• Netapp exportfs NFS Config CLI Guide

    Netapp exportfs NFS Config CLI Guide

    A quick and simple Netapp NFS configuration guide with commands and options to help explain and remove the mysteries. Netapps provide highly dependable NFS services, as the name implies, it’s a network appliance. You really can just turn it on and not worry much about outages. Unless someone trips on a power chord or two. Below is a compilation of exporfs and exports configuration options commonly used.

    Rules for exporting Resources

    • Specify complete pathname, meaning the path must begin with a /vol prefix
    • You cannot export /vol, which is not a pathname to a file, directory or volume. Export each volume separately
    • When export a resource to multiple targets, separate the target names with a colon (:) Resolve hostnames using DNS, NIS or /etc/hosts per order in /etc/nssswitch.conf

    Access restrictions that specify what operations an NFS client can perform on a resource

    • Default is read-write (rw) and UNIX Auth_SYS (sys) security
    • “ro” option provides read-ony access to all hosts
    • “ro=” option provides read-only access to specified hosts
    • “rw=” option provides read-write access to specified hosts
    • “root=” option specifies that root on the target has root permissions

    Examples to export resources with NFS on the CLI
    > exportfs -a
    > exportfs -o rw=host1:host2 /vol/volxyz

    Exportable resources are by Volume Directory/Qtree File. Target examples from /etc/exports Host – use name of IP address

    /vol/vol0/home -rw=myhost
    /vol/vol0/home -root=myhost,-rw=hishost,therehost
    # Netgroup – use the NIS group name – Although I love NIS, NIS is rare nowadays. But the Netapp supports NIS. Don’t think NIS+.
    /vol/vol0/home -rw=the-nisgroup

    # Subnet – specify the subnet address
    /vol/vol0/home -rw=”″

    # DNS – use DNS subdomain
    /vol/vol0/home -rw=”.sap.dev.mydomain.com”

    # Command to displays all current export in memory
    > exportfs

    # To export all file system paths specified in the /etc/exports file.
    > exportfs -a
    Adds exports to the /etc/exports file and in memory.  Default export options are “rw” (all hosts) and “sec=sys”.
    > exportfs -p [options] path

    > exports -p rw=hostxyz /vol/vol2/sap

    # To export a file system path temporarly without adding a corresponding entry to the /etc/exports file.
    > exporfs -i -o ro=hostB /vol/vol1/lun2

    # Reloads the exports from /etc/exports files
    > exportfs -r

    # Unexports all exports defined in the /etc/exports file
    > exportfs -uav
    # Unexports a specific export
    > exportfs -u /vol/vol2/homes
    # Unexports an export and removes it from /etc/exports file. This one is handy.
    > exportfs -z /vol/vol0/home

    # To verify the actual path to which a volume is exported
    > exportfs -s /vol/vol2/vms-data
    # To display list of clients mounting from the storage system
    > showmount -a filerabc

    # To display list of exported resources on the storage system
    >showmount -e filerabc

    # To check NFS target to access cache
    > exportfs -c clientaddr path [accesstype] [securitytype]
    > exportfs -c host1 /vol/vol2 rw
    # To remove entries from access cache
    > exportfs -f [path]
    # Flush the access cache.
    > exportfs -f

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/oskb/p/3784089.html
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