• 第三章 第四节 剖析Display对象

    第四节          剖析Display对象





    这个类的最主要的任务就是它的事件处理机制。Display类维护了一组注册的事件监听者(event listener),从底层视窗系统的事件队列中读取事件,然后传递给合适的逻辑单元去处理。







    public Display()

    Creates a new Display object and sets the current thread to be the user-interface thread. You'll almost always use either this constructor or Display.getDefault() in your application.


    public Display(DeviceData data)

    Creates a new Display object, setting the DeviceData member of the Display. You use DeviceData for some lower-level debugging and error configuration.


    3-1  Display的构造函数





    void addFilter(int eventType, Listener listener)

    Adds a listener that's notified when an event of the type specified by eventType occurs.


    void addListener(int eventType, Listener listener)

    Adds a listener that's notified when an event of the type specified by eventType occurs.


    void asyncExec(Runnable runnable)

    Gives non-user-interface threads the ability to invoke the protected functions of the SWT widget classes. The user-interface thread performs the code (invokes the run() method) of the runnable at its next "reasonable opportunity." This function returns immediately. See syncExec().


    void beep()

    Sounds a beep.


    void close()

    Closes this display.


    void disposeExec(Runnable runnable)

    Registers a Runnable object whose run() method is invoked when the display is disposed.

    注册一个Runnable对象,它的run() 方法在display被销毁的时候被调用。

    static Display findDisplay (Thread thread)

    Given a user-interface thread, this function returns the associated Display object. If the given thread isn't a user-interface thread, this method returns null.


    Widget findWidget(int handle)

    Returns the widget for the specified handle, or null if no such widget exists.

    返回特定句柄(handle) 的控件;如果控件不存在则返回null

    Shell getActiveShell()

    Returns the currently active Shell, or null if no shell belonging to the currently running application is active.

    返回当前处于激活状态的Shell;如果没有属于当前运行的程序的shell处于激活状态 ,则返回null

    Rectangle getBounds()

    Returns this display's size and location.


    Rectangle getClientArea()

    Returns the portion of this display that's capable of displaying data.


    static Display getCurrent()

    If the currently running thread is a user-interface thread, this thread returns the Display object associated with the thread. If the thread isn't a privileged user-interface thread, this method returns null.


    Control getCursorControl()

    If the mouse or other pointing device is over a control that's part of the current application, this function returns a reference to the control; otherwise, it returns null.


    Point getCursorLocation()

    Returns the location of the on-screen pointer relative to the top left corner of the screen.


    Point[] getCursorSizes()

    Returns the recommended cursor sizes.


    Object getData()

    Returns the application-specific data set into this display.


    Object getData(String key)

    Returns the application-specific data for the specified key set into this display.


    static Display getDefault()

    Returns the default display of this application. If one hasn't yet been created, this method creates one and marks the current thread as the user-interface thread. The side effect of becoming the user-interface thread obligates the use of the current thread as the event loop thread for the application.


    int getDismissalAlignment()

    Returns the alignment for the default button in a dialog, either SWT.LEFT or SWT.RIGHT.


    int getDoubleClickTime()

    Sets the maximum amount of time that can elapse between two mouse clicks for a double-click event to occur.


    Control getFocusControl()

    Returns the control that currently has the focus of the application. If no application control has the focus, returns null.


    int getIconDepth()

    Returns the depth of the icons on this display.


    Point[] getIconSizes()

    Returns the recommended icon sizes.


    Monitor[] getMonitors()

    Returns the monitors attached to this display.


    Monitor getPrimaryMonitor()

    Returns the primary monitor for this display.


    Shell[] getShells()

    Returns an array of the active shells (windows) that are associated with this Display.


    Thread getSyncThread()

    If the user-interface thread is executing code associated with a Runnable object that was registered via the syncExec() method, this function will return a reference to the thread that invoked syncExec() (the waiting thread). Otherwise, this function returns null.


    Color getSystemColor(int id)

    Returns the matching system color as defined in the SWT class. If no color is associated with id, this method returns the color black. Remember this is a system color—you shouldn't dispose it when you're finished with it.


    Font getSystemFont()

    Returns a reference to a system font (it shouldn't be disposed), which is appropriate to be used in the current environment. In general, widgets are created with the correct font for the type of component that they represent and you should rarely need to change this value to maintain the correct system appearance.


    Thread getThread()

    Returns the user-interface thread of this Display. The thread that created this Display is the user-interface thread.


    Point map(Control from, Control to, int x, int y)

    Maps the point specified by x, y from the from control's coordinate system to the to control's coordinate system.

    x, y定义的点从from控件的坐标系映射到to控件的坐标系。

    Rectangle map(Control from, Control to, int x, int y, int width, int height)

    Maps the rectangle specified by x, y, width, height from the from control's coordinate system to the to control's coordinate system.

    x, y, width, height定义的矩形从from控件的坐标系映射到to控件的坐标系。

    Point map(Control from, Control to, Point point)

    Maps the specified point from the from control's coordinate system to the to control's coordinate system.


    Point map(Control from, Control to, Rectangle rectangle)

    Maps the specified rectangle from the from control's coordinate system to the to control's coordinate system.


    boolean readAndDispatch()

    This is the main event function of the SWT system. It reads events, one at a time, off the windowing system's event queue. After receiving the event, it invokes the appropriate methods on the listener objects that have registered interest in this event. If no events are on the event queue, readAndDispatch() executes any requests that might have been registered with this display via syncExec() or asyncExec(), notifying any syncExeced threads on completion of the request. This method returns true if there are more events to be processed, false otherwise. Returning false allows the calling thread to release CPU resources until there are more events for the system to process via the sleep() method.


    void removeFilter(int eventType, Listener listener)

    Removes the specified listener from the notification list for the specified event type.


    void removeListener(int eventType, Listener listener)

    Removes the specified listener from the notification list for the specified event type.


    static void setAppName (String name)

    Sets the application name.


    void setCursorLocation (int x, int y)

    Moves the on-screen pointer to the specified location relative to the top left corner of the screen.

    把屏幕上的指针移动到由x, y定义的位置,屏幕左上角作为原点。

    void setCursorLocation (Point point)

    Moves the on-screen pointer to the specified location relative to the top left corner of the screen.

    把屏幕上的指针移动到由x, y定义的位置,屏幕左上角作为原点

    void setData(Object data)

    Sets the application-specific data.


    void setData(String key, Object data)

    Sets the application-specific data for the specified key.


    void setSynchronizer (Synchronizer synchronizer)

    Sets the synchronizer for this display.


    boolean sleep()

    Allows the user-interface thread to relinquish its CPU time until it has more events to process or is awakened via another means; for example, wake(). This allows the system to process events much more efficiently, as the user-interface thread only consumes CPU resources when it has events to process.


    void syncExec(Runnable runnable)

    Like asyncExec(), this method gives non-userinterface threads the ability to invoke the protected functions of the SWT widget classes. The user-interface thread performs this code (invokes the run method) of runnable at its next "reasonable opportunity." This function returns after the run method of the Runnable object returns.


    void timerExec(int milliseconds, Runnable runnable)

    Registers a Runnable object that the user-interface thread runs after the specified time has elapsed.


    void update()

    Causes all pending paint requests to be processed.


    void wake()

    Wakes up the user-interface thread if it's in sleep(). Can be called by any thread.


    3-2  Display的函数[2]


    [1] 译注:原文The classes that are registered to listen for these events implement subinterfaces of EventListener.

    [2] 注:像这样的函数说明在javadoc或help中有,以后不再翻译。



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ols/p/2173305.html
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