生产环境中有一台win2003 server,安装了Microsoft Windows Server Update Services 3.0,作为所有windows server的内网补丁更新服务器,由于规划不恰当,前一段时间发现保存补丁文件的硬盘分区满了,通过服务自带的清理工具也没能清理出多少剩余空间来,想通过手动操作删除一些生成时间比较早的补丁,又担心新装的服务器依然需要这些文件,于是狗了一下,发现了这篇文章:
To change the location of local WSUS update storage
1. Click Start, and then click Run.
2. In the Open box, type cmd, and then click OK.
3. At the command prompt, navigate to the directory that contains WSUSutil.exe.
(切换到WSUSutil.exe所在目录,一般是在C:Program FilesUpdate ServicesTools下)
4. Type the following, and then press ENTER:
wsusutil.exe movecontent contentpath logfile [-skipcopy]
For example, type:
wsusutil.exe movecontent D:WSUS1 D:move.log
where D:WSUS1 is the new path for local WSUS update storage, and D:move.log is the path to the log file
(举例,如果想将补丁目录迁移至 D:WSUS1下,迁移日志为D:move.log,则执行如下命令:wsusutil.exe movecontent D:WSUS1 D:move.log)