# 选择排序 class SelectSort(): def __init__(self,unsorted_list): self.unsorted_list = unsorted_list # def sort(self): length = len(self.unsorted_list) for i in range(length-1): min = self.unsorted_list[i] min_index = i for j in range(i+1,length): min,min_index = self.less(min,min_index,self.unsorted_list[j],j) self.unsorted_list[i],self.unsorted_list[min_index] = min,self.unsorted_list[i] # return self.unsorted_list # def less(self,first,first_index,second,second_index): if first < second:return first, first_index return second,second_index # l = [3,4,1,2,3,4,5,7,9] # so = SelectSort(l) print(so.sort()) # l = [3,4,1,2,3,4,5,7,9] l.sort() print(l)
冒泡排序(支持的数据类型: list、dict、tuple)
import copy # class BubbleSort(object): def __init__(self,unsorted_list): self.unsorted_list = copy.copy(unsorted_list) self.transform_data() # def transform_data(self): self.data_type = type(self.unsorted_list) # if self.data_type == list:pass elif self.data_type == tuple: self.unsorted_list = list(self.unsorted_list) elif self.data_type == dict: self.unsorted_index,self.unsorted_list = list(self.unsorted_list.keys()),list(self.unsorted_list.values()) else: raise Exception("不支持%s类型数据的排序!" % (self.data_type,) ) # def sort(self): length = len(self.unsorted_list) # for i in range(length-1): is_sorted = True for j in range(length-1-i): if self.unsorted_list[j] > self.unsorted_list[j+1]: is_sorted = False self.unsorted_list[j+1],self.unsorted_list[j] = self.unsorted_list[j],self.unsorted_list[j+1] if self.data_type == dict: self.unsorted_index[j + 1], self.unsorted_index[j] = self.unsorted_index[j],self.unsorted_index[j + 1] if is_sorted:break # return self.restore_data() # def restore_data(self): if self.data_type == list:return self.unsorted_list elif self.data_type == tuple:return tuple(self.unsorted_list) elif self.data_type == dict: return dict(zip(self.unsorted_index,self.unsorted_list)) # l = [2,3,5,7,2,1] d = {'1':21,'2':22,'3':1,'4':3,'5':9,'6':6,'7':3} bs = BubbleSort(d) print(bs.sort())
class InsertSort(object): def __init__(self, unsorted_list): self.unsorted_list = unsorted_list # def sort(self): length = len(self.unsorted_list) # for i in range(1, length): present_index = i - 1 current = self.unsorted_list[i] # while present_index >= 0 and self.unsorted_list[present_index] > current: self.unsorted_list[present_index + 1], self.unsorted_list[present_index] = self.unsorted_list[present_index], self.unsorted_list[present_index + 1] present_index -= 1 # return self.unsorted_list # l = [3,5,6,7,8,1] iss = InsertSort(l) print(iss.sort())
from math import floor # class ShellSort(object): def __init__(self, unsorted_list): self.unsorted_list = unsorted_list # def sort(self): length = len(self.unsorted_list) gap = 1 # while gap < (length / 3): gap = gap * 3 + 1 # while gap >= 1: # for i in range(gap, length): temp = self.unsorted_list[i] j = i while j >= gap and self.unsorted_list[j-gap] > temp: self.unsorted_list[j],self.unsorted_list[j-gap] = self.unsorted_list[j-gap],self.unsorted_list[j] j -= gap gap = floor(gap/3) # return self.unsorted_list # l = [84,83,88,87,61,50,70,60,80,99] ss = ShellSort(l) print(ss.sort())
from math import floor class MergeSort(object): def sort(self, unsorted_list): length = len(unsorted_list) if length < 2: return unsorted_list middle = floor(length / 2) left = unsorted_list[0:middle] right = unsorted_list[middle:] return self.merage(self.sort(left), self.sort(right)) def merage(self, left, right): result = [] while len(left) > 0 and len(right) > 0: if left[0] > right[0]: result.append(left.pop(0)) else: result.append(right.pop(0)) if len(left): result.extend(left) if len(right): result.extend(right) return result l = [3,4,5,1,2,8,9,43,2,11,12,33,66] ms = MergeSort() print(ms.sort(l))