[Verb("OptionsEntity")] public class OptionsEntity { [Option('a', HelpText = "Plantform Advitiser id", MetaValue = "Plantform Advitiser id", Required = false)] public string AdvitiserId { get; set; } [Option('c', HelpText = "Channel Id (int)", MetaValue = "Channel Id (int)", Required = false)] public int ChannelId { get; set; } [Option('s', HelpText = "Start Date", MetaValue = "The start date of the download", Required = false)] public DateTime StartDate { get; set; } [Option('e', HelpText = "End Date", MetaValue = "The end date of the download", Required = false)] public DateTime EndDate { get; set; } [Option('t', HelpText = "Sync Customer||Account||Campaign", MetaValue = "Sync Customer || Account || Campaign", Required = false)] public bool SyncCustomerAccountCampaign { get; set; } }
start DownloadDailyReportCsvToHadoop.exe OptionsEntity -c 1 -s 2018-03-01 -e 2018-03-04 -t true
cmd /c dotnet DVM.Report.DownLoadTools.dll AppNexusCmd -s %startDate% -e %appNexusEndDate%