• NX二次开发-BlockUI的Tree树控件


      1 //=============================================================================
      2 //
      3 //                   Copyright (c) 2009 Siemens PLM Solutions
      4 //                     Unpublished - All rights reserved
      5 //===============================================================================
      6 //File description: Sample NX/Open Application for Block Styler
      7 //===============================================================================
      8 //
     10 //  WARNING!!  This file is overwritten by the Block Styler while generating
     11 //  the automation code. Any modifications to this file will be lost after
     12 //  generating the code again.
     14 //==============================================================================
     19 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     20 //These includes are needed for the following template code
     21 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     22 #include <uf_defs.h>
     23 #include <string.h>
     24 #include <uf_ui_types.h>
     25 #include <iostream>
     26 #include <NXOpen/Session.hxx>
     27 #include <NXOpen/UI.hxx>
     28 #include <NXOpen/NXMessageBox.hxx>
     29 #include <NXOpen/Callback.hxx>
     30 #include <NXOpen/NXException.hxx>
     31 #include <NXOpen/ListingWindow.hxx>
     32 #include <NXOpen/BlockStyler_UIBlock.hxx>
     33 #include <NXOpen/BlockStyler_BlockDialog.hxx>
     34 #include <NXOpen/BlockStyler_PropertyList.hxx>
     35 #include <NXOpen/BlockStyler_Tree.hxx>
     36 #include <NXOpen/BlockStyler_Node.hxx>
     38 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     39 //Bit Option for Property: SnapPointTypesEnabled
     40 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     41 #define              SnapPointTypesEnabled_UserDefined (1 << 0);
     42 #define                 SnapPointTypesEnabled_Inferred (1 << 1);
     43 #define           SnapPointTypesEnabled_ScreenPosition (1 << 2);
     44 #define                 SnapPointTypesEnabled_EndPoint (1 << 3);
     45 #define                 SnapPointTypesEnabled_MidPoint (1 << 4);
     46 #define             SnapPointTypesEnabled_ControlPoint (1 << 5);
     47 #define             SnapPointTypesEnabled_Intersection (1 << 6);
     48 #define                SnapPointTypesEnabled_ArcCenter (1 << 7);
     49 #define            SnapPointTypesEnabled_QuadrantPoint (1 << 8);
     50 #define            SnapPointTypesEnabled_ExistingPoint (1 << 9);
     51 #define             SnapPointTypesEnabled_PointonCurve (1 <<10);
     52 #define           SnapPointTypesEnabled_PointonSurface (1 <<11);
     53 #define         SnapPointTypesEnabled_PointConstructor (1 <<12);
     54 #define     SnapPointTypesEnabled_TwocurveIntersection (1 <<13);
     55 #define             SnapPointTypesEnabled_TangentPoint (1 <<14);
     56 #define                    SnapPointTypesEnabled_Poles (1 <<15);
     57 #define         SnapPointTypesEnabled_BoundedGridPoint (1 <<16);
     58 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     59 //Bit Option for Property: SnapPointTypesOnByDefault
     60 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     61 #define             SnapPointTypesOnByDefault_EndPoint (1 << 3);
     62 #define             SnapPointTypesOnByDefault_MidPoint (1 << 4);
     63 #define         SnapPointTypesOnByDefault_ControlPoint (1 << 5);
     64 #define         SnapPointTypesOnByDefault_Intersection (1 << 6);
     65 #define            SnapPointTypesOnByDefault_ArcCenter (1 << 7);
     66 #define        SnapPointTypesOnByDefault_QuadrantPoint (1 << 8);
     67 #define        SnapPointTypesOnByDefault_ExistingPoint (1 << 9);
     68 #define         SnapPointTypesOnByDefault_PointonCurve (1 <<10);
     69 #define       SnapPointTypesOnByDefault_PointonSurface (1 <<11);
     70 #define     SnapPointTypesOnByDefault_PointConstructor (1 <<12);
     71 #define     SnapPointTypesOnByDefault_BoundedGridPoint (1 <<16);
     72 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     73 // Namespaces needed for following template
     74 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     75 using namespace std;
     76 using namespace NXOpen;
     77 using namespace NXOpen::BlockStyler;
     79 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     80 // Forward declaration for Class
     81 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     82 class TreeListDemo;
     83 //
     84 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     85 // Declaration of global variables
     86 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     87 extern TreeListDemo *theTreeListDemo;
     89 class TreeListDemo
     90 {
     91     // class members
     92 public:
     93     static Session *theSession;
     94     static UI *theUI;
     95     TreeListDemo();
     96     ~TreeListDemo();
     97     int Show();
     99     //----------------------- BlockStyler Callback Prototypes ---------------------
    100     // The following member function prototypes define the callbacks 
    101     // specified in your BlockStyler dialog.  The empty implementaiton
    102     // of these prototypes is provided in the TreeListDemo.cpp file. 
    103     // You are REQUIRED to write the implementation for these funtions.
    104     //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    105     void initialize_cb();
    106     void dialogShown_cb();
    107     int apply_cb();
    108     int ok_cb();
    109     int update_cb(NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* block);
    110     void focusNotify_cb(NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* block, bool focus);
    113     //void OnExpandCallback (NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree *tree, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node *node);
    114     //void OnInsertColumnCallback(NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree *tree, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node *node, int columnID);
    115     void OnInsertNodeCallback(NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree *tree, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node *node);
    116     void OnDeleteNodeCallback(NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree *tree, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node *node);
    117     //void OnPreSelectCallback(NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree *tree, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node *node, int ID, bool selected);
    118     void OnSelectCallback(NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree *, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node *, int columnID, bool selected);
    119     void OnStateChangeCallback(NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree *tree, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node *node, int state);
    120     NXString ToolTipTextCallback(NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree *tree, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node *node, int columnID);
    121     //int ColumnSortCallback(NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree *tree, int columnID, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node *node1, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node *node2);
    122     NXString StateIconNameCallback(NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree *tree, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node *node, int state);
    123     NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::BeginLabelEditState OnBeginLabelEditCallback(NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree *tree, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node *node, int columnID);
    124     NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::EndLabelEditState OnEndLabelEditCallback(NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree *tree, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node *node, int, NXString editedText);
    125     NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::EditControlOption OnEditOptionSelectedCallback(NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree *tree, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node *node, int columnID, int selectedOptionID, NXString selectedOptionText, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::ControlType type);
    126     NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::ControlType AskEditControlCallback(NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree *tree, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node *node, int columnID);
    127     void OnMenuCallback(NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree *, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node *node, int columnID);
    128     void OnMenuSelectionCallback(NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree *tree, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node *node, int menuItemID);
    129     NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node::DropType IsDropAllowedCallback(NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree *tree, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node *node, int columnID, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node *targetNode, int targetColumnID);
    130     NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node::DragType IsDragAllowedCallback(NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree *tree, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node *node, int columnID);
    131     bool OnDropCallback(NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree *tree, std::vector<NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node *> node, int columnID, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node *targetNode, int targetColumnID, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node::DropType dropType, int dropMenuItemId);
    132     //void OnDropMenuCallback(NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree *tree, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node *node, int columnID, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node *targetNode, int targetColumnID);
    133     void OnDefaultAction(NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree *tree, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node *node, int columnID);
    134 private:
    135     std::string theDialogName;
    136     NXOpen::BlockStyler::BlockDialog* theDialog;
    137     NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* group0;// Block type: Group
    138     NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree* tree_control0;// Block type: Tree Control
    139     NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* addDeleteNodeGroup;// Block type: Group
    140     NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* nodeString;// Block type: String
    141     NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* addNodeButton;// Block type: Button
    142     NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* deleteNodeButton;// Block type: Button
    143     NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* stateIconGroup;// Block type: Group
    144     NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* stateIconOptions;// Block type: Enumeration
    145     NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* nodeToolTip;// Block type: String
    146     NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* NodeEditGroup;// Block type: Group
    147     NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* nodeEditOptions;// Block type: Enumeration
    148     NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* menuGroup;// Block type: Group
    149     NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* showMenuToggle;// Block type: Toggle
    150     NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* dragDropGroup;// Block type: Group
    151     NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* disallowDragToggle;// Block type: Toggle
    152     NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* dropOptions;// Block type: Enumeration
    153     NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* defaultActionGroup;// Block type: Group
    154     NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* defaultActionToggle;// Block type: Toggle
    155     NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* nodeDataGroup;// Block type: Group
    156     NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* instructions;// Block type: Multiline String
    157     NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* selection0;// Block type: Selection
    158     NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* addCrossSelectionNodeButton;// Block type: Button
    159     NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* redrawGroup;// Block type: Group
    160     NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* redrawInstruction;// Block type: Multiline String
    161     NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* redrawToggle;// Block type: Toggle
    162     NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* listingWindowGroup;// Block type: Group
    163     NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* listingWindowToggle;// Block type: Toggle
    164     void DeleteSelectedNodes();
    165     BlockStyler::Node* CreateAndAddNode(BlockStyler::Node* afterNode);
    166     void WriteCallbackToListingWindow(NXString);
    168 };
    171 Caesar卢尚宇
    172 2019年11月23日
       1 //===============================================================================
       2 //
       3 //                   Copyright (c) 2009 Siemens PLM Solutions
       4 //                     Unpublished - All rights reserved
       5 //===============================================================================
       6 //File description: Sample NX/Open Application for Block Styler
       7 //===============================================================================
       8 //
      10 //  WARNING!!  This file is overwritten by the Block UI Styler while generating
      11 //  the automation code. Any modifications to this file will be lost after
      12 //  generating the code again.
      14 //================================================================================
      16 //================================================================================
      17 //  Purpose:  This TEMPLATE file contains C++ source to guide you in the
      18 //  construction of your Block application dialog. The generation of your
      19 //  dialog file (.dlx extension) is the first step towards dialog construction
      20 //  within NX.  You must now create a NX Open application that
      21 //  utilizes this file (.dlx).
      22 //
      23 //  The information in this file provides you with the following:
      24 //
      25 //  1.  Help on how to load and display your Block UI Styler dialog in NX
      26 //      using APIs provided in NXOpen.BlockStyler namespace
      27 //  2.  The empty callback methods (stubs) associated with your dialog items
      28 //      have also been placed in this file. These empty methods have been
      29 //      created simply to start you along with your coding requirements.
      30 //      The method name, argument list and possible return values have already
      31 //      been provided for you.
      32 //================================================================================
      34 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      35 //These includes are needed for the following template code
      36 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      37 #include "TreeListDemo.hpp"
      38 #include <sstream>
      39 using namespace NXOpen;
      40 using namespace NXOpen::BlockStyler;
      42 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      43 // Initialize static variables
      44 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      45 Session *(TreeListDemo::theSession) = NULL;
      46 UI *(TreeListDemo::theUI) = NULL;
      48 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      49 // Declaration of global variables
      50 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      51 TreeListDemo *theTreeListDemo;
      52 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      53 // Constructor for NX Styler class
      54 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      55 TreeListDemo::TreeListDemo()
      56 {
      57     try
      58     {
      59         // Initialize the NX Open C++ API environment
      60         TreeListDemo::theSession = NXOpen::Session::GetSession();
      61         TreeListDemo::theUI = UI::GetUI();
      62         theDialogName = "TreeListDemo.dlx";
      63         theDialog = TreeListDemo::theUI->CreateDialog(theDialogName.c_str());
      64         // Registration of callback functions
      65         theDialog->AddApplyHandler(make_callback(this, &TreeListDemo::apply_cb));
      66         theDialog->AddOkHandler(make_callback(this, &TreeListDemo::ok_cb));
      67         theDialog->AddUpdateHandler(make_callback(this, &TreeListDemo::update_cb));
      68         theDialog->AddInitializeHandler(make_callback(this, &TreeListDemo::initialize_cb));
      69         theDialog->AddFocusNotifyHandler(make_callback(this, &TreeListDemo::focusNotify_cb));
      70         theDialog->AddDialogShownHandler(make_callback(this, &TreeListDemo::dialogShown_cb));
      71     }
      72     catch(exception& ex)
      73     {
      74         //---- Enter your exception handling code here -----
      75         throw;
      76     }
      77 }
      79 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      80 // Destructor for NX Styler class
      81 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      82 TreeListDemo::~TreeListDemo()
      83 {
      84     if (theDialog != NULL)
      85     {
      86         delete theDialog;
      87         theDialog = NULL;
      88     }
      89 }
      90 //------------------------------- DIALOG LAUNCHING ---------------------------------
      91 //
      92 //    Before invoking this application one needs to open any part/empty part in NX
      93 //    because of the behavior of the blocks.
      94 //
      95 //    Make sure the dlx file is in one of the following locations:
      96 //        1.) From where NX session is launched
      97 //        2.) $UGII_USER_DIR/application
      98 //        3.) For released applications, using UGII_CUSTOM_DIRECTORY_FILE is highly
      99 //            recommended. This variable is set to a full directory path to a file 
     100 //            containing a list of root directories for all custom applications.
     101 //            e.g., UGII_CUSTOM_DIRECTORY_FILE=$UGII_BASE_DIRugiimenuscustom_dirs.dat
     102 //
     103 //    You can create the dialog using one of the following way:
     104 //
     105 //    1. USER EXIT
     106 //
     107 //        1) Create the Shared Library -- Refer "Block UI Styler programmer's guide"
     108 //        2) Invoke the Shared Library through File->Execute->NX Open menu.
     109 //
     110 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     111 extern "C" DllExport void  ufusr(char *param, int *retcod, int param_len)
     112 {
     113     try
     114     {
     115         theTreeListDemo = new TreeListDemo();
     116         // The following method shows the dialog immediately
     117         theTreeListDemo->Show();
     118     }
     119     catch(exception& ex)
     120     {
     121         //---- Enter your exception handling code here -----
     122         TreeListDemo::theUI->NXMessageBox()->Show("Block Styler", NXOpen::NXMessageBox::DialogTypeError, ex.what());
     123     }
     124     delete theTreeListDemo;
     125 }
     127 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     128 // This method specifies how a shared image is unloaded from memory
     129 // within NX. This method gives you the capability to unload an
     130 // internal NX Open application or user  exit from NX. Specify any
     131 // one of the three constants as a return value to determine the type
     132 // of unload to perform:
     133 //
     134 //
     135 //    Immediately : unload the library as soon as the automation program has completed
     136 //    Explicitly  : unload the library from the "Unload Shared Image" dialog
     137 //    AtTermination : unload the library when the NX session terminates
     138 //
     139 //
     140 // NOTE:  A program which associates NX Open applications with the menubar
     141 // MUST NOT use this option since it will UNLOAD your NX Open application image
     142 // from the menubar.
     143 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     144 extern "C" DllExport int ufusr_ask_unload()
     145 {
     146     //return (int)Session::LibraryUnloadOptionExplicitly;
     147     return (int)Session::LibraryUnloadOptionImmediately;
     148     //return (int)Session::LibraryUnloadOptionAtTermination;
     149 }
     151 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     152 // Following method cleanup any housekeeping chores that may be needed.
     153 // This method is automatically called by NX.
     154 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     155 extern "C" DllExport void ufusr_cleanup(void)
     156 {
     157     try
     158     {
     159         //---- Enter your callback code here -----
     160     }
     161     catch(exception& ex)
     162     {
     163         //---- Enter your exception handling code here -----
     164         TreeListDemo::theUI->NXMessageBox()->Show("Block Styler", NXOpen::NXMessageBox::DialogTypeError, ex.what());
     165     }
     166 }
     168 int TreeListDemo::Show()
     169 {
     170     try
     171     {
     172         theDialog->Show();
     173     }
     174     catch(exception& ex)
     175     {
     176         //---- Enter your exception handling code here -----
     177         TreeListDemo::theUI->NXMessageBox()->Show("Block Styler", NXOpen::NXMessageBox::DialogTypeError, ex.what());
     178     }
     179     return 0;
     180 }
     182 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     183 //---------------------Block UI Styler Callback Functions--------------------------
     184 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     186 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     187 //Callback Name: initialize_cb
     189 NXOpen::NXString nodeBaseString;
     190 int nodeSuffixNumber = 0;
     191 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     192 void TreeListDemo::initialize_cb()
     193 {
     194     try
     195     {
     196         group0 = dynamic_cast<NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* >(theDialog->TopBlock()->FindBlock("group0"));
     197         tree_control0 = dynamic_cast<NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree* >(theDialog->TopBlock()->FindBlock("tree_control0"));
     198         addDeleteNodeGroup = dynamic_cast<NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* >(theDialog->TopBlock()->FindBlock("addDeleteNodeGroup"));
     199         nodeString = dynamic_cast<NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* >(theDialog->TopBlock()->FindBlock("nodeString"));
     200         addNodeButton = dynamic_cast<NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* >(theDialog->TopBlock()->FindBlock("addNodeButton"));
     201         deleteNodeButton = dynamic_cast<NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* >(theDialog->TopBlock()->FindBlock("deleteNodeButton"));
     202         stateIconGroup = dynamic_cast<NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* >(theDialog->TopBlock()->FindBlock("stateIconGroup"));
     203         stateIconOptions = dynamic_cast<NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* >(theDialog->TopBlock()->FindBlock("stateIconOptions"));
     204         nodeToolTip = dynamic_cast<NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* >(theDialog->TopBlock()->FindBlock("nodeToolTip"));
     205         NodeEditGroup = dynamic_cast<NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* >(theDialog->TopBlock()->FindBlock("NodeEditGroup"));
     206         nodeEditOptions = dynamic_cast<NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* >(theDialog->TopBlock()->FindBlock("nodeEditOptions"));
     207         menuGroup = dynamic_cast<NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* >(theDialog->TopBlock()->FindBlock("menuGroup"));
     208         showMenuToggle = dynamic_cast<NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* >(theDialog->TopBlock()->FindBlock("showMenuToggle"));
     209         dragDropGroup = dynamic_cast<NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* >(theDialog->TopBlock()->FindBlock("dragDropGroup"));
     210         disallowDragToggle = dynamic_cast<NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* >(theDialog->TopBlock()->FindBlock("disallowDragToggle"));
     211         dropOptions = dynamic_cast<NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* >(theDialog->TopBlock()->FindBlock("dropOptions"));
     212         defaultActionGroup = dynamic_cast<NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* >(theDialog->TopBlock()->FindBlock("defaultActionGroup"));
     213         defaultActionToggle = dynamic_cast<NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* >(theDialog->TopBlock()->FindBlock("defaultActionToggle"));
     214         nodeDataGroup = dynamic_cast<NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* >(theDialog->TopBlock()->FindBlock("nodeDataGroup"));
     215         instructions = dynamic_cast<NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* >(theDialog->TopBlock()->FindBlock("instructions"));
     216         selection0 = dynamic_cast<NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* >(theDialog->TopBlock()->FindBlock("selection0"));
     217         addCrossSelectionNodeButton = dynamic_cast<NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* >(theDialog->TopBlock()->FindBlock("addCrossSelectionNodeButton"));
     218         redrawGroup = dynamic_cast<NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* >(theDialog->TopBlock()->FindBlock("redrawGroup"));
     219         redrawInstruction = dynamic_cast<NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* >(theDialog->TopBlock()->FindBlock("redrawInstruction"));
     220         redrawToggle = dynamic_cast<NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* >(theDialog->TopBlock()->FindBlock("redrawToggle"));
     221         listingWindowGroup = dynamic_cast<NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* >(theDialog->TopBlock()->FindBlock("listingWindowGroup"));
     222         listingWindowToggle = dynamic_cast<NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* >(theDialog->TopBlock()->FindBlock("listingWindowToggle"));
     223         //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     224         //Registration of Treelist specific callbacks
     225         //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     226         //tree_control0->SetOnExpandHandler(make_callback(this, &TreeListDemo::OnExpandCallback));
     228         //tree_control0->SetOnInsertColumnHandler(make_callback(this, &TreeListDemo::OnInsertColumnCallback));
     230         tree_control0->SetOnInsertNodeHandler(make_callback(this, &TreeListDemo::OnInsertNodeCallback));
     232         tree_control0->SetOnDeleteNodeHandler(make_callback(this, &TreeListDemo::OnDeleteNodeCallback));
     234         //tree_control0->SetOnPreSelectHandler(make_callback(this, &TreeListDemo::OnPreSelectCallback));
     236         tree_control0->SetOnSelectHandler(make_callback(this, &TreeListDemo::OnSelectCallback));
     238         tree_control0->SetOnStateChangeHandler(make_callback(this, &TreeListDemo::OnStateChangeCallback));
     240         tree_control0->SetToolTipTextHandler(make_callback(this, &TreeListDemo::ToolTipTextCallback));
     242         //tree_control0->SetColumnSortHandler(make_callback(this, &TreeListDemo::ColumnSortCallback));
     244         tree_control0->SetStateIconNameHandler(make_callback(this, &TreeListDemo::StateIconNameCallback));
     246         tree_control0->SetOnBeginLabelEditHandler(make_callback(this, &TreeListDemo::OnBeginLabelEditCallback));
     248         tree_control0->SetOnEndLabelEditHandler(make_callback(this, &TreeListDemo::OnEndLabelEditCallback));        
     250         tree_control0->SetOnEditOptionSelectedHandler(make_callback(this, &TreeListDemo::OnEditOptionSelectedCallback));
     252         tree_control0->SetAskEditControlHandler(make_callback(this, &TreeListDemo::AskEditControlCallback));
     254         tree_control0->SetOnMenuHandler(make_callback(this, &TreeListDemo::OnMenuCallback));
     256         tree_control0->SetOnMenuSelectionHandler(make_callback(this, &TreeListDemo::OnMenuSelectionCallback));
     258         tree_control0->SetIsDropAllowedHandler(make_callback(this, &TreeListDemo::IsDropAllowedCallback));
     260         tree_control0->SetIsDragAllowedHandler(make_callback(this, &TreeListDemo::IsDragAllowedCallback));
     262         tree_control0->SetOnDropHandler(make_callback(this, &TreeListDemo::OnDropCallback));
     264         //tree_control0->SetOnDropMenuHandler(make_callback(this, &TreeListDemo::OnDropMenuCallback));
     266         tree_control0->SetOnDefaultActionHandler(make_callback(this, &TreeListDemo::OnDefaultAction));
     268         //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     270         BlockStyler::PropertyList *stringPropList = nodeString->GetProperties() ;
     271         nodeBaseString = stringPropList->GetString("Value");    
     272         NXOpen::NXString nodeDisplayString = nodeBaseString;
     273         std::stringstream stringBuffer;
     274         stringBuffer << nodeSuffixNumber;            
     275         nodeDisplayString += stringBuffer.str();                
     276         stringPropList->SetString("Value",nodeDisplayString);            
     277         delete stringPropList;
     278     }
     279     catch(exception& ex)
     280     {
     281         //---- Enter your exception handling code here -----
     282         TreeListDemo::theUI->NXMessageBox()->Show("Block Styler", NXOpen::NXMessageBox::DialogTypeError, ex.what());
     283     }
     284 }
     286 enum Columns
     287 {
     288     ColumnFirst = 0,
     289     ColumnSecond = 1,
     290     ColumnThird = 2
     291 };
     292 BlockStyler::Node *previousAddedNode = NULL;    
     293 int randomIcon = 0;
     294 NXOpen::NXString randomIconString[] = {"extrude", "cone", "block", "blend"};
     299 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     300 //Callback Name: dialogShown_cb
     301 //This callback is executed just before the dialog launch. Thus any value set 
     302 //here will take precedence and dialog will be launched showing that value. 
     303 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     304 void TreeListDemo::dialogShown_cb()
     305 {
     306     try
     307     {
     308         //---- Enter your callback code here -----
     310         //Insert Columns        
     311         tree_control0->InsertColumn(ColumnFirst, "First Column", 80);
     312         tree_control0->InsertColumn(ColumnSecond, "Second Column", 80);
     313         tree_control0->InsertColumn(ColumnThird, "Third Column", 80);
     315         //Set resize policy for columns
     316         tree_control0->SetColumnResizePolicy(ColumnFirst, Tree::ColumnResizePolicyConstantWidth);
     317         tree_control0->SetColumnResizePolicy(ColumnSecond, Tree::ColumnResizePolicyConstantWidth);
     318         tree_control0->SetColumnResizePolicy(ColumnThird, Tree::ColumnResizePolicyConstantWidth);
     320         //Let the second column interpret the text as icon
     321         tree_control0->SetColumnDisplayType(ColumnSecond, Tree::ColumnDisplayIcon);        
     322     }
     323     catch(exception& ex)
     324     {
     325         //---- Enter your exception handling code here -----
     326         TreeListDemo::theUI->NXMessageBox()->Show("Block Styler", NXOpen::NXMessageBox::DialogTypeError, ex.what());
     327     }
     328 }
     330 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     331 //Callback Name: apply_cb
     332 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     333 int TreeListDemo::apply_cb()
     334 {
     335     int errorCode = 0;
     336     try
     337     {
     338         //---- Enter your callback code here -----
     339     }
     340     catch(exception& ex)
     341     {
     342         //---- Enter your exception handling code here -----
     343         errorCode = 1;
     344         TreeListDemo::theUI->NXMessageBox()->Show("Block Styler", NXOpen::NXMessageBox::DialogTypeError, ex.what());
     345     }
     346     return errorCode;
     347 }
     350 BlockStyler::Node* TreeListDemo::CreateAndAddNode(BlockStyler::Node* afterNode)
     351 {
     352     BlockStyler::Node *parentNode = NULL;
     354     //Get node display string from the block
     355     BlockStyler::PropertyList *stringPropList = nodeString->GetProperties() ;
     356     NXOpen::NXString nodeDisplayString = stringPropList->GetString("Value");
     357     delete stringPropList;
     359     BlockStyler::Node *node = tree_control0->CreateNode(nodeDisplayString);
     361     //Set few properties of node
     362     node->SetForegroundColor(198);
     363     node->SetDisplayIcon(randomIconString[randomIcon]);
     364     node->SetSelectedIcon("draft");
     366     //Take first selected node as parent node    
     367     std::vector<BlockStyler::Node *>selectedNodes=tree_control0->GetSelectedNodes();
     368     if (selectedNodes.size()>0)
     369     {
     370         parentNode = selectedNodes[0];    
     371     }
     373     //Insert Node
     374     tree_control0->InsertNode(node,parentNode,afterNode,tree_control0->NodeInsertOptionSort);
     375     node->ScrollTo(ColumnFirst,BlockStyler::Node::ScrollCenter);
     377     //Change the last node color. Making sure that new node color is distinct
     378     if (previousAddedNode != NULL)
     379     {
     380         previousAddedNode->SetForegroundColor(211);
     381     }
     382     previousAddedNode = node;    
     384     return node;    
     385 }
     388 void TreeListDemo::DeleteSelectedNodes()
     389 {
     390     std::vector<BlockStyler::Node *>selectedNodes=tree_control0->GetSelectedNodes();                
     391     if(selectedNodes.size()>0)
     392     {
     393         while(selectedNodes.size()>0)
     394         {
     395             tree_control0->DeleteNode(selectedNodes[0]);
     396             selectedNodes=tree_control0->GetSelectedNodes();
     397         }
     398     }
     399     else
     400     {
     401         theUI->NXMessageBox()->Show("Delete Node", NXOpen::NXMessageBox::DialogTypeInformation, "No Nodes are selected");
     402     } 
     403 }
     405 //Writes callback name to ListingWindow
     406 void TreeListDemo::WriteCallbackToListingWindow(NXString callbackName)
     407 {
     408     if (!listingWindowToggle)
     409         return;
     410     try
     411     {
     412         //---- Enter your callback code here -----
     414         NXOpen::BlockStyler::PropertyList *listingWindowToggleProps = listingWindowToggle->GetProperties();
     415         bool listingWindow = listingWindowToggleProps->GetLogical("Value");
     416         delete listingWindowToggleProps;
     418         if(listingWindow)
     419         {
     420             theSession->ListingWindow()->Open();
     421             NXString nullString = NULL;
     422             theSession->ListingWindow()->WriteLine(nullString);
     423             theSession->ListingWindow()->WriteLine(callbackName);
     424         }
     425     }
     426     catch(exception& ex)
     427     {
     428         //---- Enter your exception handling code here -----
     429         TreeListDemo::theUI->NXMessageBox()->Show("Block Styler", NXOpen::NXMessageBox::DialogTypeError, ex.what());
     430     }
     431 }
     434 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     435 //Callback Name: update_cb
     436 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     437 int TreeListDemo::update_cb(NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* block)
     438 {
     439     try
     440     {
     441         if(block == nodeString)
     442         {
     443             //---------Enter your code here-----------
     444         }
     445         else if(block == addNodeButton)
     446         {
     447             //---------Enter your code here-----------
     448             BlockStyler::Node *afterNode = NULL;
     449             BlockStyler::Node *node = CreateAndAddNode(afterNode);
     451             //State Icon
     453             BlockStyler::PropertyList *prop = stateIconOptions->GetProperties();
     454             int enumValue = prop->GetEnum("Value");
     455             delete prop;
     457             if(enumValue==0)
     458             {
     459                 //Ignore
     460             }
     461             else if(enumValue==1)
     462             {
     463                 node->SetState(1);
     464             }
     465             else if(enumValue==2)
     466             {
     467                 node->SetState(3);//set value other than 1 or 2
     468             }
     469         }
     470         else if(block == deleteNodeButton)
     471         {
     472             //---------Enter your code here-----------
     473             DeleteSelectedNodes();            
     474         }
     475         else if(block == stateIconOptions)
     476         {
     477             //---------Enter your code here-----------
     478         }
     479         else if(block == nodeToolTip)
     480         {
     481             //---------Enter your code here-----------
     482         }
     483         else if(block == nodeEditOptions)
     484         {
     485             //---------Enter your code here-----------
     486             if (!defaultActionToggle)
     487             {
     488                 return 0;
     489             }
     491             NXOpen::BlockStyler::PropertyList *nodeEditOptionsProps = nodeEditOptions->GetProperties();
     492             NXString nodeEditOption = nodeEditOptionsProps->GetEnumAsString("Value");
     493             delete nodeEditOptionsProps;
     495             NXOpen::BlockStyler::PropertyList *defaultActionToggleProps = defaultActionToggle->GetProperties();
     497             if(!(strcmp(nodeEditOption.GetText(),"Combo Box Edit"))||!(strcmp(nodeEditOption.GetText(),"Listbox Edit")))
     498             {
     499                 defaultActionToggleProps->SetLogical("Enable",false);
     500                 defaultActionToggleProps->SetLogical("Value",false);
     501             }
     502             else
     503             {
     504                 defaultActionToggleProps->SetLogical("Enable",true);
     505             }
     506             delete defaultActionToggleProps;
     507         }
     508         else if(block == showMenuToggle)
     509         {
     510             //---------Enter your code here-----------
     511         }
     512         else if(block == disallowDragToggle)
     513         {
     514             //---------Enter your code here-----------
     515         }
     516         else if(block == dropOptions)
     517         {
     518             //---------Enter your code here-----------
     519         }
     520         else if(block == defaultActionToggle)
     521         {
     522             //---------Enter your code here-----------
     523         }
     524         else if(block == instructions)
     525         {
     526             //---------Enter your code here-----------
     527         }
     528         else if(block == selection0)
     529         {
     530             //---------Enter your code here-----------
     531         }
     532         else if(block == addCrossSelectionNodeButton)
     533         {
     534             //---------Enter your code here-----------
     535             BlockStyler::PropertyList *prop = selection0->GetProperties();
     536             std::vector<NXOpen::TaggedObject *>objects = prop->GetTaggedObjectVector("SelectedObjects");
     538             if (objects.size()>0)
     539             {
     540                 //Create node and node data
     541                 BlockStyler::Node *node = tree_control0->CreateNode("CrossSelection-NodeData");
     542                 NXOpen::DataContainer *nodeData = node->GetNodeData();
     543                 nodeData->AddTaggedObject("Data",objects[0]);
     544                 delete nodeData;
     545                 tree_control0->InsertNode(node,NULL,NULL,tree_control0->NodeInsertOptionAlwaysLast);
     547                 //Reset Selection block
     548                 std::vector<TaggedObject *>blank;            
     549                 prop->SetTaggedObjectVector("SelectedObjects",blank);
     550             }
     551             delete prop;                     
     552         }
     553         else if(block == redrawInstruction)
     554         {
     555             //---------Enter your code here-----------
     556         }
     557         else if(block == redrawToggle)
     558         {
     559             //---------Enter your code here-----------
     560             BlockStyler::PropertyList *prop = redrawToggle->GetProperties();
     561             bool isRedraw = prop->GetLogical("Value");
     562             delete prop;
     563             tree_control0->Redraw(isRedraw);            
     564         }
     565         else if(block == listingWindowToggle)
     566         {
     567             //---------Enter your code here-----------
     568         }
     569     }
     570     catch(exception& ex)
     571     {
     572         //---- Enter your exception handling code here -----
     573         TreeListDemo::theUI->NXMessageBox()->Show("Block Styler", NXOpen::NXMessageBox::DialogTypeError, ex.what());
     574     }
     575     return 0;
     576 }
     578 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     579 //Callback Name: ok_cb
     580 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     581 int TreeListDemo::ok_cb()
     582 {
     583     int errorCode = 0;
     584     try
     585     {
     586         errorCode = apply_cb();
     587     }
     588     catch(exception& ex)
     589     {
     590         //---- Enter your exception handling code here -----
     591         errorCode = 1;
     592         TreeListDemo::theUI->NXMessageBox()->Show("Block Styler", NXOpen::NXMessageBox::DialogTypeError, ex.what());
     593     }
     594     return errorCode;
     595 }
     597 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     598 //Callback Name: focusNotify_cb
     599 //This callback is executed when any block (except the ones which receive keyboard entry such as Integer block) receives focus.
     600 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     601 void TreeListDemo::focusNotify_cb(NXOpen::BlockStyler::UIBlock* block, bool focus)
     602 {
     603     try
     604     {
     605         //---- Enter your callback code here -----
     606     }
     607     catch(exception& ex)
     608     {
     609         //---- Enter your exception handling code here -----
     610         TreeListDemo::theUI->NXMessageBox()->Show("Block Styler", NXOpen::NXMessageBox::DialogTypeError, ex.what());
     611     }
     612 }
     613 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     614 //Treelist specific callbacks
     615 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     616 //void TreeListDemo::OnExpandCallback (NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree *tree, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node *node)
     617 //{
     618 //}
     620 //void TreeListDemo::OnInsertColumnCallback(NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree *tree, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node *node, int columnID)
     621 //{
     622 //}
     624 void TreeListDemo::OnInsertNodeCallback(NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree *tree, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node *node)
     625 {
     626     try
     627     {
     628         //---- Enter your callback code here -----
     629         WriteCallbackToListingWindow("OnInsertNodeCallback Invoked");
     631         //Setting random icon
     632         if (randomIcon==0)
     633         {
     634             node->SetColumnDisplayText(ColumnSecond,randomIconString[randomIcon]);
     635         }
     636         else if (randomIcon==1)
     637         {
     638             node->SetColumnDisplayText(ColumnSecond,randomIconString[randomIcon]);
     639         }
     640         else if (randomIcon==2)
     641         {
     642             node->SetColumnDisplayText(ColumnSecond,randomIconString[randomIcon]);
     643         }
     644         else if (randomIcon==3)
     645         {
     646             node->SetColumnDisplayText(ColumnSecond,randomIconString[randomIcon]);
     647         }
     648         randomIcon = randomIcon + 1;
     649         if (randomIcon > 3)
     650         {
     651             randomIcon = 0;
     652         }
     654         std::stringstream stringBuffer;
     655         stringBuffer << "Column Text - "<<randomIcon;
     656         NXOpen::NXString columnText ;
     657         columnText += stringBuffer.str();
     658         node->SetColumnDisplayText(ColumnThird,columnText);
     660         if (nodeSuffixNumber == 15000)
     661         {
     662             nodeSuffixNumber = 0;
     663         }
     664         else
     665         {
     666             nodeSuffixNumber = nodeSuffixNumber + 1;
     667         }
     669         //New Node text for the next node
     670         std::stringstream stringBuffer1;
     671         BlockStyler::PropertyList *prop = nodeString->GetProperties();        
     673         NXOpen::NXString nodeDisplayString = nodeBaseString;
     674         stringBuffer1 << nodeSuffixNumber;
     675         nodeDisplayString += stringBuffer1.str();
     676         prop->SetString("Value",nodeDisplayString);
     677         delete prop;
     678     }
     679     catch(exception& ex)
     680     {
     681         //---- Enter your exception handling code here -----
     682         TreeListDemo::theUI->NXMessageBox()->Show("Block Styler", NXOpen::NXMessageBox::DialogTypeError, ex.what());
     683     }
     684 }
     686 void TreeListDemo::OnDeleteNodeCallback(NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree *tree, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node *node)
     687 {
     688     try
     689     {
     690         //---- Enter your callback code here -----
     691         WriteCallbackToListingWindow("OnDeleteNodeCallback Invoked");
     693         if(node==previousAddedNode)
     694         {
     695             //Set the previous node to Nothing. Done for safe execution.
     696             previousAddedNode = NULL;
     697         }          
     698     }
     699     catch(exception& ex)
     700     {
     701         //---- Enter your exception handling code here -----
     702         TreeListDemo::theUI->NXMessageBox()->Show("Block Styler", NXOpen::NXMessageBox::DialogTypeError, ex.what());
     703     }
     704 }
     706 //void TreeListDemo::OnPreSelectCallback(NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree *tree, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node *node, int ID, bool selected)
     707 //{
     708 //}
     710 void TreeListDemo::OnSelectCallback(NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree *tree, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node *node, int columnID, bool selected)
     711 {
     712     std::stringstream column;
     713     column << columnID;
     715     std::string text = std::string("OnSelectCallback Invoked: Node "") + std::string(node->DisplayText().GetText()) + std::string("" ") +  std::string(selected?"Selected":"Deselected") + std::string(selected?" at column ":"") + std::string(selected?column.str():"");
     716     WriteCallbackToListingWindow(text);    
     717 }
     719 void TreeListDemo::OnStateChangeCallback(NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree *tree, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node *node, int state)
     720 {
     721     try
     722     {
     723         //---- Enter your callback code here -----
     724         WriteCallbackToListingWindow("OnStateChangeCallback Invoked");
     725         if (state == 1)
     726         {
     727             node->SetState(2);
     728         }
     729         else if(state == 2)
     730         {
     731             node->SetState(1);
     732         }
     733         else if(state == 3)
     734         {
     735             node->SetState(4);
     736         }
     737         else if(state == 4)
     738         {
     739             node->SetState(3);
     740         }          
     741     }
     742     catch(exception& ex)
     743     {
     744         //---- Enter your exception handling code here -----
     745         TreeListDemo::theUI->NXMessageBox()->Show("Block Styler", NXOpen::NXMessageBox::DialogTypeError, ex.what());
     746     }
     747 }
     749 NXString TreeListDemo::ToolTipTextCallback(NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree *tree, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node *node, int columnID)
     750 {
     751     NXOpen::NXString ToolTipText;
     752     try
     753     {
     754         //---- Enter your callback code here -----
     756         BlockStyler::PropertyList *prop = nodeToolTip->GetProperties();
     757         ToolTipText = prop->GetString("Value");        
     758         delete prop;
     759     }
     760     catch(exception& ex)
     761     {
     762         //---- Enter your exception handling code here -----
     763         TreeListDemo::theUI->NXMessageBox()->Show("Block Styler", NXOpen::NXMessageBox::DialogTypeError, ex.what());
     764     }
     765     return ToolTipText;    
     766 }
     767 //The possible return values are 0, positive and negative value, suggesting respectively that both nodes are same, first node greater than second, and first node smaller than second.
     768 //int TreeListDemo::ColumnSortCallback(NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree *tree, int columnID, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node *node1, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node *node2)
     769 //{
     770 //}
     772 NXString TreeListDemo::StateIconNameCallback(NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree *tree, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node *node, int state)
     773 {
     774     NXOpen::NXString stateIcon;
     775     try
     776     {
     777         //---- Enter your callback code here -----
     778         WriteCallbackToListingWindow("StateIconNameCallback Invoked");
     779         if(state==3)
     780         {
     781             stateIcon = "hole";
     782         }
     783         else if(state==4)
     784         {
     785             stateIcon = "boss";
     786         }
     787         else if(state==5)
     788         {
     789             stateIcon = "revolve";
     790         }
     791     }
     792     catch(exception& ex)
     793     {
     794         //---- Enter your exception handling code here -----
     795         TreeListDemo::theUI->NXMessageBox()->Show("Block Styler", NXOpen::NXMessageBox::DialogTypeError, ex.what());
     796     }
     797     return stateIcon;
     798 }
     800 NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::BeginLabelEditState TreeListDemo::OnBeginLabelEditCallback(NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree *tree, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node *node, int columnID)
     801 {
     802     NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::BeginLabelEditState OnBeginLabelEdit = BlockStyler::Tree::BeginLabelEditStateDisallow;
     803     try
     804     {
     805         //---- Enter your callback code here -----
     806         WriteCallbackToListingWindow("OnBeginLabelEditCallback Invoked");
     807         BlockStyler::PropertyList *prop = nodeEditOptions->GetProperties();
     808         int labelEditOption = prop->GetEnum("Value");
     809         delete prop;
     811         if (labelEditOption==1)
     812         {
     813             OnBeginLabelEdit = BlockStyler::Tree::BeginLabelEditStateAllow;
     814         }
     815         else
     816         {
     817             OnBeginLabelEdit = BlockStyler::Tree::BeginLabelEditStateDisallow;
     818         }
     819     }
     820     catch(exception& ex)
     821     {
     822         //---- Enter your exception handling code here -----
     823         TreeListDemo::theUI->NXMessageBox()->Show("Block Styler", NXOpen::NXMessageBox::DialogTypeError, ex.what());
     824     }
     826     return OnBeginLabelEdit;
     828 }
     830 NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::EndLabelEditState TreeListDemo::OnEndLabelEditCallback(NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree *tree, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node *node, int, NXString editedText)
     831 {
     832     NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::EndLabelEditState OnEndLabelEdit = BlockStyler::Tree::EndLabelEditStateRejectText;
     833     try
     834     {
     835         //---- Enter your callback code here -----
     836         WriteCallbackToListingWindow("OnEndLabelEditCallback Invoked");
     838         if(0 == strcmp(editedText.GetText(),"Reject") )
     839         {
     840             OnEndLabelEdit = BlockStyler::Tree::EndLabelEditStateRejectText;
     841         }
     842         else
     843         {
     844             OnEndLabelEdit = BlockStyler::Tree::EndLabelEditStateAcceptText;
     845         }
     846     }
     847     catch(exception& ex)
     848     {
     849         //---- Enter your exception handling code here -----
     850         TreeListDemo::theUI->NXMessageBox()->Show("Block Styler", NXOpen::NXMessageBox::DialogTypeError, ex.what());
     851     }
     853     return OnEndLabelEdit;
     855 }
     857 NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::EditControlOption TreeListDemo::OnEditOptionSelectedCallback(NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree *tree, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node *node, int columnID, int selectedOptionID, NXString selectedOptionText, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::ControlType type)
     858 {
     859     NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::EditControlOption OnEditOptionSelected = BlockStyler::Tree::EditControlOptionReject;    
     860     try
     861     {
     862         //---- Enter your callback code here -----
     864         if (BlockStyler::Tree::ControlTypeComboBox == type)
     865         {
     866             if (0 == strcmp(selectedOptionText.GetText(),"ComboBox-RejectText"))
     867             {
     868                 OnEditOptionSelected = BlockStyler::Tree::EditControlOptionReject;
     869             }
     870             else
     871             {
     872                 OnEditOptionSelected = BlockStyler::Tree::EditControlOptionAccept;
     873             }
     874         }
     875         else if (BlockStyler::Tree::ControlTypeListBox == type)
     876         {
     877             if (0 == strcmp(selectedOptionText.GetText(),"ListBox-RejectText"))
     878             {
     879                 OnEditOptionSelected = BlockStyler::Tree::EditControlOptionReject;
     880             }
     881             else
     882             {
     883                 OnEditOptionSelected = BlockStyler::Tree::EditControlOptionAccept;
     884             }
     885         }                          
     886     }
     887     catch(exception& ex)
     888     {
     889         //---- Enter your exception handling code here -----
     890         TreeListDemo::theUI->NXMessageBox()->Show("Block Styler", NXOpen::NXMessageBox::DialogTypeError, ex.what());
     891     }
     893     return OnEditOptionSelected;
     894 }
     896 NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::ControlType TreeListDemo::AskEditControlCallback(NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree *tree, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node *node, int columnID)
     897 {
     898     NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree::ControlType AskEditControl = BlockStyler::Tree::ControlTypeNone;;
     900     try
     901     {
     902         //---- Enter your callback code here -----
     903         BlockStyler::PropertyList *prop = nodeEditOptions->GetProperties();
     904         int labelEditOption = prop->GetEnum("Value");
     905         delete prop;
     907         if(labelEditOption==2)
     908         {
     909             AskEditControl = BlockStyler::Tree::ControlTypeComboBox;  
     910             std::vector<NXOpen::NXString> options;
     911             options.push_back(NXOpen::NXString("ComboBox-AcceptText"));
     912             options.push_back(NXOpen::NXString("ComboBox-DefaultText"));
     913             options.push_back(NXOpen::NXString("ComboBox-RejectText"));
     914             tree->SetEditOptions(options,1);    
     915         }
     916         else if(labelEditOption==3)
     917         {
     918             AskEditControl = BlockStyler::Tree::ControlTypeListBox;
     920             std::vector<NXOpen::NXString> options;
     921             options.push_back(NXOpen::NXString("ListBox-AcceptText"));
     922             options.push_back(NXOpen::NXString("ListBox-DefaultText"));
     923             options.push_back(NXOpen::NXString("ListBox-RejectText"));
     925             tree->SetEditOptions(options,1);        
     926         }                                   
     927     }
     928     catch(exception& ex)
     929     {
     930         //---- Enter your exception handling code here -----
     931         TreeListDemo::theUI->NXMessageBox()->Show("Block Styler", NXOpen::NXMessageBox::DialogTypeError, ex.what());
     932     }
     933     return AskEditControl;
     934 }
     936 enum MenuID
     937 {
     938     AddNode = 0,
     939     DeleteNode,
     940     CheckedMenuItem,
     941     DefaultMenuItem,
     942     DialogLaunchMenuItem,
     943     DisableMenuItem,
     944     HiddenMenuItem,
     945     IconMenuItem,
     947     SubMenu1,
     948     SubMenu2,
     949     SubMenuItem1,
     950     SubMenuItem2,
     951     SubMenuItem3,
     952     SubMenuItem4,
     954     TreeMenuItem,
     955 };
     958 void TreeListDemo::OnMenuCallback(NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree *tree, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node *node, int columnID)
     959 {
     960     try
     961     {
     962         //---- Enter your callback code here -----
     963         WriteCallbackToListingWindow("OnMenuCallback Invoked");
     964         BlockStyler::PropertyList *prop = showMenuToggle->GetProperties() ;
     965         bool value = prop->GetLogical("Value");
     966         delete prop;
     968         if(value == false)
     969         {
     970             return;
     971         }
     973         //Create Menu
     974         BlockStyler::TreeListMenu *menu = tree->CreateMenu();
     975         BlockStyler::TreeListMenu *SubMenu1 = tree->CreateMenu();
     976         BlockStyler::TreeListMenu *SubMenu2 = tree->CreateMenu();
     979         if(node==NULL)
     980         {
     981             menu->AddMenuItem(AddNode,"Add Node");
     982             menu->AddSeparator();
     983             menu->AddMenuItem(TreeMenuItem,"Tree menu item");            
     984         }
     985         else //Menu request for Node
     986         {
     987             menu->AddMenuItem(AddNode,"Add Node");
     988             menu->AddMenuItem(MenuID(DeleteNode),"Delete Node");
     991             menu->AddSeparator();
     992             menu->AddMenuItem(CheckedMenuItem,"Checked Menu Item");
     993             menu->AddMenuItem(DefaultMenuItem,"Default Menu Item");
     994             menu->AddMenuItem(DialogLaunchMenuItem,"Dialog Launch Menu Item");
     995             menu->AddMenuItem(DisableMenuItem,"Disable Menu Item");
     996             menu->AddMenuItem(HiddenMenuItem,"Hidden Menu Item");
     997             menu->AddMenuItem(IconMenuItem,"Icon Menu Item");
     999             menu->AddSeparator();
    1000             menu->AddMenuItem(::SubMenu1,"Sub Menu 1");
    1001             menu->AddMenuItem(::SubMenu2,"Sub Menu 2");
    1003             //Sub Menu
    1004             SubMenu1->AddMenuItem(SubMenuItem1,"Sub Menu Item 1");
    1005             SubMenu1->AddMenuItem(SubMenuItem2,"Sub Menu Item 2");
    1007             SubMenu2->AddMenuItem(SubMenuItem3,"Sub Menu Item 3");
    1008             SubMenu2->AddMenuItem(SubMenuItem4,"Sub Menu Item 4");
    1010             //Set Sub Menu
    1011             menu->SetSubMenu(::SubMenu1,SubMenu1);
    1012             menu->SetSubMenu(::SubMenu2,SubMenu2);
    1014             //Edit Menu Items
    1015             menu->SetItemChecked(CheckedMenuItem,true);
    1016             menu->SetItemDefault(DefaultMenuItem,true);
    1017             menu->SetItemDialogLaunching(DialogLaunchMenuItem,true);
    1018             menu->SetItemDisable(DisableMenuItem,true);
    1019             menu->SetItemHidden(HiddenMenuItem,true);
    1020             menu->SetItemIcon(IconMenuItem,"sketch");
    1021         }
    1023         //Set menu on tree
    1024         tree->SetMenu(menu);
    1026         //Dispose the menu only after setting the menu on tree
    1027         delete menu;
    1028         delete SubMenu1;
    1029         delete SubMenu2;            
    1030     }
    1031     catch(exception& ex)
    1032     {
    1033         //---- Enter your exception handling code here -----
    1034         TreeListDemo::theUI->NXMessageBox()->Show("Block Styler", NXOpen::NXMessageBox::DialogTypeError, ex.what());
    1035     }
    1036 }
    1038 void TreeListDemo::OnMenuSelectionCallback(NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree *tree, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node *node, int menuItemID)
    1039 {
    1040     try
    1041     {
    1042         //---- Enter your callback code here -----
    1043         WriteCallbackToListingWindow("OnMenuSelectionCallback Invoked");
    1044         if(node==NULL)
    1045         {
    1046             if((MenuID)menuItemID == AddNode)
    1047             {
    1048                 CreateAndAddNode(NULL);
    1049             }
    1050         }
    1051         else 
    1052         {
    1053             if((MenuID)menuItemID == AddNode)
    1054             {
    1055                 CreateAndAddNode(NULL);
    1056             }
    1057             else if((MenuID)menuItemID == DeleteNode)
    1058             {
    1059                 std::vector<BlockStyler::Node *>SelectedNodes = tree_control0->GetSelectedNodes();
    1060                 if(SelectedNodes.size()>0)
    1061                 {
    1062                     DeleteSelectedNodes();
    1063                 }
    1064                 else 
    1065                 {                        
    1066                     if(node!=NULL)
    1067                     {
    1068                         tree->DeleteNode(node);
    1069                     }                        
    1070                 }
    1071             }
    1072         }
    1073     }
    1074     catch(exception& ex)
    1075     {
    1076         //---- Enter your exception handling code here -----
    1077         TreeListDemo::theUI->NXMessageBox()->Show("Block Styler", NXOpen::NXMessageBox::DialogTypeError, ex.what());
    1078     }
    1079 }
    1081 NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node::DropType TreeListDemo::IsDropAllowedCallback(NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree *tree, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node *node, int columnID, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node *targetNode, int targetColumnID)
    1082 {
    1083     NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node::DropType IsDropAllowed;
    1084     try
    1085     {
    1086         //---- Enter your callback code here -----
    1087         BlockStyler::PropertyList *prop = dropOptions->GetProperties() ;
    1088         int dropOption = prop->GetEnum("Value");
    1089         delete prop;
    1091         // This will just show iconic representation that drop is allowed. No default action is performed after drop.
    1092         // OnDropCallback should be implemented for specific drop behaviour
    1094         if (dropOption == 0)
    1095         {
    1096             IsDropAllowed = BlockStyler::Node::DropTypeNone;
    1097         }
    1098         else if (dropOption == 1)
    1099         {
    1100             IsDropAllowed = BlockStyler::Node::DropTypeAfter;
    1101         }
    1102         else if (dropOption == 2)
    1103         {
    1104             IsDropAllowed = BlockStyler::Node::DropTypeBefore;
    1105         }
    1106         else if (dropOption == 3)
    1107         {
    1108             IsDropAllowed = BlockStyler::Node::DropTypeBeforeAndAfter;
    1109         }
    1110         else if (dropOption == 4)
    1111         {
    1112             IsDropAllowed = BlockStyler::Node::DropTypeOn;
    1113         }
    1114     }
    1115     catch(exception& ex)
    1116     {
    1117         //---- Enter your exception handling code here -----
    1118         TreeListDemo::theUI->NXMessageBox()->Show("Block Styler", NXOpen::NXMessageBox::DialogTypeError, ex.what());
    1119     }
    1120     return IsDropAllowed;
    1121 }
    1123 NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node::DragType TreeListDemo::IsDragAllowedCallback(NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree *tree, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node *node, int columnID)
    1124 {
    1125     NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node::DragType IsDragAllowedCallback;
    1126     try
    1127     {
    1128         //---- Enter your callback code here -----
    1129         BlockStyler::PropertyList *prop = disallowDragToggle->GetProperties() ;
    1130         bool isDragDisallowed = prop->GetLogical("Value");
    1131         delete prop;
    1133         if(isDragDisallowed == true)
    1134         {
    1135             IsDragAllowedCallback = BlockStyler::Node::DragTypeNone;
    1136         }
    1137         else
    1138         {
    1139             IsDragAllowedCallback = BlockStyler::Node::DragTypeAll;
    1140         }
    1141     }
    1142     catch(exception& ex)
    1143     {
    1144         //---- Enter your exception handling code here -----
    1145         TreeListDemo::theUI->NXMessageBox()->Show("Block Styler", NXOpen::NXMessageBox::DialogTypeError, ex.what());
    1146     }
    1148     return IsDragAllowedCallback;
    1149 }
    1151 bool TreeListDemo::OnDropCallback(NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree *tree, std::vector<NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node *> node, int columnID, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node *targetNode, int targetColumnID, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node::DropType dropType, int dropMenuItemId)
    1152 {
    1153     try
    1154     {
    1155         //---- Enter your callback code here -----
    1156         WriteCallbackToListingWindow("OnDropCallback Invoked");
    1157     }
    1158     catch(exception& ex)
    1159     {
    1160         //---- Enter your exception handling code here -----
    1161         TreeListDemo::theUI->NXMessageBox()->Show("Block Styler", NXOpen::NXMessageBox::DialogTypeError, ex.what());
    1162     }
    1163     return true;
    1164 }
    1166 //void TreeListDemo::OnDropMenuCallback(NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree *tree, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node *node, int columnID, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node *targetNode, int targetColumnID)
    1167 //{
    1168 //}
    1170 void TreeListDemo::OnDefaultAction(NXOpen::BlockStyler::Tree *tree, NXOpen::BlockStyler::Node *node, int columnID)
    1171 {
    1172      try
    1173     {
    1174         //---- Enter your callback code here -----
    1175         WriteCallbackToListingWindow("OnDefaultAction Invoked");
    1177         if (!defaultActionToggle)
    1178         {
    1179             return;
    1180         }
    1182         NXOpen::BlockStyler::PropertyList *defaultActionToggleProps = defaultActionToggle->GetProperties();
    1183         bool defaultActionToggle = defaultActionToggleProps->GetLogical("Value");
    1184         delete defaultActionToggleProps;
    1186         if(defaultActionToggle)
    1187         {
    1188             std::vector<BlockStyler::Node *> selectedNode = tree_control0->GetSelectedNodes();
    1189             selectedNode[0]->SetColumnDisplayText(2,"Default Action");                
    1190             TreeListDemo::theUI->NXMessageBox()->Show("Block Styler", NXOpen::NXMessageBox::DialogTypeInformation, "Default Action: Third column text is changed");
    1191             selectedNode.clear();
    1192         }
    1193     }
    1194     catch(exception& ex)
    1195     {
    1196         //---- Enter your exception handling code here -----
    1197         TreeListDemo::theUI->NXMessageBox()->Show("Block Styler", NXOpen::NXMessageBox::DialogTypeError, ex.what());
    1198     }
    1199 }
    1202 Caesar卢尚宇
    1203 2019年11月23日

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/nxopen2018/p/11920356.html
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