class MyMouseCreatePointCommand: def GetResources(self): return {'Pixmap': 'a2p_Solver', 'MenuText': '鼠标创建点', 'ToolTip': '创建点'} def Activated(self): #点击按钮执行的动作 """Do something here""" import Draft import Part from FreeCAD import Base # 遍历选择的对象 for o in FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelectionEx(): o.PickedPoints[0] # 创建点 Draft.makePoint(o.PickedPoints[0]) # 打印点坐标 print(o.PickedPoints[0]) def IsActive(self): """Here you can define if the command must be active or not (greyed) if certain conditions are met or not. This function is optional.""" return True FreeCADGui.addCommand('MyMouseCreatePointCommand', MyMouseCreatePointCommand()) 程序员阿飞 2021年4月21日