• UVA 10400 Game Show Math (dfs + 记忆化搜索)

    Problem H
    Game Show Math
     standard input
    Output: standard output
    Time Limit: 15 seconds

    A game show in Britain has a segment where it gives its contestants a sequence of positive numbers and a target number. The contestant must make a mathematical expression using all of the numbers in the sequence and only the operators: +-*, and, /. Each number in the sequence must be used exactly once, but each operator may be used zero to many times. The expression should be read from left to right, without regard for order of operations, to calculate the target number. It is possible that no expression can generate the target number. It is possible that many expressions can generate the target number.

    There are three restrictions on the composition of the mathematical expression:

    o  the numbers in the expression must appear in the same order as they appear in the input file

    o  since the target will always be an integer value (a positive number), you are only allowed to use / in the expression when the result will give a remainder of zero.

    o  you are only allowed to use an operator in the expression, if its result after applying that operator is an integer from (-32000 ..+32000).


    The input file describes multiple test cases. The first line contains the number of test cases n.

    Each subsequent line contains the number of positive numbers in the sequence p, followed by p positive numbers, followed by the target number. Note that 0 < p £ 100. There may be duplicate numbers in the sequence. But all the numbers are less than 32000.


    The output file should contain an expression, including all k numbers and (k-1) operators plus the equals sign and the target. Do not include spaces in your expression. Remember that order of operations does not apply here. If there is no expression possible output "NO EXPRESSION" (without the quotes). If more than one expression is possible, any one of them will do.


    Sample Input

    3 5 7 4 3
    2 1 1 2000
    5 12 2 5 1 2 4

    Sample Output

    题意:给定n个数字。和一个answer。要求在n个数字中插入“+-*/“ 使得式子成立。。




    思路:直接暴力时间复杂度O(4 ^ n)。这题最多100。。果断超时的节奏。。于是乎用记忆化搜索。




    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    int vis[105][66666];
    int t, n, num[105], ans, judge;
    char out[105];
    void dfs(int start, int sum) {
        if (start == n) {
    	if (sum == ans)
    	    judge = 1;
        if (sum + num[start] <= 32000 && !vis[start][sum + num[start] + 32000]) {
    	out[start] = '+';
    	vis[start][sum + num[start] + 32000] = 1; 
    	dfs(start + 1, sum + num[start]);
    	if (judge) return;
        if (sum - num[start] >= -32000 && !vis[start][sum - num[start] + 32000]) {
    	out[start] = '-';
    	vis[start][sum - num[start] + 32000] = 1;
    	dfs(start + 1, sum - num[start]);
    	if (judge) return;
        if (sum * num[start] >= -32000 && sum * num[start] <= 32000 && !vis[start][sum * num[start] + 32000]) {
    	out[start] = '*';
    	vis[start][sum * num[start] + 32000] = 1;
    	dfs(start + 1, sum * num[start]);
    	if (judge) return;
        if (!(sum % num[start])) {
    	if (sum / num[start] >= -32000 && sum / num[start] <= 32000 && !vis[start][sum / num[start] + 32000]) {
    	    out[start] = '/';
    	    vis[start][sum / num[start] + 32000] = 1;
    	    dfs(start + 1, sum / num[start]);
    	    if (judge) return;
    int main() {
        scanf("%d", &t);
        while (t --) {
    	judge = 0;
    	memset(vis, 0, sizeof(vis));
    	scanf("%d", &n);
    	for (int i = 0; i < n; i ++)
    	    scanf("%d", &num[i]);
    	scanf("%d", &ans);
    	vis[0][num[0] + 32000] = 1;
    	dfs(1, num[0]);
    	if (judge) {
    	    for (int i = 0; i < n; i ++) {
    		if (i != 0)
    		    printf("%c%d", out[i], num[i]);
    		    printf("%d", num[i]);
    ", ans);
    	else printf("NO EXPRESSION
        return 0;

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/pangblog/p/3266471.html
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