Private Declare Function CoCreateGuid Lib "ole32" (id As Any) As Long
Private Function CreateGUID() As String
Dim id(0 To 15) As Byte
Dim Cnt As Long, GUID As String
If CoCreateGuid(id(0)) = 0 Then
For Cnt = 0 To 15
CreateGUID = CreateGUID + IIf(id(Cnt) < 16, "0", "") + Hex$(id(Cnt))
Next Cnt
CreateGUID = Left$(CreateGUID, 8) + "-" + Mid$(CreateGUID, 9, 4) + "-" + Mid$(CreateGUID, 13, 4) + "-" + Mid$(CreateGUID, 17, 4) + "-" + Right$(CreateGUID, 12)
MsgBox "Error while creating GUID!"
End If
End Function