• Code Reading chap6



    +                    Chapter6: Tackling Large Projects


    116.  You can examine a project's organization by browsing its source code tree. the hierarchical directory

            structure containing the project's source code. The source   code tree often reflects the project's

             architectural and software process structure.     (p. 181)




    117.  Often the source code tree of an application mirrors the application's deployment structure. (p. 181)  



    118. Do not let huge source code collections daunt you; typically these are better  organized than smaller,

           ad hoc efforts. (p. 186)




    119. When you work on a large project for the first time, spend some time acquainting yourself with its

           directory tree structure. (p. 186)



    120.  A project's "source code" encompasses a lot more than the computer language instructions compiled

           to obtain an executable program; a project's source code tree typically also includes specifications,

           end-user and developer documentation, test scripts, multimedia resources, build tools, examples,

           localization files, revision history, installation procedures, and licensing information. (p. 189)


         还包括规格说明书, 终端用户以及开发者文档,测试脚本, 多媒体资源, 构建工具, 样例, 本地化文件, 版本信息, 

         按装过程, 许可证信息。


    121.  The build process of large projects is typically specified declaratively by means of dependencies.

             Dependencies are translated into concrete build actions by tools such as make and its derivatives. (p. 191)

            大型项目的构建处理典型的会是一种通过依赖方式的陈述式声明。 依赖会被转化为实实在在的构建行为,通过类似make

            以及其派生物这 样的工具(译注:类似ANT编译工具)。


    122.  In large projects makefiles are often dynamically generated after a configuration step; you will

            need to perform the project-specific configuration before examining the makefile. (p. 192)



    123.  To inspect the steps of a large build process, you can dry-run make by using the -n switch. (p. 196)

            为了检查一个大型构建处理的步骤,你可以用所谓”干运行“方式去跑make,使用 -n开关。


    124.  A revision control system provides a way to obtain an up—to-date version of the source code

            from its repository.(P.204)



    125.  Use commands that display executable file revision identification keywords to match an executable

            with its source code.(P.207)



    126.  Use bug-tracking code numbers that appear in revision logs to locate an issue  description in the

            bug—tracking database.(p.209)



    127.  Use the revision control system version repository to identify how particular  changes were




    128.  Many different aspects of the software development process,including configuration,build

            process management,code generation,testin,and documentation use custom—built tools.(P.210)

           软件开发过程的许多不同方面,包括配置, 构建过程管理, 代码生成, 测试,以及文档使用了客户构建工具。


    129.  Use a program’s debugging output to help you understand crucial parts of a  program’s control

             flow and data elements.(P.216)



    130.  The places where a tracing statement is located typically mark important parts  of

             an algorithm function.(P.216)



    131.  Assertions are used to verify steps in the operation of an algorithm,parameters received by

             a function,a program’s flow of control,properties of the underlying hardware,and the results

             of test cases.(P.218)

             断言用于验证一个算法的操作步骤的情形中, 一个函数收到的参数的情形中, 一个程序的控制流情形中,

             所基于的硬件的属性情形中, 以及用于测试用例之结果的情形中


    132.  Use algorithm verification assertions to confirm your understanding of an algorithm’s operation

             or as a point to start your reasoning.(P.218)



    133.  Often function argument and result assertions document a function’s preconditions and




    134. Use assertions that test complete functions as specification statements for each given function.(p.220)

            就像“对每个给定函数的状态进行说明一样”去使用测试完整函数的断言 。


    135.  Test cases Can be a partial substitutesubstitutesubstitutes for functional specifications.(P.223)



    136.  Use test case input data to dry—run source code sequences.(P.223)


    ++++++++++++++++++++++end of chap6+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

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