• 关于cisco 胖 ap 掉线的处理

    Jul  4 13:59:46.074: %DOT11-4-MAXRETRIES: Packet to client 30b4.9ef2.fe2f reached max retries, removing the client
    Jul  4 13:59:46.074: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station 30b4.9ef2.fe2f Reason: Previous authentication no longer valid 
    Jul  4 14:07:21.310: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   7c6b.9cd1.13d3 Associated KEY_MGMT[WPAv2 PSK]
    Jul  4 14:07:30.742: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station 7c6b.9cd1.13d3 Reason: Sending station has left the BSS 
    Jul  4 14:07:30.974: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   7c6b.9cd1.13d3 Associated KEY_MGMT[WPAv2 PSK]
    Jul  4 14:10:50.982: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station 7c6b.9cd1.13d3 Reason: Previous authentication no longer valid 
    Jul  4 14:11:56.382: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station  081f.712d.e6f4 Associated KEY_MGMT[WPAv2 PSK]
    Jul  4 14:12:00.986: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station  30b4.9ef2.fe2f Associated KEY_MGMT[WPAv2 PSK]
    Jul  4 14:12:01.606: %DOT11-4-MAXRETRIES: Packet to client 081f.712d.e6f4 reached max retries, removing the client
    Jul  4 14:12:01.606: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station 081f.712d.e6f4 Reason: Previous authentication no longer valid 
    Jul  4 14:12:03.362: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station  081f.712d.e6f4 Reassociated KEY_MGMT[WPAv2 PSK]
    Jul  4 14:37:05.190: %DOT11-4-MAXRETRIES: Packet to client 30b4.9ef2.fe2f reached max retries, removing the client
    Jul  4 14:37:05.190: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station 30b4.9ef2.fe2f Reason: Previous authentication no longer valid 
    Jul  4 14:37:08.226: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station  30b4.9ef2.fe2f Reassociated KEY_MGMT[WPAv2 PSK]
    Jul  4 14:53:09.082: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   30b4.9ef3.8c35 Associated KEY_MGMT[WPAv2 PSK]
    Jul  4 14:55:05.878: %DOT11-4-MAXRETRIES: Packet to client 30b4.9ef3.8c35 reached max retries, removing the client
    Jul  4 14:55:05.878: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station 30b4.9ef3.8c35 Reason: Previous authentication no longer valid 
    Jul  4 14:55:05.882: %DOT11-4-MAXRETRIES: Packet to client 30b4.9ef3.8c35 reached max retries, removing the client
    Jul  4 14:56:30.354: %DOT11-6-ASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Station   30b4.9ef3.8c35 Reassociated KEY_MGMT[WPAv2 PSK]
    Jul  4 14:56:47.070: %DOT11-6-DISASSOC: Interface Dot11Radio0, Deauthenticating Station 30b4.9ef3.8c35 Reason: Sending station has left the BSS 
    Jul  4 14:57:07.026: %DOT11-4-MAXRETRIES: Packet to client 30b4.9ef3.8c35 reached max retries, removing the client



    我参考的这篇文章觉得有用  写下此文  参照下我的处理方式



    这是博客里的推荐设置,我主要采用的是这条  有没有效果还得再验证下

     packet retries 128 drop-packet
    interface dot11Radio 0
       channel <1-13>                       //手动定义信道
       packet retries 128 drop-packet        //最大保持连接消息的上限调到最大128
       no dot11 extension aironet        //关闭智能天线扩展功能
    dot11 wpa handshake timeout 2000      //将认证握手的超时时间更改到2S
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/nodchen/p/13235362.html
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