excluded.updated`, StudentTableName)
        _, err := utils.DBEngine.SQL(insertSQL, sid, name, age, score, classID, currentTime, currentTime).Execute()
        if err != nil {
            return err
        return nil
    // 直接使用引擎 insert
    func (s *Student) InsertStudent() (int64, error) {
        count, err := utils.DBEngine.Table(StudentTableName).InsertOne(s)
        return count, err
    // 使用session insert
    func (s *Student) InsertStudentInSession(session *xorm.Session) (int64, error) {
        count, err := session.Table(StudentTableName).InsertOne(s)
        return count, err
    // 使用session get
    func GetStudentBySIdInSession(session *xorm.Session, sid string) (*Student, bool, error) {
        s := new(Student)
        has, err := session.Table(StudentTableName).Where("sid = ?", sid).Get(s)
        return s, has, err
    // 使用session update
    func (s *Student) UpdateStudentBySIdInSession(session *xorm.Session) (int64, error) {
        count, err := session.Table(StudentTableName).AllCols().Where("sid = ?", s.SId).Update(s)
        return count, err
    // 查询满足条件的学生的数量
    func GetCountInSession(session *xorm.Session, query interface{}, args ...interface{}) (int64, error) {
        return session.Where(query, args...).Count(&Student{})
    // 查询满足条件的学生的信息
    func GetStudentRecordsByInOperationInSession(session *xorm.Session, query interface{}, args ...interface{}) ([]Student, error) {
        records := make([]Student, 0)
        // TODO 根据created字段排序并只取前100条记录
        statement := session.Table(StudentTableName).Desc("created")
        statement = statement.Limit(100)
        // TODO 注意这里要传 records的指针!!!
        _, err := statement.Where(query, args...).FindAndCount(&records)
        return records, err
    // in查询:1 (不灵活)
    // TODO 测试文件中,在GetCountInSession方法中加上in查询即可
    // in查询:2 —— 返回 map[string]string 的列表
    func GetStudentMapListBySIDListInSession(session *xorm.Session, sidList []string) ([]map[string]string, error) {
        // 重新构建一下sidList使其契合于 postgreSQL的查询
        newSIDList := make([]string, 0)
        for _, sid := range sidList {
            newSID := fmt.Sprintf("'" + sid + "'")
            newSIDList = append(newSIDList, newSID)
        // 构建查询语句
        queryString := fmt.Sprintf(`SELECT sid,name,age,score from student WHERE sid in (%v)`, strings.Join(newSIDList, ","))
        retList, err := session.QueryString(queryString)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        return retList, err
    package model
    import (
    // 创建班级表
    func TestCreateClassTable(t *testing.T) {
        engine := utils.DBEngine
        err := engine.Sync2(Class{})
        require.Equal(t, err, nil)
    // 创建学生表
    func TestCreateStudentTable(t *testing.T) {
        engine := utils.DBEngine
        err := engine.Sync2(Student{})
        require.Equal(t, err, nil)
    // insert class
    func TestInsertClass(t *testing.T) {
        // 使用engine的方法
        //classModel1 := Class{
        //    CId: "cid1",
        //    Name: "class1",
        //count1, err1 := classModel1.InsertClass()
        //fmt.Println("count1: ",count1, "err1: ", err1)
        // 使用session的方法
        session := utils.DBEngine.NewSession()
        defer session.Close()
        classModel2 := Class{
            CId:  "cid2",
            Name: "class2",
        count2, err2 := classModel2.InsertClassInSession(session)
        fmt.Println("count2: ", count2, "err2: ", err2)
    // get class
    func TestGetClass(t *testing.T) {
        session := utils.DBEngine.NewSession()
        defer session.Close()
        classModel, has, err := GetClassByCIdInSession(session, "cid1")
        fmt.Println("classModel: ", classModel, "has: ", has, "err: ", err)
    // update class
    func TestUpdateClass(t *testing.T) {
        session := utils.DBEngine.NewSession()
        defer session.Close()
        classModelNew := Class{
            CId:  "cid1",
            Name: "cidnannnnzxxxxx",
        count, err := classModelNew.UpdateClassByCIdInSession(session)
        fmt.Println("count: ", count, "err: ", err)
    // insert student
    func TestInsertStudent(t *testing.T) {
        session := utils.DBEngine.NewSession()
        defer session.Close()
        StudentModel := Student{
            SId:     "s4",
            Name:    "naruto4",
            Age:     22,
            Score:   99,
            ClassId: "cid1",
        count1, err1 := StudentModel.InsertStudentInSession(session)
        fmt.Println("count1: ", count1, "err1: ", err1)
    // in操作1 —— 不灵活
    func TestIn1(t *testing.T) {
        session := utils.DBEngine.NewSession()
        defer session.Close()
        count, err := GetCountInSession(session, `class_id=? and sid in (?,?,?)`, "cid1", "s1", "s2", "s3")
        if err != nil {
        fmt.Println("count>>>> ", count)
        records, err2 := GetStudentRecordsByInOperationInSession(session, `class_id=? and sid in (?,?,?)`, "cid1", "s1", "s2", "s3")
        if err2 != nil {
        fmt.Println("records: ", records)
    // in操作2 —— 返回 map[string]string
    func TestIn2(t *testing.T) {
        session := utils.DBEngine.NewSession()
        defer session.Close()
        sidList := []string{"s1", "s2", "s3"}
        ret, err := GetStudentMapListBySIDListInSession(session, sidList)
        if err != nil {
        fmt.Println("ret: ", ret)
        for _, item := range ret {
            fmt.Println("item: ", item)


    package utils
    import (
        _ "github.com/lib/pq"
    const LocalConn = "postgresql://postgres:password@;"
    var DBEngine *xorm.Engine
    var errNewEngine error
    var TimeLocation *time.Location
    func init() {
        // 初始化ORM引擎
        DBEngine, errNewEngine = xorm.NewEngine("postgres", LocalConn)
        if errNewEngine != nil {
            panic("初始化数据库错误" + errNewEngine.Error())
        // 设置数据库连接池参数
        // 最长链接时间 1.16版本以后才有的
        DBEngine.SetConnMaxLifetime(10 * time.Minute)
        // 初始化时区
        var errTimeLocation error
        TimeLocation, errTimeLocation = time.LoadLocation("Asia/Shanghai")
        if errTimeLocation != nil {
    // 获取当前时区的currentTime
    func GetCurrentTime() time.Time {
        return time.Now().In(TimeLocation)


    package main
    import (
    func main() {
        // 1、不在事务中执行
        //session := utils.DBEngine.NewSession()
        //defer session.Close()
        //resp, err := handleInTransaction(session)
        //if err != nil {
        //    panic("err: " + err.Error())
        //fmt.Println("resp: ", resp)
        // 2、事务中执行
        resp, err := utils.DBEngine.Transaction(handleInTransaction)
        if err != nil {
            panic("err: " + err.Error())
        fmt.Println("resp: ", resp)
    func handleInTransaction(session *xorm.Session) (interface{}, error) {
        resp := make(map[string]interface{})
        // 1、获取学生
        stuModel, _, errGetStu := model.GetStudentBySIdInSession(session, "sid1")
        if errGetStu != nil {
            return nil, errGetStu
        fmt.Println("stuModel: ", stuModel)
        // 2、获取班级
        classModel, _, errGetClass := model.GetClassByCIdInSession(session, "cid1")
        if errGetClass != nil {
            return nil, errGetStu
        fmt.Println("classModel: ", classModel)
        // 3、更新班级
        classModel.Name = "class1_test1xxxxx123412"
        _, errUpdateClass := classModel.UpdateClassByCIdInSession(session)
        if errUpdateClass != nil {
            return nil, errUpdateClass
        fmt.Println("classModelUpdate: ", classModel)
        // 4、更新学生
        stuModel.Score = 89
        stuModel.Age = 32
        // TODO 模拟中途返回错误~~~~~
        return nil, errors.New("测试返回错误!!!!!")
        _, errUpdateStu := stuModel.UpdateStudentBySIdInSession(session)
        if errUpdateStu != nil {
            return nil, errUpdateStu
        resp["data"] = "success"
        return resp, nil


  • 相关阅读:
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/paulwhw/p/16100305.html
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