• 智能穿戴设备移动APP端与外设数据传输协议

    S1 Communication Layer specifications

    1. Purpose of This Document                                                                                                                           4

    2. General abbreviations & habits                                                                                                           4

    2.1 General abbreviations                                                                                                                                           4

    2.2 General habits                                                                                                                                                              4

    3. How to view this document                                                                                                                      5

    4. Packet Structure                                                                                                                                                    5

    4.1 Define packet structure                                                                                                                                       5

    4.1.1 CMD/ACK Id field details                                                                                                                                        6

    4.1.2 Raw Data Length field details                                                                                                                              6

    4.1.3 ACK Type field details                                                                                                                                              6

    4.1.4 Raw Data field details                                                                                                                                               6

    4.2 S1 communication layer model                                                                                                                         6

    5. Divide Module                                                                                                                                                             7

    6. General Raw Data Format                                                                                                                             8

    6.1 Time Format                                                                                                                                                                    8

    7. System Module                                                                                                                                                           8

    7.1 Current Time Synchronization (I)                                                                                                                  8

    7.1.1 Raw Data format                                                                                                                                                          8

    7.2 Alarm (I)                                                                                                                                                                            9

    7.2.1 Each alarm record format                                                                                                                                     9

    7.2.2 Raw Data format details                                                                                                                                         9

    7.3 Fetch Band Battery Level (II)                                                                                                                            9

    7.4 Fetch Band Information (II)                                                                                                                           10

    7.4.1 ACK Raw Data field format                                                                                                                                 10

    7.5 OTA Update (I and IV)                                                                                                                                           10

    7.5.1 OTA Update Flow                                                                                                                                                     10

    7.5.2 Band requests APP OTA packet (IV)                                                                                                            11

    7.5.3 Band reports the result to App (III)                                                                                                            12

    7.6 Volume Control (III)                                                                                                                                            12

    7.6.1 Raw Data details                                                                                                                                                       12

    7.7 Band Temperature Info (II)                                                                                                                             12

    7.7.1 ACK Raw Data details                                                                                                                                            12

    8. Account Module                                                                                                                                                    13

    8.1 Get Band Account Information (II)                                                                                                           13

    8.1.1 ACK Raw Data details                                                                                                                                            13

    8.2 APP Account Information compare with Band (II)                                                                       13

    8.2.1 CMD Raw Data details                                                                                                                                           13

    8.2.2 ACK Raw Data details                                                                                                                                            13

    8.3 Change Band Account (I)                                                                                                                                    14

    8.3.1 CMD Raw Data details                                                                                                                                           14

    9. Notification Module                                                                                                                                       14

    9.1 Notification History Count (Only IOS) (II)                                                                                         14

    9.1.2 ACK Raw Data Format                                                                                                                                          14

    9.2 Update Context-Aware Notification (I)                                                                                                14

    9.2.1 CMD Raw Data Format                                                                                                                                         15

    9.3 Health Notifications (I)                                                                                                                                     15

    9.3.1 CMD details                                                                                                                                                                  15

    9.4 Send VIP Contact List to Band (I)                                                                                                              15

    9.4.1 CMD Raw Data details                                                                                                                                           15

    9.5 Query Contacts (IV)                                                                                                                                               16

    9.5.1 CMD Raw Data details                                                                                                                                           16

    9.5.2 ACK Raw Data details                                                                                                                                            16

    9.6 Android basic notifications (I)                                                                                                                     16

    9.6.1 SMS Notification Raw Data details                                                                                                                17

    9.7 Recycling IOS HFP Notifications (III)                                                                                                     17

    9.7.1 CMD RAW Data details                                                                                                                                          17

    9.8 Recycling IOS ANCS Notifications (III)                                                                                                  17

    9.8.1 CMD Raw Data details                                                                                                                                           17

    10. Activity Module                                                                                                                                                18

    10.1 Activity data transmission strategy                                                                                                   18

    10.2 General model                                                                                                                                                        18

    10.2.1 APP fetches activity data (II)                                                                                                                         18

    10.2.2 Band notify APP to fetch                                                                                                                                   19

    10.2.3 An general record format                                                                                                                       19

    10.2.4 ACK Raw Data details                                                                                                                                  19

    10.3 Real time model                                                                                                                                                    20

    10.3.1 Start real time model (I)                                                                                                                                   20

    10.3.2 Stop real time model (I)                                                                                                                                    20

    10.3.3 Band sends activity data in real time model (III)                                                                             20

    10.3.4 A Immediate record format                                                                                                                           20

    11. Setting Module                                                                                                                                                  21

    11.1 Set the Basic Settings of Band (I)                                                                                                          21

    11.2 Get the basic settings of Band (II)                                                                                                         22

    11.2.1 CMD details                                                                                                                                                               22

    11.2.2 ACK Raw Data format                                                                                                                                         22

    11.3 Set Basic Notifications (I)                                                                                                                            22

    11.3.1 CMD Raw Data format                                                                                                                                        22

    11.4 Get basic Notifications Settings (II)                                                                                                    23

    11.5 Factory Reset (I)                                                                                                                                                  23

    11.6 Find Phone (III)                                                                                                                                                      23

    11.7 Find Band (I)                                                                                                                                                             23

    12. Weather Module                                                                                                                                               23

    12.1 Get weather report (III)                                                                                                                               23

    12.1.1 ACK Raw Data format                                                                                                                                         23

    13. Calendar Module                                                                                                                                             24

    13.1 Get Calendar events (III)                                                                                                                              24

    13.1.2 ACK Raw Data Format                                                                                                                                       24

    14. Band Configuration                                                                                                                                      24

    14.1 Base User Info                                                                                                                                                        24

    14.2 VIP Info                                                                                                                                                                       25

    14.3 Contextual Notification                                                                                                                                25

    14.4 Alarm Info                                                                                                                                                                25

    14.5 Current Time Synchronization                                                                                                                  25

    15. CMD&ACK List                                                                                                                                                         25

    15.1 System Module CMD&ACK List                                                                                                                 25

    15.2 Account Module CMD&ACK List                                                                                                              26

    15.3 Notification Module CMD&ACK List                                                                                                    26

    15.4 Sensor Module CMD&ACK List                                                                                                                  27

    15.5 Setting Module CMD&ACK List                                                                                                                28

    15.6 Weather Module CMD&ACK List                                                                                                             28

    15.7 Calendar Module CMD&ACK List                                                                                                            28

    1. Purpose of This Document

    The document describes the data format (include packet structure and each raw data format) and transfer strategy in S1 communication layer.

    2. General abbreviations & habits

    2.1 General abbreviations

    APP: S1 IOS APP or S1 Android APP.

    Band: S1 hardware and firmware.

    S1: Band and APP.

    CMD: The packet is written into Bluetooth channel by APP or Band initiatively.

    ACK:The packet respond the CMD.

    ****: The value depends on the specific situation.

    TBD: To Be Discussed.

    2.2 General habits

    Endianness: Little-endian (least byte is stored in the smallest address).

    Writing standards:The field in table, low byte in left, high byte in right. For example, in packet structure table, Packet ID field in the leftmost, so it belongs to low byte.

    3. How to view this document

    If you never see this document before, please see 2 and 4 chapters carefully. If you just want to view the function corresponding CMD&ACK, please see the 15th chapter. If you also want to view the function corresponding the format of Raw Data field, or transmission strategy, or data flow, please see 7~13 chapters.

    4. Packet Structure

    4.1 Define packet structure

    CMD and ACK packet structure as following table:


    CMD/ACK Id

    Raw Data Length

    ACK Type

    Raw Data

    Size (Byte)





    4.1.1 CMD/ACK Id field details

    The function of CMD/ACK Id is to identify each packet’s function. CMD/ACK Id = Module Id + Sub-module Id. Each Id has only one function in communication layer. A CMD’s ACK, the ACK Id is same as corresponding CMD Id. For example:

    CMD: [0x0101][****][****][****]

    ACK should be: [0x0101] [****][****][****].

    4.1.2 Raw Data Length field details

    The value stands for the length of Raw Data field, not packet length.

    4.1.3 ACK Type field details

    0x00: The CMD that no need to respond, use ACKNone in this doc.
    0x01: The CMD that need to respond, use ACKRequired this the doc.
    0x02: ACK’s ACK Type field, use ACKAcknowledged in this doc.

    4.1.4 Raw Data field details

    The real data corresponding to each function.

    4.2 S1 communication layer model

    There are 4 types transmission model in communication layer. In this document using I, II, III, IV represent the four transmission model.




    Fox example:

    I. APP send basic settings CMD to Band, Band don’t need to respond APP.

    II. APP send get battery level CMD to Band, Band respond the battery level to APP.

    III. Band send sensor memory warning CMD to APP.

    IV. Band send fetching weather report CMD to APP, APP respond it.

    One CMD correspond one ACK or without ACK, one CMD correspond multiple ACK is not exist in S1 (TBD).

    5. Divide Module

    Module Name

    Module ID

    Sub-module Id























    6. General Raw Data Format

    6.1 Time Format



    Time Zone

    Size (Byte)





    Time Zone: High four, 0 (west), 1 (East);

                                        Low four indicates time zone

    Seconds: The total seconds between current time (local time zone) and 1 January 1970 GMT;

    7. System Module

    7.1 Current Time Synchronization (I)

    Every time APP connects with Band, APP sends current time to Band.

    7.1.1 Raw Data format

    See time format in General part.

    7.2 Alarm (I)

    Once a user modifies(include add/remove/modify) any alarm, APP should send all alarms to Band. The maximum of transmission are ten alarms on each CMD. APP need remove single overdue alarm, and don’t send the alarm to Band.

    7.2.1 Each alarm record format

















    UID: Unique identifier of the alarm clock;

    Enabled: 1 standing for enabled, 0 standing for disabled;

    Minute/Hour: The time of alarm clock, Hour is [0, 23];

    Phase: Wake up phase, unit is second. Fox example, if user set alarm 9:00, and the phase is (10 * 60), so the alarm will ring in time 8:55----9:05;

    Repeat: Each bit stands for one day, 0 bit is Monday, 6 bit stands for Sunday, 7 bit is reserved. Fox example, 0100 0000, means the alarm will repeat in every Sunday;

    7.2.2 Raw Data format details

    Raw Data length value = 8 * alarm record count.

    Raw Data is grouped by many of alarm records.

    7.3 Fetch Band Battery Level (II)

    APP send fetch battery level CMD to Band, Band respond it. The value of Raw Data field in ACK may be 0~100, uint8 type.

    7.4 Fetch Band Information (II)

    Band Information includes Firmware version, Hardware version.

    7.4.1 ACK Raw Data field format

    High four bytes, firmware version. Low four bytes, hardware version.

    Version format like this: 1.02, it is float type.


    7.5 OTA Update (I and IV)

    7.5.1 OTA Update Flow

    When a user requests OTA update,APP downloads the update package from a link. Maximum size of each data transmission is 512 bytes (Depend on Classic Bluetooth stack capacity). So, APP will cut the package to multiple small packets, and send them to Band. There are 3 steps to complete the OTA update, as following:

    1. App tells Band to update. (I)

    2. Band requests App OTA packet. (IV)

    3. Band reports the update result to App. (III)

    7.5.2 Band requests APP OTA packet (IV)

    CMD Raw Data: request the index of packet.  
    ACK Raw Data: APP responds the index packet’s data. If Raw Data Length == 512, Band should to request continue. If Raw Data Length < 512, it means it is the last packet, Band should report the update result to APP.

    7.5.3 Band reports the result to App (III)

    Raw Data: 0, failed. 1, successful.

    7.6 Volume Control (III) 

    The function only can be used in Android, IOS doesn’t support. Because iOS7 or later version, the API control volume has been deprecated.

    7.6.1 Raw Data details

    0x00, mute/unmute volume; 0x81, volume -; 0x01, volume +

    7.7 Band Temperature Info (II)

    Convenient to test the Band’s temperature info, Android APP implement the function.

    7.7.1 ACK Raw Data details

    Data Block structure as flow:






    2 bytes

    2 byte

    2 byte

    2 byte

    2 byte



    Raw Data Length: Total block * 10 bytes, because of Raw Data contains numbers of blocks.

    8. Account Module

    8.1 Work Flow

    There are 5 steps should do before APP and Band implement real functions.

    1. Account register.
    2. Account login.
    3. Smartphone has connected with Band use Classic Bluetooth.
    4. Band与APP连接认证.
    5. 认证成功,Band 和APP进行数据交换.

    8.1.1 Account register

    User can register in Android APP, IOS APP, Web terminal. Android APP and IOS APP are writeable and readable terminal. Web terminal is readable terminal. Below is about that user should supply info.

    The app will collect following demographic information from the user (* required):

    - First name* (20 characters max)

    - Last name* (20 characters max)

    - Gender* (Male or Female - dropdown menu)

    - Date of Birth* (mm/dd/yyyy)

    - Height* (ft/cm - unit based on locale)

    - Weight* (lbs/kg - unit based on locale)

    - Home Address* (input field format based on locale)

    To create an account, the user will required to provide followings:

    - Email account (xxx@xxxxx.xxx)

    - New password (6-14 characters(any character))

    - Re-enter password (match previous)

    8.1.2 Account login

    在一个时间点上,只支持在一个可读可写端登陆,支持在多个可读端登陆。例如,如果用户在一个IOS APP上登陆一个账号,就不再支持在其他Android APP或者其他IOS APP上登陆此账号。但是,可以在多个Web端登陆此账号。另一种处理方式是(TBD),当前 为什么要如此处理呢?防止同一个账号在多次登陆,记录同一个账号信息。是否需要这样呢?

    8.1.3 Band与APP连接认证

    8.1 Get Band Account Information (II)

    8.1.1 ACK Raw Data details

    Account UID





    4 bytes

    1 byte

    1 byte

    1 byte

    1 byte


                Account UID : like 7d0b562e03.

    8.2 APP Account Information compare with Band (II)

    Once APP connects with Band, sends account information to Band for verification. There are three cases, as follows:

    a. Band and APP account info are same, do nothing.

    b. If there is no account in Band, Band will save the account directly.

    c. If Band and APP account info are different, APP prompt user which account do you want.

    8.2.1 CMD Raw Data details

    Same as upper account format.

    8.2.2 ACK Raw Data details

    The first byte indicates whether same, 1 (same), 0 (different); 8 bytes after, if account is different, it indicates Band Account information.

    8.3 Change Band Account (I)

    Before change old account, need to recycle activity data, setting data or other data to backend, If the Internet is available. If the Internet is unavailable, should warning user will lost the data, or not support change account.

    8.3.1 CMD Raw Data details

    Same as upper account format.

    9. Notification Module

    9.1 Notification History Count (Only IOS) (II)

    Android APP can do it itself.

    9.1.2 ACK Raw Data Format

    Call Count

    SMS Count

    Mail Count

    Calendar Count

    Facebook Count

    Twitter Count

    Alarm Count

    1 Byte

    1 Byte

    1 Byte

    1 Byte

    1 Byte

    1 Byte

    1 Byte


    Note :

    Call Count : 0~255 , same as other fields.

    9.2 Update Context-Aware Notification (I)

    Every time user update context aware notification, send current  each notification’s status(enable or disable)to Band.

    9.2.1 CMD Raw Data Format

    Enabled Incoming Call

    Enabled SMS

    Enabled Mail

    Enabled Calendar

    Enabled Facebook

    Enabled Twitter

    1 Byte

    1 Byte

    1 Byte

    1 Byte

    1 Byte

    1 Byte


    Note : Upper table describes every context format.

    Enabled Incoming Call : 1 (enabled) , 0 (disabled) ,  same as others.


    9.3 Health Notifications (I)

    9.3.1 CMD details


    9.4 Send VIP Contact List to Band (I)

    S1 just supports a phone number or mail address as VIP. Any VIP contact list modified, APP should send the newest VIP contact list to Band. S1 support set how many VIP contacts, need to be TBD.

    9.4.1 CMD Raw Data details

    VIP Account Type


    Unsigned Char



    Note:                                                                                                                                            Content: Phone Number or email address.

    VIP Account Type: 0 is phone number, 1 is email address.

    9.5 Query Contacts (IV)

    When a new call is coming, Band sends the phone number to app,  then app tells Band corresponding name in Address Book. If phone number doesn’t exist in Address Book, please send the phone number to Band. The reason why don’t use PBAP (classic Bluetooth profile, use it access mobile phones Address book) is that PBAP will cost too much firmware’s resource.

    9.5.1 CMD Raw Data details

    Raw Data: Phone number.

    9.5.2 ACK Raw Data details

    Corresponding name, if the phone number doesn’t in Address book, return phone number.

    9.6 Android basic notifications (I)

    These notifications are different from IOS, Android APP should listen these notifications. When a new notification is coming, Android APP sends it to Band. IOS use HFP and ANCS listen these notifications. The reason why is that, some android smart phone doesn’t support MAP.


    Raw Data details

    Incoming Call Notification

    Person name or phone number.

    SMS Notification

    See below.

    Facebook Notification

    Friend’s name ; Content.

    Twitter Notification

    Friend’s name ; Content.

    Mail Notification

    Friend’s name ; Content.

    Calendar/Alarm Notification

    date and time, event name

    Automatic SMS Response

    response type id, phone number/name

    9.6.1 SMS Notification Raw Data details

    Person name or phone number ; if name exist, send person name, if not, send phone number; SMS Content.

    Name/Number Length

    Name/Number string

    SMS content

    9.7 Recycling IOS HFP Notifications (III)

    When a call is hanged up, Band tells IOS APP.

    9.7.1 CMD RAW Data details

    Phone Number

    Call Time

    Call Length



    2Bytes(total seconds)

    9.8 Recycling IOS ANCS Notifications (III)

    9.8.1 CMD Raw Data details

    Once Band receives ANCS, Band should send the ANCS content to APP. ANCS notification field: notification id, app identifier, title, subtitle, message, message size, and date. If IOS APP doesn’t connect with Band, whether need MAP replace ANCS, TBD.


    10. Activity Module

    This part defines the format of an activity record and how to recycle activity data.

    10.1 Activity data transmission strategy

    APP has 2 models in fetching activity data, general model and real time model. Defaults in general model. APP only can in one of the two models.

    10.2 General model

    In this model, APP needs to send CMD to Band to request activity data.

    10.2.1 APP fetches activity data (II)

    10.2.2 Band notify APP to fetch

    When Band’s activity data buffer is nearly full, Band sends notification to app, and tells APP should fetch activity data as soon as possible. If APP doesn’t fetch, Band will timer to notify APP until APP fetch activity data. How to fetch, same as above.

    10.2.3 An general record format (增量)

    typedef struct 

    { int timestamp;

      long steps;

        float distance;

        float calorie;

        int activity_type;

        float activity_level;

    int sleep_count[10];

    } genaral_record;

    10.2.4 ACK Raw Data details

    A set of genaral_record in Raw Data. Each activity record interval is 10min (TBD). Genaral record count < 72 (TBD). Steps, distance, calorie are summary value. Timestamp is the distance of GTM total seconds, 4 bytes.

    10.3 Real time model

    In this model, Band will take the initiative to send activity data to APP.

    10.3.1 Start real time model (I)

    Once start real time model, APP enters real time model recycle activity data.

    10.3.2 Stop real time model (I)

    Once stop real time model, APP enter general mode.

    10.3.3 Band sends activity data in real time model (III)

    CMD Raw Data field format same as above. How long Band will send activity data to APP, TBD.

    10.3.4 A Immediate record format

    typedef struct

    {    long steps;

             float distance;

             float calorie;

             int activity_type;

    }  immediate_record;

    There is only one immediate record in raw data. Steps, distance, calories are summary value.

    10.4 Health Goals (I)

    If account has health goals, APP should tell Band. Band prompt the user that have achieved the percent of health goals.

    10.4.1 Raw Data details

    Health Goals

    Type Id


    Step counts


    3 Bytes

    Calories burn


    3 Bytes, Unit is cal(TBD)

    Distance traveled


    3 Bytes, Unit is mile



    Step counts: 1s, max steps is 5. So, one day steps < 432000.

    Distance traveled: One step distance < 2m.

    11. Setting Module

    11.1 Set the Basic Settings of Band (I)

    Set Band’s vibration strength ,display(Backlight /Backlight Timer /Orientation ), Time Face and so on. One CMD can include one or more setting type. For example, you can tell Band just to set vibration strength, or tell Band to set vibration strength and time face in one CMD.

    Setting Type

    Type ID


    Vibration Strength


    0x01: High  0x02:Medium  0x03: Low

    Backlight Timer


    0x01: High  0x02:Medium  0x03: Short

    Timer Face


    0x01: Digital  0x00: Analog



    Auto Sync Time


    0x01: Manually to sync to band

    0x00: Automatic time sync on with phone

    Use a 24-hour clock


    0x01: 24-hour clock

    0x00: 12-hour clock


    11.2 Get the basic settings of Band (II)

    11.2.1 CMD details

    Band can support APP to get one or more setting type in one CMD. For example, if APP want to get vibration strength and time face, it can write 0x0103 in Raw Data.

    11.2.2 ACK Raw Data format

    Same as above.

    For example:

    CMD Raw Data: 0x0103

    ACK Raw Data: 0x01010301(setting type, setting value, setting type, setting value)

    11.3 Set Basic Notifications (I)

    Basic notifications are incoming call notification, SMS notification, Facebook notification, mail notification, and so on. APP tells Band to   enable or disable for each type notification.

    11.3.1 CMD Raw Data format


    Incoming Call








    Type id










    Data : 1, enable; 0, disable;

    11.4 Get basic Notifications Settings (II)

    Raw Data format, reference to ‘Get the basic settings of Band’.

    11.5 Factory Reset (I)

    11.6 Find Phone (III)

    When APP receive the CMD from Band, play a sound;If APP receive the CMD again, stop the sound.

    11.7 Find Band (I)

    Same as above.

    12. Weather Module

    12.1 Get weather report (III)

    When APP receives weather CMD from Band, APP send current day and the next three days weather report to Band.

    12.1.1 ACK Raw Data format  



    Min temperature

    Max temperature








    Weather: 1(Sunny), 2(Clouds), 3(Rain), 4(Clear), 5(Other);

    The next three days include fields: Min/Max temperature and Weather. Data transmission sequence is that today is low byte.


    13. Calendar Module

    13.1 Get Calendar events (III)

    Band sends CMD to APP, APP responds the CMD, and sends all day’s events in Calendar to Band.

    13.1.2 ACK Raw Data Format

    Raw Data field: start date, end date, title, location, URL, notes. Details, TBD.

    14. Band Configuration

    Every time, APP connects with Band, APP should configuration the Band’s environment. As following:

    14.1 Base User Info

    Format same as above ‘APP Account Information compare with Band’ function.

    14.2 VIP Info

    Format same as above ‘Send VIP Contact List to Band’ function.

    14.3 Contextual Notification

    Format same as above ‘Update Context-Aware Notification’ function.

    14.4 Alarm Info

    Format same as above ‘Alarm’ function.

    14.5 Current Time Synchronization

    15. CMD&ACK List

    15.1 System Module CMD&ACK List




    Current Time Synchronization




    [0x0102][****] [0x00] [****]


    Fetch Band Battery Level



    Fetch Band Information


    [0x0104][0x0008][0x02] [****]

    APP tells Band to  OTA Update

    [0x0105] [0x0000]  [0x00]


    Band requests APP OTA packet

    [0x0105] [****]  [0x01][****]

    [0x0105] [****]  [0x02][****]

    Band reports the update result to APP

    [0x0105] [0x0001]  [0x00][****]


    Volume Control

    [0x0106] [0x0001]  [0x00][****]


    15.2 Account Module CMD&ACK List




    Get Band Account Information


    [0x0201][0x0008][0x02] [****]

    APP Account Information compare with Band

    [0x0202] [0x0008] [0x01][****]

    [0x0202][0x0009][0x02] [****]

    Change Band Account

    [0x0203] [0x0008] [0x00][****]


    15.3 Notification Module CMD&ACK List




    Notification History Count

    [0x0301] [0x0000] [0x01]

    [0x0301] [0x0007] [0x02][****]

     Update Context-Aware Notification



    Health Notifications



    Send VIP Contact List to S1



    Query Contacts



    Incoming Call Notification



    SMS Notification



    Facebook Notification



    Twitter Notification



    Mail Notification



    Calendar/Alarm Notification



    Automatic SMS Response



    Recycling IOS HFP Notifications



    Recycling MAP Notifications(TBD)



    Recycling IOS ANCS Notifications




    15.4 Activity Module CMD&ACK List




    APP fetch  Activity Data


    [0x0401][****][0x02] [****]

    Band notify APP to fetch



    Start real time mode



    Stop real time mode



    Band send activity data in real time mode



    Health Goals




    15.5 Setting Module CMD&ACK List




    Set the Basic settings of Band



    Get the  basic settings of Band



    Set Basic Notifications



    Get basic Notifications  Settings



    Factory reset



    Find Phone



    Find Band




    15.6 Weather Module CMD&ACK List




    Get weather report




    15.7 Calendar Module CMD&ACK List




    Get Calendar events



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ouyangfang/p/4618242.html
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