• Asset Catalog Help (二)---Creating an Asset Catalog

    Creating an Asset Catalog

    Create an asset catalog to simplify management of your app’s images.

    创建一个asset catalog来简化管理应用程序图片。 
    1. Choose File > New > File.

      选择File > New > File.

    2. Under iOS or OS X, select Resource.

      在iOS 或 OS X中选择 Resource.

    3. Select Asset Catalog, and click Next.

      选择 Asset Catalog 并点击Next.

    4. Name the asset catalog, specify its location, and select the targets.

      给asset catalog命名,指定存储位置并选择targets。

    5. Click Create.


    For more control over the organization of your app’s images, create multiple asset catalogs. For example, you can create separate asset catalogs for images in different functional areas of your app.

    要想对应用程序中所有图片进行组织管理,你可以创建多个asset catalogs。比如,你可以给应用程序中不同功能的图片创建不同的asset catalog。

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