• Code Reading chap2



    +                     Chapter2: Basic Programming Elements



    19. When examing a program for the first time, main can be a good starting point.(p20) 

         当第一次开始检查一个程序的时候, main 可以是一个好的起点。


    20.  Read a cascading if-else if-...-else sequence as a selection of mutually exclusive choices.(p23)
         将阅读一个瀑布式 if-else if-...-else 序列看作是一个互相排除的过程。

    21.  Sometimes executing a program can be a more way to unsderstand an aspect of its funtionality than reading its source          code.(P25)
    22. When examing a nontrivial program, it is useful to first identify its major constituent parts.(P25)
    23. learn local naming conventions and use them to guess what varaibles and functions do.(P26)
    24. When modifying code based on guesswork, plan the process that will verify your initial hypotheses. this process can               involve checks by the compiler, the introduction of assertions, or the execution of appropriate test case.(p28) 
          当你在基于猜测的基础上去修改代码的时候,那么就去计划好会符合你最初的那个假设的过程。该过程会涉及到编译器的检查,断言的引入 ,       或者是适当的测试用例的执行。

    25. Understanding one part of the code can help you understand the rest.(P28)



    26. Disentangel difficult code by starting with the easy part.(P28)



    27. Make it a habit to  read the documentation of library elements you encounter; it will enhance both your code-reading and       code-writing skills.(P28)



    28. Code  reading involves many alternative strategies: bottom-up and top-down examination, the use of heuristics, and              review of components and extenal documentation should all be tried as the problem dictates. (P34)



    29. Loops of the form for (i=0; i< n; i++ ) execute n times; treat all other forms with cautions.(P34)

         带有形如for (i=0; i< n; i++ )的循环会严格的执行n次;所有其它类似的形式处理时必须保持警惕。


    30. Read comparison expressions involving the conjunction of two inequalities with one identical term as a range membership         test. (P39)

          将带有连接了两个不等式的比较表达式 作为范围成员资格测试。


    31. You can often understand the meaning of an expression by applying it on sample data.(P40)



    32. Simplify compilicated logical expressions by using De Morgan's rule.(P41)



    33. When reading a conjunction, you can always assume that the expression on the left of the expression you are examing           are true;when reading a disjunction, you can similarly assume that the expression on the left of the expression you are           examing are false.(P.42)

          当阅读一个连接 (译注:与操作符)时,你总是可以假定该连接之处于左方的表达式为真;当阅读到一个析取时(译注:或操作符),类似           的,你也总是可以假定该处于你所检查的表达式左方之另一个表达式为假(译注:作者提供了一种提升阅读速度,类似于浏览的技巧)。


    34. Recognize code you control to make it  more readable.(P46)



    35.  Read expressions using the conditional operatinal operator ?: like if code. (p46)

          就像if 代码一样去读取使用条件操作表答符的表达式 ?:。


    36. There is no need to satisfy code readability for efficency.(P48)



    37.  While  it is true that efficient algorithms and certain optimizations can make the code more complicated and therefor                more difficult to follow, this does not mean that making the code compact and unreadable will make it more effient.(P48)

          尽管有种说法不错:有效率的算法以及特定的优化会使得代码更加的复杂以及因此更加的难于追随。但这并不意味着:代码更加的紧凑以及不可读会使得代码更加的有效 。


    38. Creative code layout can be used to improve code readability.(P49) 



    39. You can improve the readability of expressions using whitespace, temporary varaibles, and parentheses.(p.49)



    40. When reading code under your control, make it a habit to add comments as needed.(P.50)

         当阅读你能控制的代码时, 让在需要的时候添加注释成为一种习惯。


    41.  You can improve the readability of poorly written code with better indentation and appropriate variable names.(P50)



    42. When you are examing a program revision history that spans a global reindentation exercise using the diff program, you         can often avoid the noise introduced by the changed indentation levels by specifying the - w option to have diff ignore             whitespace differences. (P51)

          当你检查一个程序版本的历史时,该历史版本使用了一个diff程序跨越了一全局重新缩排,你通常可以避开由变更"通过说明- w操作使diff忽         略空把的不同之处"这样级别的缩排所引入的噪音。(译注:diff 一个 *nix 命令行)


    43. The body of a do loop is executed at least once.(P51)

         一个do 循环体至少执行一次。


    44. When performing arithmetic, read a & b as a %(b+1) when b+1 = 2的N次方.(P53) (译注:打不出来效果,下同)

         当运算一个算术时,把a & b读成a %(b+1),当b+1 = 2的N次方的时候。


    45. Read a << n as a * k, where k = 2的n次方.(P53)

         把a << n 读成a * k, 其中k = 2的n次方。


    46.  Read a >> n as a / k, where k = 2的n次方.(P53)

          把 a >> n读成 a / k,其中k = 2的n次方。


    47. Examine one control structure at a time, treating its contents as a black box. (P54)



    48. Treat the controlling expression of each control structure as an assertion for the code it encloses.(P55)



    49. The return, goto, break, and continue statements as well as exceptions interfere with the structured

         flow of execution. reason about their behavior separately since tehy all typically either terminate or

        restart the loop being processed.(P55)

        return, goto, break以及continue 状态以及带有结构化执行流的exceptions 接口,由于它们典型的都是要么是终止,要么是重新开始循环     处理,所以可用于推断出它们各自的行为。


    50. Reason about complex loops through their variant and invariant properties.(P56)



    51. Simplyfy code reasoning by rearranging code, using meaning-preserving transformations.(P58)

         通过重新排布代码来简化代码推理的过程, 要注意使用有意义的保留方式的转换。

    +++++++++++++++++++++++++++end of chap2++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

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