• time is always a factor, time is always now!!!!




    By Joe Alderman

     First let us think about how the concept of Time could have started. Somewhere along the evolutionary trail early humans developed memory capability and also imagination. Memories created the “notion” of a “Past” and Imagination created the “notion” of a “Future”.

    You can remember a past or imagine a future. You may even dream of a past or a future. This paper attempts to prove that reality and consciousness only exist in the present. The past and the future do not exist. It is always


     Actually, time does not exist independently. What we refer to, as “Time” is the concept that describes the relative changes of matter. Generally it is the constantly changing arrangement of all matter that we are referring to. All clocks ever conceived simply compare one motion to another. Relative motion is what is actually being measured. It could be the motion of grains of sand in an hourglass, of water in a water clock, regular pendulum swings, atomic vibrations, Earth and Moon orbits, and so on. All “Time” measurements are really only comparisons of relative motions. The word Time represents the totality of these ever changing relative positions, directions, and relative velocities of matter.

     What we call the Past is nothing more than the “arrangement “ of all of the matter in the Universe that preceded the present “arrangement”. It is this constantly changing “arrangement” that we call Time.


     Try this simple thought experiment. Imagine if all relative motion stopped even down to the electrons within their orbits. What we call “Time” would also stop. The hands on the clock of course stop moving at the position they were in when the freeze took place. One can easily see that without the relative motions of matter, time has no meaning. This is because fundamentally it is the relative motions that we are describing when we use the term “Time”. This is one simple proof of what “Time” represents. Time does not exist independently. It is really the “changesin the arrangements” that are taking place. Time is only a conceptual tool used to relate the complex, changing, positions, directions, and velocities of matter to other pieces of matter in the Universe.


    Without matter to compare to other matter, distance is meaningless. An example of this is when we “measure” distance. The devices we use to measure distances all simply compare at least two pieces of matter in some way. We really don’t physically “measure” the empty space in between. If all “relative” motion stopped a three-axis coordinate system would locate every piece of matter within space. Matter is moving about so another factor is needed to describe the “change” in relative positions of objects within space. This fourth dimension is what we have been calling TIME. We have been using this concept of time for so long that it has become part of our language and thinking. This has nearly blinded many and has caused most to think that a Past and a Future really exist contemporarily with “Now”. The Past and the Future do not exist. It is always “Now”. Time is merely an expedient way to express (and think) about the very complex relative motions of matter through space. The word Time should represent the changing relative positions, directions, and relative velocities of matter within space. Simply put, “The Arrangement”.


     When someone asks, “What is the time?” You can never answer with absolute accuracy. Even as you were saying the words, relative motions of unimaginable complexity have already occurred. Even the hands on the clock moved ever so slightly. The Cesium atomic clock in Boulder Colorado vibrated 9,192,631,770 times each second as you spoke. You may have realized that “Now” is infinitesimally small. No matter how small the increment, some relative motion of matter has occurred somewhere in the Universe. “Now” is constantly changing.


     If we think about the past, memories and imaginations are conjured up about some mysterious time gone by. The reality is that we are referring to a set of arrangements of all of the pieces of matter in the Universe. Time travel into the “Past” would require that all of the intricate pieces of matter in the Universe be returned to a previous arrangement of the relative positions, directions, and velocities that existed at that point. This is ludicrous and impossible. The past is probably thought to exist because we have "memories" stored within our brains. These are only memories and are like photographs. It would take an infinite amount of matter for even a small amount of Time to exist independently. Imagine; you would need a complete Universe for each microsecond of Time. The “Past” does not exist, but historical records and memories of past “arrangements” make it seem so.



     The future simply is a reference to the relative arrangements, positions, directions, and velocities of all the matter in the Universe at a step that has not occurred yet but will. The “Future” cannot exist contemporarily.


     It is truly laughable to hear educated, seemingly wise men discussing with all seriousness, time travel through “wormholes” etc. There is no “Past” or ” Future”, in independent form but only ongoing changes. In a sense the dinosaurs are still here, but they have “changed”, their particles are just not assembled in the same way. They have long since disintegrated and their particles have been rearranged. Some dinosaur particles may even be contained within our bodies "Now".


    Parallel Universe

    By definition "Universe" means:

    The Universe is defined as the totality of everything that exist.

    The Greeks created Atlas as the Titan giant whose job was to hold up the World. They could not imagine the World without something to hold it up. Atlas of course was not really needed to explain anything. They just made him up for lack of understanding. When some folks can't solve a mystery they invent things to make their inept theories work.

    For parallel universes, a past, or a future, to exist, it would take an infinite amount of matter. This is absurd and the gravity fields generated by this infinite amount of matter would also be infinite. There can be no past, no future, nor a parallel universe. There can only be one universe and it only exists NOW. It is the constant "re-arrangements" that we call Time.



     Age is another word that really means change. The word “Age” has been used so broadly that it has taken on an independent character. There is no absolute “Age”. Age should refer to the changes of the particles that make up the object under discussion.

        You have heard that one thing can age faster than another. People, wine, etc, this is just an example of the widely perverted use of a concept. What people are really referring to are different "relative" amounts of change. It is the different rates of change,  that we refer to as different rates of aging. A sharper more disciplined use of such terms should be required for scientific thinking. We have let our words blur our thoughts and our minds eye vision, to near blindness. Memory and Imagination may be the mother of Time?

     To sum up:

    The Past, and Future, cannot exist contemporarily or in independent forms.

     Time represents the constantly changing and rearranging of the relative positions, directions, and relative velocities of matter within space. Time does not exist as an independent variable. It is simply always "Now".

     The End ....... Of Time

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/oxspirt/p/8585985.html
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