/* * _______ _____ _____ _____ * |__ __| | __ / ____| __ * | | __ _ _ __ ___ ___ ___| | | | (___ | |__) | * | |/ _` | '__/ __|/ _ / __| | | |\___ | ___/ * | | (_| | | \__ (_) \__ |__| |____) | | * |_|\__,_|_| |___/\___/|___/_____/|_____/|_| * * ------------------------------------------------------------- * * TarsosDSP is developed by Joren Six at IPEM, University Ghent * * ------------------------------------------------------------- * * Info: http://0110.be/tag/TarsosDSP * Github: https://github.com/JorenSix/TarsosDSP * Releases: http://0110.be/releases/TarsosDSP/ * * TarsosDSP includes modified source code by various authors, * for credits and info, see README. * */ package be.tarsos.dsp; /** * The continuing silence detector does not break the audio processing pipeline when silence is detected. */ public class SilenceDetector implements AudioProcessor { public static final double DEFAULT_SILENCE_THRESHOLD = -70.0;//db private final double threshold;//db private final boolean breakProcessingQueueOnSilence; /** * Create a new silence detector with a default threshold. */ public SilenceDetector(){ this(DEFAULT_SILENCE_THRESHOLD,false); } /** * Create a new silence detector with a defined threshold. * * @param silenceThreshold * The threshold which defines when a buffer is silent (in dB). * Normal values are [-70.0,-30.0] dB SPL. * @param breakProcessingQueueOnSilence */ public SilenceDetector(final double silenceThreshold,boolean breakProcessingQueueOnSilence){ this.threshold = silenceThreshold; this.breakProcessingQueueOnSilence = breakProcessingQueueOnSilence; } /** * Calculates the local (linear) energy of an audio buffer. * * @param buffer * The audio buffer. * @return The local (linear) energy of an audio buffer. */ private double localEnergy(final float[] buffer) { double power = 0.0D; for (float element : buffer) { power += element * element; } return power; } /** * Returns the dBSPL for a buffer. * * @param buffer * The buffer with audio information. * @return The dBSPL level for the buffer. */ private double soundPressureLevel(final float[] buffer) { double value = Math.pow(localEnergy(buffer), 0.5); value = value / buffer.length; return linearToDecibel(value); } /** * Converts a linear to a dB value. * * @param value * The value to convert. * @return The converted value. */ private double linearToDecibel(final double value) { return 20.0 * Math.log10(value); } double currentSPL = 0; public double currentSPL(){ return currentSPL; } /** * Checks if the dBSPL level in the buffer falls below a certain threshold. * * @param buffer * The buffer with audio information. * @param silenceThreshold * The threshold in dBSPL * @return True if the audio information in buffer corresponds with silence, * false otherwise. */ public boolean isSilence(final float[] buffer, final double silenceThreshold) { currentSPL = soundPressureLevel(buffer); return currentSPL < silenceThreshold; } public boolean isSilence(final float[] buffer) { return isSilence(buffer, threshold); } @Override public boolean process(AudioEvent audioEvent) { boolean isSilence = isSilence(audioEvent.getFloatBuffer()); //break processing chain on silence? if(breakProcessingQueueOnSilence){ //break if silent return !isSilence; }else{ //never break the chain return true; } } @Override public void processingFinished() { } }