• GUI & Event例子

    Student No.: _______________ Name: ________________________________________
    TK2934 Object-Oriented Programming
    Project : GUI & Event
    In this lab you will be using the following Java Swing & awt classes:
    • container – JFrame, JPanel
    • components – JButton, JLabel, JTextField, JRadioButton, JComboBox
    • layout managers – FlowLayout, GridLayout, BorderLayout
    • component property – Color, Font
    • event handling – ActionListener, ItemListener
    Stage 1
    Purpose: To change the attributes of the components
    Stage output: A GUI with nice font and color.
    Task Remarks Evaluation/Answer
    1. Get a copy of Project.java from your instructor. Make a copy of Project.java and name it as
    2. Compile and run the program.
    3. Change the font and color of the
    Use methods:
    • setFont(new Font(....));
    • setForeground(Color);
    and class :
    • Font(String name, int style, int
    The output should look similar to the figure below.
    Figure 1
    Student No.: _______________ Name: ________________________________________
    Stage 2
    Purpose: To add JRadioButtons to the right panel and handle the events.
    Stage output: An application with random addition questions.
    Task Remarks Evaluation
    1. Make a copy of ProjStage1.java
    and name it ProjStage2.java
    2. Create a panel named rightP
    and add 2 radiobuttons ("Add" &
    3. Add the panel to the EAST (or
    any other area) of pane.
    4. Create a panel named mathP
    and add to CENTER of pane
    (comment the statement to add
    mainP panel).
    5. Generate 2 random numbers
    between 0 to 9
    6. Display the title and the addition
    question as in Figure 2. Use nice
    and interesting fonts and colors.
    Use the following expression:
    (int) (Math.random * max) + 1;
    where max = 9
    The output should look similar to the figure below.
    Figure 2
    Student No.: _______________ Name: ________________________________________
    7. Handle the event such that when
    the user input the correct answer
    (and pressed enter), your
    program should display
    responds as in Figure 3.
    The output should look similar to the figure below.
    Figure 3
    8. Test with incorrect answers.
    Your program should respond
    accordingly and request the user
    to try again. (Figure 4)
    The output should look similar to the figure below.
    Figure 4
    Student No.: _______________ Name: ________________________________________
    Stage 3
    Purpose: To handle event for subtraction questions.
    Stage output: An application with random addition and subtraction questions.
    Task Remarks Evaluation
    1. Make a copy of ProjStage2.java
    and name it ProjStage3.java
    2. Handle the event such that when
    the user select "Subtract"
    radio button, a randomly
    generated subtraction question
    will be displayed
    3. Handle the event for the
    subtraction question. (Figure 5)
    4. Test your program by clicking on
    the "Add" radio button. Your
    program should display a new
    random addition question with
    the event handling described in
    Stage 2.
    5. Test your program by clicking on
    the "Subtract" radio button.
    Your program should display a
    new random subtraction
    question with the event handling
    subscribe in task (2) above.
    Your subtraction question should
    always have a positive answer.
    Stage 4
    Purpose: To handle panel switching.
    Stage output: An application that can switch between two panels.
    Task Remarks Evaluation
    1. Make a copy of ProjStage3.java
    and name it ProjStage4.java
    2. Add a new radio button labeled
    "Word Game" to the right panel.
    3. Create a panel named wordP.
    Student No.: _______________ Name: ________________________________________
    4. Add a label "GUESS THE WORD"
    to the panel
    5. Handle the event such that :
    a) when the user clicked "Word
    Game", wordP panel will be
    displayed at the CENTER of
    b) when the user clicked "Add",
    mathP panel with random
    addition question will be
    c) when the user clicked
    "Subtract", mathP panel
    with random subtraction
    question will be displayed.
    6. Test your program
    Use the following statements to
    switch panels:
    currentP = wordP;
    where currentP is initialized to
    panel mathP.
    7. Update your program such that
    when the program started, the
    mainP panel is displayed.
    initialize currentP to mainP
    and add mainP to CENTER.
    Stage 5
    Purpose: To create an interface for guess a word game
    Stage output: A GUI for the word game.
    Task Remarks Evaluation
    1. Make a copy of ProjStage4.java
    and name it ProjStage5.java
    2. Initialize a secretWord
    3. In the wordP, add textfields
    based on the number of
    characters in the secretWord.
    use array of textfields for easy
    manipulation later
    Student No.: _______________ Name: ________________________________________
    4. Set the textfield as non editable
    5. Below the textfield, add buttons
    with labels of character "A" to
    use array of buttons for easy
    manipulation later
    The output should look similar to the figure below.
    Figure 5
    Stage 6
    Purpose: To handle event for guess a word game
    Stage output: An application with the word game.
    Task Remarks Evaluation
    1. Make a copy of ProjStage5.java
    and name it ProjStage6.java
    2. Handle the event as follows. When
    the user clicked a button
    a. Check if the character is in the
    use array of textfields for easy
    manipulation later
    Student No.: _______________ Name: ________________________________________
    b. if yes, display the character in
    the textfield
    c. disable the button
    d. repeat the above steps until all
    character are displayed in the
    e. display massage such as
    Refer to Figure 6
    The output should look similar to the figure below.
    Figure 6
    Student No.: _______________ Name: ________________________________________
    Stage 7
    Purpose: To have a list of words to guess
    Stage output: An application with a more flexible word game
    Task Remarks Evaluation
    1. Make a copy of ProjStage6.java
    and name it ProjStage7.java
    2. Create a JComboBox with 3 items
    ("word1", "word2", "word3")
    3. Replace the radiobutton ("Word
    game") with the comboBox
    4. Initialize (3) secret word lists. Use
    array for easy manipulation later
    5. Modify your program. Test for
    program correctness for all the
    secret words
    6. Test your program, it should work
    correctly when user select a new
    Test the variable initialization,
    resets all textfields and activate
    all buttons
    The output should look similar to the figure below.
    Figure 7

     Answer following Question:

    Project :  Project_Worksheet.pdf

    Write programs in stages as described in the worksheet. 

    Bonus :

    Create an additional page of math or word game.

    Initial file : Project.java

    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;

    class Project extends JFrame {
    Container pane;
    JPanel mainP;

    public Project() {
    pane = getContentPane();
    pane.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
    mainP = new JPanel();
    mainP.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 1));
    JLabel welcome = new JLabel("W E L C O M E", JLabel.CENTER);
    JLabel title = new JLabel("Java Math & Word Games", JLabel.CENTER);
    pane.add(mainP, BorderLayout.CENTER);

    public static void main(String [] args) {
    Project frame = new Project();
    frame.setTitle("Java Math & Word Games");
    frame.setSize(700, 700);

    Upload Required File to completed the Task

    Individual Task 
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/oversea201405/p/3809324.html
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