• C++/CLI几点说明:


    // Definition of a struct to represent rectangles
    struct RECTANGLE
      int Left;                            // Top left point
      int Top;                             // coordinate pair

      int Right;                           // Bottom right point
      int Bottom;                          // coordinate pair


    class CBox                             // Class definition at global scope
        double m_Length;                   // Length of a box in inches
        double m_Width;                    // Width of a box in inches
        double m_Height;                   // Height of a box in inches

    CBox boxes[5];                       // Array of CBox objects declared
      CBox match(2.2, 1.1, 0.5);           // Declare match box
      CBox cigar(8.0, 5.0, 1.0);           // Declare cigar Box
      CBox* pB1 = &cigar;             // Initialize pointer to cigar object address
      CBox* pB2 = 0;                       // Pointer to CBox initialized to null

      cout << endl
           << "Address of cigar is " << pB1     // Display address
           << endl
           << "Volume of cigar is "
           << pB1->Volume();                    // Volume of object pointed to

      pB2 = &match;
      if(pB2->Compare(pB1))                     // Compare via pointers
        cout << endl
             << "match is greater than cigar";
        cout << endl
             << "match is less than or equal to cigar";

      pB1 = boxes;                              // Set to address of array
      boxes[2] = match;                         // Set 3rd element to match
      cout << endl                              // Now access thru pointer
           << "Volume of boxes[2] is " << (pB1 + 2)->Volume();

      cout << endl;

    // Class representing a height
    value class Height
      // Records the height in feet and inches
      int feet;
      int inches;

      // Create a height from inches value
      Height(int ins)
        feet = ins/12;
        inches = ins%12;

      // Create a height from feet and inches
      Height(int ft, int ins) : feet(ft), inches(ins){}

    Height myHeight = Height(6,3);
      Height^ yourHeight = Height(70);
      Height hisHeight = *yourHeight;

      Console::WriteLine(L"My height is {0}", myHeight);
      Console::WriteLine(L"Your height is {0}", yourHeight);
      Console::WriteLine(L"His height is {0}", hisHeight);

    ref class Box 
        // No-arg constructor supplying default field values
        Box(): Length(1.0), Width(1.0), Height(1.0)
         Console::WriteLine(L"No-arg constructor called.");
        // Constructor definition using an initialisation list
        Box(double lv, double bv, double hv):
                                 Length(lv), Width(bv), Height(hv)
         Console::WriteLine(L"Constructor called.");

       // Function to calculate the volume of a box
       double Volume()
         return Length*Width*Height;

        double Length;                     // Length of a box in inches
        double Width;                      // Width of a box in inches
        double Height;                     // Height of a box in inches

    Box^ aBox;                           // Handle of type Box^
      Box^ newBox = gcnew Box(10, 15, 20);
      aBox = gcnew Box;                    // Initialize with default Box
      Console::WriteLine(L"Default box volume is {0}", aBox->Volume());
      Console::WriteLine(L"New box volume is {0}", newBox->Volume());


    using namespace System;

    ref class Name
      array<String^>^ Names;

      Name(...array<String^>^ names) : Names(names) {}

      // Scalar property specifying number of names
      property int NameCount
        int get() {return Names->Length; }

      // Indexed property to return names
      property String^ default[int]
        String^ get(int index)
          if(index >= Names->Length)
            throw gcnew Exception(L"Index out of range");
          return Names[index];

        void set(int index, String^ name)
          if(index >= Names->Length)
            throw gcnew Exception(L"Index out of range");
          Names[index] = name;

      // Indexed property to return initials
      property wchar_t Initials[int]
        wchar_t get(int index)
          if(index >= Names->Length)
            throw gcnew Exception(L"Index out of range");
          return Names[index][0];

    int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
      Name^ myName = gcnew Name(L"Ebenezer", L"Isaiah", L"Ezra", L"Inigo",
      myName[myName->NameCount - 1] = L"Oberwurst";  // Change last indexed property

      // List the names
      for(int i = 0 ; i < myName->NameCount ; i++)
        Console::WriteLine(L"Name {0} is  {1}", i+1, myName[i]);

      // Output the initials
      Console::Write(L"The initials are:");
      for(int i = 0 ; i < myName->NameCount ; i++)
        Console::Write(L" {0}", myName->Initials[i]);

      return 0;


  • 相关阅读:
    H.264 中的Annex B格式和AVCC格式
    Gamma 矫正
    头文件 <string.h> <cstring> <string> 区别
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/panxihua/p/1865884.html
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