• Build Telemetry for Distributed Services之OpenCensus:C#

    Easily collect telemetry like metrics and distributed traces from your services

    OpenCensus and OpenTracing have merged to form OpenTelemetry, which serves as the next major version of OpenCensus and OpenTracing. OpenTelemetry will offer backwards compatibility with existing OpenCensus integrations, and we will continue to make security patches to existing OpenCensus libraries for two years.

    What is OpenCensus?

    How can I use OpenCensus in my project?

    We provide libraries for Go, Java, C#, Node.js, C++, Ruby, Erlang/Elixir, Python, Scala and PHP.

    Supported backends include Azure Monitor, Datadog, Instana, Jaeger, SignalFX, Stackdriver, and Zipkin. You can also add support for other backends.

    Who is behind it?

    OpenCensus originates from Google, where a set of libraries called Census are used to automatically capture traces and metrics from services. Since going open source, the project is now composed of a group of cloud providers, application performance management vendors, and open source contributors. The project is hosted on GitHuband all work occurs there.

    What data can OpenCensus collect?

    Metrics are any quantifiable piece of data that you would like to track, such as latency in a service or database, request content length, or number of open file descriptors. Viewing graphs of your metrics can help you understand and gauge the performance and overall quality of your application and set of services.

    Traces show you how a request propagates throughout your application or set of services. Viewing graphs of your traces can help you understand the bottlenecks in your architecture by visualizing how data flows between all of your services.

    Other types of telemetry will be added to OpenCensus as the project matures. Logs will likely be added next.


    In this section we will walk through what OpenCensus is, what problems it solves, and how it can help your project.

    Or, if you are ready to integrate OpenCensus in to your project, visit the Quickstart.


    OpenCensus provides observability for your microservices and monoliths alike by tracing requests as they propagate through services and capturing critical time-series metrics.

    The core functionality of OpenCensus is the ability to collect traces and metrics from your app, display them locally, and send them to any analysis tool (also called a ‘backend’). However, OpenCensus provides more than just data insight. This page describes some of that functionality and points you to resources for building it into your app.

    After instrumenting your code with OpenCensus, you will equip yourself with the ability to optimize the speed of your services, understand exactly how a request travels between your services, gather any useful metrics about your entire architecture, and more.


    Context Propagation 

    In order to correlate activities and requests between services with an initial customer action, context (usually in the form of trace or correlation ID) must be propagated throughout your systems. Performing this automatically can be quite difficult, and a lack of automatic context propagation is often identified as the biggest blocker to an organization adopting distributed tracing. OpenCensus provides automatic context propagation across its supported languages and frameworks, and provides simple APIs for manually propagating or manipulating context.

    OpenCensus supports several different context propagation formats, and is the reference implementation of the official W3C HTTP tracing header.

    Distributed Trace Collection 

    OpenCensus captures and propagates distributed traces through your system, allowing you to visualize how customer requests flow across services, rapidly perform deep root cause analysis, and better analyze latency across a highly distributed set of services. OpenCensus includes functionality like context propagation and sampling out of the box and can interoperate with a variety of tracing systems. You can learn more about OpenCensus’ distributed tracing support here.

    Time-series Metrics Collection 

    OpenCensus captures critical time series statistics from your application, including the latency, request count, and request size for each endpoint. Once captured, these individual statistics can be aggregated into metrics with time windows and dimensions of your choosing.


    OpenCensus provides APIs for all telemetry types. For example, you can use these to define and capture custom metrics, add additional spans or annotations to traces, define custom trace sampling policy, switch context propagation formats, etc.


    OpenCensus contains an incredible amount of integrations out of the box. These allow traces and metrics to be captured from popular RPC systems, web frameworks, and storage clients.

    Single Project and Implementation 

    While OpenCensus is an open source project with an incredibly active community, it also benefits from maintaining a single distribution for each language. This means that contributions are focused, that efforts are not wasted on multiple competing implementations (particularly important for integrations), and that as much functionality is available out of the box as possible.

    Low Overhead 

    OpenCensus is used in production at some of the largest companies in the world, and as such it strives to have as small of a performance impact as possible.

    Backend Support 

    OpenCensus can upload data to almost any backend with its various exporter implementations. If you’re using a backend that isn’t supported yet (such as an analysis system built specifically for your organization), you can also implement your own quickly and easily. Read more.

    By completing this quickstart, you will learn how to:


    In this quickstart, using OpenCensus C#, you will gain hands-on experience with:

    For full API references, please take a look at:

    Github repository https://github.com/census-instrumentation/opencensus-csharp


    1. .NET Core 2.0+ .NET Framework 4.6.1+ is also supported.
    2. Docker for Desktop

    Run it locally

    1. Clone the Opencensus C# repository: git clone https://github.com/census-instrumentation/opencensus-csharp.git
    2. Change to the example directory: cd src/Samples
    3. Build the sample by dotnet build
    4. Run Zipkin in Docker container: docker run -d -p 9411:9411 openzipkin/zipkin
    5. If you don’t have “Docker for Desktop” installed, follow this: https://zipkin.io/pages/quickstart
    6. dotnet run zipkin --uri=http://localhost:9411/api/v2/spans
    7. Navigate to Zipkin Web UI: http://localhost:9411
    8. Click Find Traces, and you should see a trace.
    9. Click into that, and you should see the details.

    Configure Exporter

    OpenCensus can export traces to different distributed tracing stores (such as Zipkin, Jeager, Stackdriver Trace). In (1), we configure OpenCensus to export to Zipkin, which is listening on localhost port 9411, and all of the traces from this program will be associated with a service name tracing-to-zipkin-service.

    // 1. Configure exporter to export traces to Zipkin.
        "http://localhost:9411/api/v2/spans", "tracing-to-zipkin-service");

    You can export trace data to different backends. Learn more in OpenCensus Supported Exporters.


    Configure Sampler

    Configure 100% sample rate, otherwise, few traces will be sampled.

    // 2. Configure 100% sample rate, otherwise, few traces will be sampled.
    ITraceConfig traceConfig = Tracing.TraceConfig;
    ITraceParams currentConfig = traceConfig.ActiveTraceParams;
    var newConfig = currentConfig.ToBuilder()

    There are multiple ways to configure how OpenCensus sample traces. Learn more in OpenCensus Sampling.

    Using the Tracer

    To start a trace, you first need to get a reference to the Tracer (3). It can be retrieved as a global singleton.

    // 3. Tracer is global singleton. You can register it via dependency injection if it exists
    // but if not - you can use it as follows:
    var tracer = Tracing.Tracer;

    Create a Span

    To create a span in a trace, we used the Tracer to start a new span (4). A span must be closed in order to mark the end of the span. A scoped span (Scope) implements IDisposable, so when used within a using block, the span will be closed automatically when exiting the block.

    // 4. Create a scoped span, a scoped span will automatically end when closed.
    // It implements AutoClosable, so it'll be closed when the try block ends.
    using (var scope = tracer.SpanBuilder("Main").StartScopedSpan())
        Console.WriteLine("About to do a busy work");
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)

    Create a Child Span

    The Run method calls DoWork a number of times. Each invocation also generates a child span. Take a look at DoWorkmethod.

    private static void DoWork(int i)
        // 6. Get the global singleton Tracer object
        ITracer tracer = Tracing.Tracer;
        // 7. Start another span. If another span was already started, it'll use that span as the parent span.
        // In this example, the main method already started a span, so that'll be the parent span, and this will be
        // a child span.
        using (OpenCensus.Common.IScope scope = tracer.SpanBuilder("DoWork").StartScopedSpan())
            // Simulate some work.
            ISpan span = tracer.CurrentSpan;
                Console.WriteLine("Doing busy work");
            catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException e)
                // 6. Set status upon error
                span.Status = Status.Internal.WithDescription(e.ToString());
            // 7. Annotate our span to capture metadata about our operation
            var attributes = new Dictionary<string, IAttributeValue>();
            attributes.Add("use", AttributeValue.StringAttributeValue("demo"));
            span.AddAnnotation("Invoking DoWork", attributes);

    Shutdown the Tracer

    Traces are queued up in memory and flushed to the trace store (in this case, Zipkin) periodically, and/or when the buffer is full. In (5), we need to make sure that any buffered traces that had yet been sent are flushed for a graceful shutdown

    / 5. Gracefully shutdown the exporter so it'll flush queued traces to Zipkin.

    Set the Status of the span

    We can set the status of our span to create more observability of our traced operations.

    // 6. Set status upon error
    span.Status = Status.Internal.WithDescription(e.ToString());

    Create an Annotation


    Zipkin project https://zipkin.io/
    Setting up Zipkin Zipkin Codelab
    Zipkin C# exporter https://www.nuget.org/packages/OpenCensus.Exporter.Zipkin
    C# exporters C# exporters
    OpenCensus C# Trace package https://www.nuget.org/packages/OpenCensus/



    Tracing tracks the progression of a single user request as it is handled by other services that make up an application.

    Each unit work is called a Span in a trace. Spans include metadata about the work, including the time spent in the step (latency), status, time events, attributes, links. You can use tracing to debug errors and latency issues in your applications.


    A trace is a tree of spans. It is a collective of observable signals showing the path of work through a system. A trace on its own is distinguishable by a unique 16 byte sequence called a TraceID.

    This TraceID groups and distinguishes spans. We’ll learn about spans shortly.

    This is an example of what a trace looks like:

     Above, you see a trace with various spans. In order to respond to /messages, several other internal requests are made. Firstly, we check if the user is authenticated. Next we check if their messages were cached. Since their message wasn’t cached, that’s a cache miss and we then fetch their content from MySQL, cache it and then provide the response containing their messages.


    Recorded spans can be exported by registered exporters.

    Multiple exporters can be registered to upload the data to various different backends. Users can unregister the exporters if they are no longer needed.

    Please visit the page exporters to learn more about exporters.


    Trace specs specs/Trace
    Trace proto definition proto/Trace/v1



    A span represents a single operation in a trace. A span could be representative of an HTTP request, a remote procedure call (RPC), a database query, or even the path that a code takes in user code, etc.

    For example:

     Above, you can see a trace with various spans. In order to respond to /messages, several other internal requests are made. Firstly, we check if the user is authenticated. Next we check if their messages were cached. Since their message wasn’t cached, that’s a cache miss and we then fetch their content from MySQL, cache it and then provide the response containing their messages.

    A span may or may not have a parent span:

    • A span without a parent is called a “root span” for example, span “/messages”
    • A span with a parent is called a “child span” for example, spans “auth”, “cache.Get”, “mysql.Query”, “cache.Put”

    Spans are identified by a SpanID and each span belongs to a single trace. Each trace is uniquely identified by a TraceID which all constituent spans will share.

    These identifiers and options byte together are called Span Context. Inside the same process, Span context is propagated in a context object. When crossing process boundaries, it is serialized into protocol headers. The receiving end can read the Span context and create child spans.

    A span consists of the following fields:


    Span specs specs/Tracing/Span
    Span proto definition proto/trace/v1/Span.proto



    A span name is a string descriptive of what the span does. Span names should be statistically meaningful. Most tracing backend and analysis tools use span names to auto generate reports for the represented work.

    Examples of span names:

    • “cache.Get” represents the Get method of the cache service.
    • ”/messages” represents the messages web page.
    • ”/api/user/(d+)” represents the user detail pages.

    Names are usually created in the span’s constructor.

    Source code sample

    We’ll create a span with the Name “cache.Get”, below:

    try (Scope ss = TRACER.spanBuilder("cache.Get").startScopedSpan()) {


    The span when visualized will look something like this: 


    Name in datamodel reference proto/v1/Span.Name



    SpanID is the span’s unique identifier. It consists of 8 randomly generated bytes and MUST be globally unique.

    This field is REQUIRED for every span.

    Relation to ParentSpanID

    SpanID is the identifier passed along to ParentSpanID when creating a child span.

    • If Span A with SpanIDA is the parent of Span B (whose spanID is SpanIDB), then the ParentSpanID for SpanB is SpanIDA.
    • If Span Y’s ParentSpanID is NULL/empty, then Span Y is a root span


    SpanID in specs specs/Trace/Span.TraceID
    SpanID proto definition specs/Trace/Span.SpanID



    TraceID is the identifier for a trace. It is globally unique and with sufficient entropy generated from 16 randomly generated bytes. It serves to group all the spans that belong to the same trace across all processes.

    This field is REQUIRED for every span.


    TraceID in specs specs/Trace/Span.TraceID
    TraceID proto definition specs/Trace/TraceID.TraceID



    ParentSpanID can either but NULL/empty or contain the 8 byte SpanID of the span that caused this span.

    • A span without a ParentSpanID is called a “Root span”
    • A span with a ParentSpanID is called a “Child span”
    • Many spans can have the same ParentSpanID and they are all children of the parent
    • A span can ONLY have one parent
    • A child span can also be a parent of a span that it spawns


    ParentSpanID in specs specs/Trace/Span.ParentTraceID
    ParentSpanID proto definition specs/Trace/Span.ParentSpanID



    StartTime is a timestamp that records when the span was started.


    EndTime is a timestamp that records when the span’s operation has been ended


    Latency is the difference between the EndTime and StartTime

    Span Lifetime

    Span lifetime represents the process of recording the start and the end timestamps to the Span object:

    1. The start time is recorded when the Span is created. A span is only alive iff its StartTime has been recorded.
    2. The end time needs to be recorded when the operation is ended. It is important that a span be ended after its tracking operation ends.

    The life of a span during an RPC or HTTP request is discussed under context propagation.


    The visual below shows a span “Recv./players” whose StartTime was 2018-11-01 (01:28:03.165) and

    • Latency = EndTime - StartTime = 1.188ms


    StartTime proto proto/v1.Span.StartTime
    EndTime proto proto/v1.Span.EndTime



    Status defines a logical error model to represent a filterable state of the span at a point in time.

    It consists of a code whose type is int32 as well as the descriptive message.

    Status allows tracing visualization tools to highlight unsuccessful spans and helps in debugging errors.

    Status code mapping

    For a uniform mapping of status code in various RPC systems, we use the following enumerations alongside description to describe the state of the system in span, as per:

    StateCodeDescriptionHTTP status code equivalent
    OK 0 Not an error, returned on success 200 and 2XX HTTP statuses
    CANCELLED 1 The operation was cancelled, typically by the caller 499
    UNKNOWN 2 An unknown error raised by APIs that don’t return enough error information 500
    INVALID_ARGUMENT 3 The client specified an invalid argument 400
    DEADLINE_EXCEEDED 4 The deadline expired before the operation could succeed 504
    NOT_FOUND 5 Content was not found or request was denied for an entire class of users 404
    ALREADY_EXISTS 6 The entity attempted to be created already exists 409
    PERMISSION_DENIED 7 The caller doesn’t have permission to execute the specified operation 403
    RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED 8 The resource has been exhausted e.g. per-user quota exhausted, file system out of space 429
    FAILED_PRECONDITION 9 The client shouldn’t retry until the system state has been explicitly handled 400
    ABORTED 10 The operation was aborted 409
    OUT_OF_RANGE 11 The operation was attempted past the valid range e.g. seeking past the end of a file 400
    UNIMPLEMENTED 12 The operation is not implemented or is not supported/enabled for this operation 501
    INTERNAL 13 Some invariants expected by the underlying system have been broken. This code is reserved for serious errors 500
    UNAVAILABLE 14 The service is currently available e.g. as a transient condition 503
    DATA_LOSS 15 Unrecoverable data loss or corruption 500
    UNAUTHENTICATED 16 The requester doesn’t have valid authentication credentials for the operation 401

    Source code samples

    span.setStatus(status.NOT_FOUND.withDescription("Cache miss"))


    • Not found on cache miss 

     As you can see above, we set the status with a message of “Cache miss” and a code of NOT_FOUND


    Status in OpenCensus datamodel proto/v1/Status
    RPC code mappings Code enumerations rpc/code.proto
    Go API Span.SetStatus
    Java API Span.SetStatus
    Python API Status
    C++ API Span.SetStatus

    Time events

    Time event

    It describes an event that happened at a point in time during a span’s lifetime. A time event can consist of EITHER of these fields but NOT BOTH

    Time events

    Time events are a collection of time event values but also retains information about the number of dropped annotations as well as number of dropped time events

    Succinctly, time events contain these fields:


    Data model reference proto/trace/v1/trace.proto#TimeEvents



    An annotation tells a descriptive story in text, of an event that occurred during a span’s lifetime.

    It consists of fields:

    Description The user supplied message that details the event
    Attributes A set of attributes to articulate the annotate

    Code examples

    We’ll add an annotation to a span in the excerpts with a couple of languages:

    import io.opencensus.trace.AttributeValue;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    HashMap<String, AttributeValue> map = new HashMap<String, AttributeValue>();
    map.put("store", AttributeValue.stringAttributeValue("memcache"));
    map.put("cache_miss", AttributeValue.booleanAttributeValue(true));
    map.put("age_ns", AttributeValue.int64AttributeValue(13488999));
    span.addAnnotation(Annotation.fromDescriptionAndAttributes("Cache miss during GC", map));

    Visual representation


    Data model reference trace_proto/v1.Annotation
    Go annotation API: Span.Annotate GoDoc
    Java annotation API: Span.addAnnotation JavaDoc
    Python annotation API Definition
    C++ annotation API Definition

    Message events

    Message event

    A message event describes a message sent or received between spans.

    It contains the following fields:


    Type enumerates the various states of a message event. It can be either of these:

    SENT 1 Indicates that this message was sent
    RECEIVED 2 Indicates that this message was received
    UNKNOWN 0 Unknown event type or default value


    The identifier for the message to help correlate between SENT and RECEIVED message events. For example it can be useful when matching sequence/state numbers between protocol handshakes or for a streaming RPC. It is recommended to be unique within a span.

    Uncompressed size

    The number of uncompressed bytes sent or received.

    Compressed size

    The number of compressed bytes sent or received. If this value is zero, it is assumed to be the same as Uncompressed size

    import io.opencensus.trace.MessageEvent;
    import io.opencensus.trace.MessageEvent.Type;
    // On the client
    MessageEvent clientEvent = MessageEvent.builder(Type.RECEIVED, seqNumber)
    // On the server
    MessageEvent serverEvent = MessageEvent.builder(Type.SENT, seqNumber)


    • Received

    • Sent


    Message event definition proto/v1/message_event
    Go API Span.AddMessageReceiveEvent Span.AddMessageSendEvent
    Java API MessageEvent JavaDoc
    C++ API Span.AddMessageReceivedEvent and Span.AddMessageSentEvent
    Python API MessageEvent Span.add_time_event


    A link describes a cross-relationship between spans in either the same or different trace. For example if a batch operation were performed, comprising of different traces or different processes, a link from one span to another can help correlate related spans.


    It consists of fields:

    • TraceID
    • SpanID
    • Type which can either be CHILD, PARENT or UNKNOWN
    • Attributes

    Uses and advisory

    • Linking spans is especially useful for RPCs that might cross trust boundaries. For example, if your API client libraries in your customers’ applications and in the wild make calls to your cloud, you could choose to create a span when the request hits your cloud’s frontend server but not show it to the user, or at least prevent the trace from the wild from being the parent span to your internal spans

    • Links can also be used in tracing streaming requests such as with gRPC where tracing a long-lived request doesn’t provide valuable insight but per-message streaming will provide information about the latencies. On receiving a streamed message, you’ll need to link the trace that started this message

    • Links can also be used in batching operations or with asynchronous processing whereby a single trace spawned work that gets performed later. A link is important to help find the source of the trace that started the long-lived operations

    Please also take a look at specs/utils.HandlingUntrustedRequests

    Source code samples

    In these source code samples, we have two spans:

    SpanA Started from an untrusted boundary e.g. a client request to your cloud
    SpanB Started from a trusted boundary e.g. from the frontend server of your service/cloud
    // SpanA started say on the client side
    // SpanB started on the server side
    Scope s1 = tracer.spanBuilder("SpanA").startScopedSpan();
    SpanContext spanASC = tracer.getCurrentSpan().getContext();
    Scope s2 = tracer.spanBuilder("SpanB").startScopedSpan();
    Map<String, AttributeValue> linkAttributes = new HashMap<>();
    linkAttributes.put("reason", AttributeValue.stringAttribute("client-RPC unverified source"));
      Link.fromSpanContext(spanASC, Link.Type.CHILD_LINKED_SPAN, linkAttributes));


    When examined after being exported


    Handling untrusted requests specs/utils.HandlingUntrustedRequests
    Data model proto/trace/v1.Link
    Go API reference Span.AddLink and Link
    Java API reference Span.addLink and Link
    Python API reference Span.add_link and Link
    Node.js API reference Span.addLink and Link




    SpanKind details the relationships between spans in addition to the parent/child relationship. SpanKind is enumerated by the following values:

    SERVER 1 The span covers the server-side handling of an RPC
    CLIENT 2 The span covers the client-side handling of an RPC
    UNSPECIFIED 0 Unspecified

    For example, given two spans that share the same name and traceID, if a trace starts on the client and then progresses to the server for continuity, their Kind can be set as CLIENT and SERVER respectively

    import io.opencensus.common.Scope;
    import io.opencensus.trace.Span.Kind;
    // Started on the client
    try (Scope ss = TRACER.spanBuilder("SpanStarted").setSpanKind(Kind.CLIENT).startSpan()) {
    // Started on the server
    try (Scope ss = TRACER.spanBuilder("SpanStarted").setSpanKind(Kind.SERVER).startSpan()) {


    SpanKind proto proto/trace/v1.Span.SpanKind
    Go API WithSpanKind option
    Java API Span.Kind JavaDoc
    Python API span.SpanKind
    Node.js API span.SpanKind



    TraceOptions is a byte on each OpenCensus span. Currently its last bit is set iff the span is sampled otherwise it is clear. Perhaps this table might help clarify better

    State in hexState in binaryMeaning
    0x00 00000000 Span IS NOT sampled
    0x01 00000001 Span IS sampled


    TraceOptions in the OpenCensus specs https://github.com/census-instrumentation/opencensus-specs/blob/master/trace/Span.md#traceoptions



    Tracestate conveys information about the position/ordering of a request in multiple distributed tracing graphs. It consists of a list of at most 32 ordered Tracestate entries.


    A tracestate entry is a key-value pair used to annotate a positional state. It consists of:

    Key a collection of characters MUST begin with a lower case letter, can contain lowercase alphanumeric, dashes, asterisk and forward slashes
    Value a collection of characters ONLY printable ASCII characters
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/panpanwelcome/p/11721296.html
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