• c语言 二叉树的创建及其递归与非递归和层序遍历方法





    #define MAXSIZE 20
    typedef struct node{
        int data;
        struct node* right;
        struct node* left;
    typedef struct{
        Node *root;
    void insert(Tree *tree,int value) { Node *node=(Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node)); node->data=value; node->left=NULL; node->right=NULL; if(tree->root==NULL) tree->root=node; else { Node *temp=tree->root; while(temp!=NULL) { if(value<temp->data) { if(temp->left==NULL) { temp->left=node; break; } else temp=temp->left; } else { if(value>temp->data) { if(temp->right==NULL) { temp->right=node; break; } else temp=temp->right; } } } } } //递归前序遍历法 void Preorder(Node *node) { if(node!=NULL) { printf("%d ",node->data); Preorder(node->left); Preorder(node->right); } } //递归的中序遍历 void Inorder(Node *node) { if(node!=NULL) { Inorder(node->left); printf("%d ",node->data); Inorder(node->right); } } //递归后序遍历法 void Postorder(Node *node) { if(node!=NULL) { Postorder(node->left); Postorder(node->right); printf("%d ",node->data); } } //非递归前序遍历方法 void PreorderNonrecurion(Node *node) { if(node!=NULL) { Node *stack[MAXSIZE]; int top=-1; Node *p=NULL; stack[++top]=node; while(top!=-1) { p=stack[top--]; printf("%d ",p->data); if(p->right!=NULL) stack[++top]=p->right; if(p->left!=NULL) stack[++top]=p->left; } } } //非递归中序遍历方法 void InorderNonrecurion(Node *node) { if(node!=NULL) { Node *stack[MAXSIZE];int top=-1; Node *p=node; while(top!=-1||p!=NULL) { while(p!=NULL) { stack[++top]=p; p=p->left; } if(top!=-1) { p=stack[top--]; printf("%d ",p->data); p=p->right; } } } } //非递归后序遍历法 void PostorderNonrecurion(Node *node) { if(node!=NULL) { Node *stack1[MAXSIZE];int top1=-1; Node *stack2[MAXSIZE];int top2=-1; stack1[++top1]=node; Node *p=NULL; while(top1!=-1) { p=stack1[top1--]; stack2[++top2]=p; if(p->left!=NULL) stack1[++top1]=p->left; if(p->right!=NULL) stack1[++top1]=p->right; } Node *q=NULL; while(top2!=-1) { q=stack2[top2--]; printf("%d ",q->data); } } } //层次遍历 void Levelorder(Node *node) { if(node!=NULL) { Node *que[MAXSIZE];int front=0,rear=0; Node *p=NULL; rear=(rear+1)%MAXSIZE; que[rear]=node; while(front!=rear) { front=(front+1)%MAXSIZE; p=que[front]; printf("%d ",p->data); if(p->left!=NULL) { rear=(rear+1)%MAXSIZE; que[rear]=p->left; } if(p->right!=NULL) { rear=(rear+1)%MAXSIZE; que[rear]=p->right; } } } } int main(){ int arr[7]={6,3,4,2,5,1,7}; Tree tree; tree.root=NULL; for(int i=0;i<7;i++) insert(&tree,arr[i]); printf("递归前序遍历结果为 "); Preorder(tree.root); printf(" "); printf("递归中序遍历结果为 "); Inorder(tree.root); printf(" "); printf("递归后序遍历结果为 "); Postorder(tree.root); printf(" "); printf("非递归前序遍历结果为 "); PreorderNonrecurion(tree.root); printf(" "); printf("非递归中序遍历结果为 "); InorderNonrecurion(tree.root); printf(" "); printf("非递归后序遍历结果为 "); PostorderNonrecurion(tree.root); printf(" "); printf("层次遍历结果为 "); Levelorder(tree.root); printf(" "); }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/oldfish123/p/12969685.html
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