• [BEC][hujiang] Lesson04 Unit1:Working life ---Reading + Listening &Grammar & Speaking


    1.1 Working life    P10 Reading----The anonymous CV

    Exercise 3  What should be included in the CV

    1 personal details

    2 education and qualifications

    3 working experience

           action words: developed

           don’t mention routine

    relate skills to the job

    4 interests and achievements

    5 skills

    6 referees

    The order and the emphasis will depend on what you are applying for and what you have to offer

    If you are applying for more than one type of work, you should have a different CV tailored to each career area, highlighting different aspects of your skills and experience.

    Personal profile

    Covering letter

    Exercise 4

    Predict what the article is going to be about from the title first

    What kind of prejudice do you think can be in the workplace

    What is the idea behind an anonymous CV?

    An anonymous CV is to consider only the skills and experience of the candidates and not other factors , such as age, sex, racial and social background. This is to tackle the discrimination.


    Discrimination 歧视

    Discrimination duties/ tariff: 差别关税

    Differential duties

    Discriminatory exchange rate: 差别汇率

    差别汇率指的是根据不同支付用途或性质而规定的不同汇率,如奖出限入(奖励出口限制入口)的区别汇率,也称复式汇率 “dual exchange rate”


    1 试验、试用

    2 考验、磨砺;艰苦

    Smith was hired on a six-month trial basis

    3. 讨厌的人;棘手的事

    His blindness is a great trial to him

    4 审问,审判

    He was brought to trial on charge of the arson

    Trial order: 试订购   发生在批量订购之前

    Trial balance sheet : 试算表

    Trial manufacture 试生产


    The organization has launched a campaign to raise $150,000

    canton: n.瑞士的州、法国的区

    Canton:n广州  (首字母大小写之分)

    Integration 结合,融合   integration office 取消种族隔离办公室

    Integration: 企业合并、一体化

       The integration of European economics: 欧洲经济的一体化

    Switzerland 瑞士

    Call up: 召唤、传唤

           Call on: 呼吁、召唤

           Call for: 要求

    Swissinfo: n.瑞士资讯

    Exercise 5 填空题

    Raise awareness 提高意识

    Mandatory contribution 强制性缴款

    指社会保险税(social security tax)或公司要求股东缴纳的最低股金


    mandatory system 托管制(n)

    initiative : n.

         1the ability to make decisions and take action

     e.g. Carlos was not obeying orders, He acted on his own initiative(= he was not told what to do)


    why don’t you take the initiative and ask him out



    rule out : 排除、消除


    rule out the possibility of discrimination

    Exercise 6

    1 Yes, of course. For example, in anonymous CV, all people are equal before the prospective employers. Prejudice and perceived ideas don’t get in way in employers making the decision on who is the best candidate for a job. Employers will focus more on the candidate’s skills and qualities and experience.

    2 This scheme does not attack the problem of the discrimination at the root. An anonymous CV cannot rule out the possibility of discrimination once the candidate arrives for an interview. Actually in my opinion, lectures about achievements make by the black people or Jews should be given to employers to educate them that these people are also great.


    1 熟悉了与CV和personal summaries 相关的词汇

    2  CV,personal summary, covering letter所应该涵盖的内容

    3  熟悉了考试第五部分阅读的题型(Exercise 5)

    1.2 Asking and answering questions




    Come out of : 摆脱出来

    Tanker n.油轮           leak: v.泄漏           ground: v.搁浅          ground rent:地租

    Tug: n.拖轮,拖船       publicity: n.公众的注意        publicity expenses: 宣传费

    Media attention: 媒体关注          assert oneself: 坚持自己的权利(意见)

    On the spot: 处于困境中,在危险中


    Spot n.现货的,现付的   spot asset现金资金        ~ cash: 现款           

    ~ goods: 现货          ~ price: 现货价              ~ deal: 现货交易     ~ delivery: 当场交货            spot exchange market: 即期外汇市场     ~ quotation: 现货行情

    An environmental accident(P12)

    Exercise 1

    1 The ship made for port because of severe weather conditions, but hit some rocks near the coast

    2 Three, including this one

    3 Reasonably well. He explains the cause clearly and tries to put the accident in context.

    Exercise 3


    Indirect questions  陈述句的语序,不是疑问句的语序

    e.g.  I’d be interested to know where you have worked before.

    tag questions    附加疑问句

    1 肯定的陈述句 + 否定的附加疑问句

     e.g. The clock is slow, isn’t it

    2 否定的陈述句 + 肯定的附加疑问句

     e.g. The clock isn’t slow, is it?

    Ps: 一般声调希望你回答yes,降调希望你回答no

    Exercise 6

    Q1、2 What makes you believe you could handle the position?

    Be equipped with professional information and knowledge that the job requires

    I’m highly organized and I pay excellent attention to detail

    I’m able to manage multiple tasks and handle the stress that is associated with it.

    I have excellent interpersonal and communication skills

    I’m able to anticipate needs and problems

    I’m highly self-motivated

    I’m able to work independently to achieve results

    I’m fluent in both written and oral English.

    Q3~6 stress interview questions

    Q3 I am a fast learner.    I enjoy learning on the job.    I enjoy learning on the job.   I am a hardworking person.

    Q4 I took time off to get some training in computer skills

    Q5 Though I’m a quietly-spoken person,  I’m confident

    Q6 I don’t feel like in my last position I am able to show my full potential. I am looking for a challenge in a company that will recognize my abilities.

    I want to move up in my career.

    This job really didn’t have advancement opportunities that I was seeking.

    Q7 Can you tell me why you would like to work for our company?

    I know about the company’s history, product range, financial situation, marketing strategies, etc.

    And your company have a good reputation. Its products are popular, and I feel proud to work for such a company.

    Q8 so tell me what you did yesterday. 行为面试问题(Behavioral Interview Questions)

    e.g. tell me about a time when you were creative in solving a problem

    Describe a time when you got co-workers or classmates who dislike each other to work together.

    Tell me about a time when you made a bad decision

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/pandy/p/3599372.html
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