• 数据仓库 业务数仓 ODS层



    ①用sqoop把导入到HDFS的时候,加了参数--fields-terminated-by " ",因此这里ODS层建表的时候也注意相同的分隔符。


    drop table if exists ods_order_info;
    create external table ods_order_info (
        `id` string COMMENT '订单编号',
        `total_amount` decimal(10,2) COMMENT '订单金额',
        `order_status` string COMMENT '订单状态',
        `user_id` string COMMENT '用户id',
        `payment_way` string COMMENT '支付方式',
        `out_trade_no` string COMMENT '支付流水号',
        `create_time` string COMMENT '创建时间',
        `operate_time` string COMMENT '操作时间'
    ) COMMENT '订单表'
    PARTITIONED BY (`dt` string)
    row format delimited fields terminated by '	'
    location '/warehouse/gmall/ods/ods_order_info/'
    drop table if exists ods_order_detail;
    create external table ods_order_detail( 
        `id` string COMMENT '订单编号',
        `order_id` string  COMMENT '订单号', 
        `user_id` string COMMENT '用户id',
        `sku_id` string COMMENT '商品id',
        `sku_name` string COMMENT '商品名称',
        `order_price` string COMMENT '商品价格',
        `sku_num` string COMMENT '商品数量',
        `create_time` string COMMENT '创建时间'
    ) COMMENT '订单明细表'
    PARTITIONED BY (`dt` string)
    row format delimited fields terminated by '	' 
    location '/warehouse/gmall/ods/ods_order_detail/'
    drop table if exists ods_sku_info;
    create external table ods_sku_info( 
        `id` string COMMENT 'skuId',
        `spu_id` string   COMMENT 'spuid', 
        `price` decimal(10,2) COMMENT '价格',
        `sku_name` string COMMENT '商品名称',
        `sku_desc` string COMMENT '商品描述',
        `weight` string COMMENT '重量',
        `tm_id` string COMMENT '品牌id',
        `category3_id` string COMMENT '品类id',
        `create_time` string COMMENT '创建时间'
    ) COMMENT '商品表'
    PARTITIONED BY (`dt` string)
    row format delimited fields terminated by '	'
    location '/warehouse/gmall/ods/ods_sku_info/'
    drop table if exists ods_user_info;
    create external table ods_user_info( 
        `id` string COMMENT '用户id',
        `name`  string COMMENT '姓名',
        `birthday` string COMMENT '生日',
        `gender` string COMMENT '性别',
        `email` string COMMENT '邮箱',
        `user_level` string COMMENT '用户等级',
        `create_time` string COMMENT '创建时间'
    ) COMMENT '用户信息'
    PARTITIONED BY (`dt` string)
    row format delimited fields terminated by '	'
    location '/warehouse/gmall/ods/ods_user_info/'
    drop table if exists ods_base_category1;
    create external table ods_base_category1( 
        `id` string COMMENT 'id',
        `name`  string COMMENT '名称'
    ) COMMENT '商品一级分类'
    PARTITIONED BY (`dt` string)
    row format delimited fields terminated by '	'
    location '/warehouse/gmall/ods/ods_base_category1/'
    drop table if exists ods_base_category2;
    create external table ods_base_category2( 
        `id` string COMMENT ' id',
        `name` string COMMENT '名称',
        category1_id string COMMENT '一级品类id'
    ) COMMENT '商品二级分类'
    PARTITIONED BY (`dt` string)
    row format delimited fields terminated by '	'
    location '/warehouse/gmall/ods/ods_base_category2/'
    drop table if exists ods_base_category3;
    create external table ods_base_category3(
        `id` string COMMENT ' id',
        `name`  string COMMENT '名称',
        category2_id string COMMENT '二级品类id'
    ) COMMENT '商品三级分类'
    PARTITIONED BY (`dt` string)
    row format delimited fields terminated by '	'
    location '/warehouse/gmall/ods/ods_base_category3/'
    drop table if exists ods_payment_info;
    create external table ods_payment_info(
        `id`   bigint COMMENT '编号',
        `out_trade_no`    string COMMENT '对外业务编号',
        `order_id`        string COMMENT '订单编号',
        `user_id`         string COMMENT '用户编号',
        `alipay_trade_no` string COMMENT '支付宝交易流水编号',
        `total_amount`    decimal(16,2) COMMENT '支付金额',
        `subject`         string COMMENT '交易内容',
        `payment_type`    string COMMENT '支付类型',
        `payment_time`    string COMMENT '支付时间'
       )  COMMENT '支付流水表'
    PARTITIONED BY (`dt` string)
    row format delimited fields terminated by '	'
    location '/warehouse/gmall/ods/ods_payment_info/'


    # 如果是输入的日期按照取输入日期;如果没输入日期取当前时间的前一天
    if [ -n "$1" ] ;then
        do_date=`date -d "-1 day" +%F`
    load data inpath '/origin_data/$APP/db/order_info/$do_date' OVERWRITE into table "$APP".ods_order_info partition(dt='$do_date');
    load data inpath '/origin_data/$APP/db/order_detail/$do_date' OVERWRITE into table "$APP".ods_order_detail partition(dt='$do_date');
    load data inpath '/origin_data/$APP/db/sku_info/$do_date' OVERWRITE into table "$APP".ods_sku_info partition(dt='$do_date');
    load data inpath '/origin_data/$APP/db/user_info/$do_date' OVERWRITE into table "$APP".ods_user_info partition(dt='$do_date');
    load data inpath '/origin_data/$APP/db/payment_info/$do_date' OVERWRITE into table "$APP".ods_payment_info partition(dt='$do_date');
    load data inpath '/origin_data/$APP/db/base_category1/$do_date' OVERWRITE into table "$APP".ods_base_category1 partition(dt='$do_date');
    load data inpath '/origin_data/$APP/db/base_category2/$do_date' OVERWRITE into table "$APP".ods_base_category2 partition(dt='$do_date');
    load data inpath '/origin_data/$APP/db/base_category3/$do_date' OVERWRITE into table "$APP".ods_base_category3 partition(dt='$do_date'); 
    $hive -e "$sql"
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/noyouth/p/13222043.html
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